Baldur's Gate Habits & Tics!

Right now I am on my second playthrough and just recently noticed I acquired some 'special BG habits' while playing the game.
As an example:
- Right before quitting the game I usually visit an Inn (preferably the 'Jovial Juggler'
) with my party to give them the rest they need. Why? Don't know, probably to have them healthy and refreshed when I start a new adventure at another time.
Did some of you acquire similar habits? If so, share them with the BG community and let us know what behaviour you can't avoid before venturing forth! :-)
As an example:
- Right before quitting the game I usually visit an Inn (preferably the 'Jovial Juggler'

Did some of you acquire similar habits? If so, share them with the BG community and let us know what behaviour you can't avoid before venturing forth! :-)
Post edited by DerDuKe on
I've crossed the world looking for you. Okay, not really.
Seriously, I loaded up a BGTu game and started having the shakes in seconds.
However, this frequently causes a tic where I level up and then save the game. Then I think i havent set the difficulty back to normal, so I go into the options and check, and lo and behold I already have. Then I leave and save the game again just to make sure. Repeat every time a party member levels up.
A separate option for max hp on level up cannot come fast enough.
Another one from my side:
- I tend to explore the whole map and get rid of all the black spots before traveling to a new one, even if I already found all npcs and did all quests on it. This is not always the case, but most of the time!
Now I don't even bother to go through the areas where I'm supposed to go to advance the story but straight for the magical items.
I'm afraid I'm ruining my experience but it's just too tempting...
1. q!
2. I always stay at Jovial Juggler.... I somehow feel attacked to the place... It works. hp roll for level up 2DA files are unchanged as far as I can see.
- I explore maps as fully as I can and always look for the most time-efficient way to complete quests that involve travel.
- I never intentionally kill off an NPC even if I hate them or only want their partner to tag along. What if I need them someday? What a waste! I'll just leave them somewhere and run off before they can talk to me.
- I never pay to identify an item even if I'm rolling in cash. I have to use the spell.
- I never rest more than once in a row. Not because I think it's cheesy... I just hate the passage of time.
Besides that I never let any place unexplored, I never rush to the items I want even if I know where they are and I always explore all areas before finishing the game, for the unreachable areas, I use the ExploreArea console command. Also I try to complete all quests I find, even those that would be better for the group not to complete, such as returning the gems that Prism stole.
I often rest to not play at night or try to time travels in regard to that, but that's not so much a real habit as it is an issue with my eyes.
Every once in a while someone who's handle looks vaguely familiar might say something like, "I think I saw him posting over on somesuch whatfor forum" which, of course, I never follow up on. Not that I have anything to follow up with you about anyway.
Gromnir remains ever elusive.
I'm pretty sure they still have that quote because I alt-enter and hit the X a lot.
Either that or I'm remembering seeing it from when I was testing something in vanilla BG1 recently.
I don't know if this counts as a habit exactly, but if things go badly enough for me or wrong enough, especially if it involved massive game breaking bugs. I save my game and start CTRL-Ying everything around me including party members and finishing with CHARNAME.
Or when Keldorn and Viconia kept getting into it and trying to kill each other. I finally got fed up with it and ctrl-Yed the person who was being the problem, and then used Ctrl-R to raise them and did that repeatedly until I felt better.
I usually also tend to keep much of the stuff I find, running around with empty bottles and other usless items, can be a pain in BG II. A bag of holding is my most precious possession. I also refuse to pay for item identification, but havn't tried a solorun yet.
I also tend to explore every single nook and cranny such that there are as few black spots in the map as possible. I gotta catch em all.
I tend to store all of my junk items in the barrel outside of the JJ, for lack of any place better to store them. As a side note, does anyone else believe as I do that "Quest specific" items like notes should not be inventory items and should go automatically into your journal? Just an aside.
I always try and save Marl in Feldpost, even if it is out of character to do so.
I hoard potions like no one's business. Scrolls as well.