spontaneous death..????

I am playing a multiplayer game alone so i can lvl up several characters at once and in ch 5 i started having these spontaneous deaths where my whole party just explodes and dies for no apparent reason. WTF is this?
Hope you have an older save!
I have only played through BG-1 once...but I don't remember this at all too. @Tresset that's not a joke that I just don't get, right?;p there's really something like that?
EDIT: I think I'm having some bits of recollection..."Merek" and "poison" seem to go well together in head.:D
edit: switched "a problem" with "happening" because I don't actually think it's a problem. It's not like you're not told about it in the game. Assuming it is the poison quest, that is.
I agree that this is the type of thing that most games today would never do. And more is the shame about that. Part of an RPG (to me) is the passage of time. People and events don't wait around for the protagonist to get to in their own time. Things happen all around and either you are involved in them or you miss them.
Well Done Bioware.
EDIT: Fixed *blushes*
At the right-bottom is a button to disable party AI, it stops all scripts on the characters from running. Usually this means they won't attack enemies, cast spells, etc. Apparently the poison quest is run with a script, which is held back if you disable AI. Enable it again, script goes off, everyone dies.
Ohhh the temptation to hold my finger over the button while cackling maniacly is great!
I think I remember now. Tomorrow I just might start a new campaign...I'm sure everything will all come back. @Drugar @Necroblivion that's very insightful...although shouldn't that count as a bug?