Jaheira Romance is too long!

I mean, of course it's supposed to take longer , she is a recent widow after all, and it depends on the completion of certain quests and encounters , but... I get the feeling that it might just not happen!
What's your opinion about romancing jaheira, or if you have any other issue with romances (game-wise , I guess), please share!
What's your opinion about romancing jaheira, or if you have any other issue with romances (game-wise , I guess), please share!
There was a mod that sped it up or you can do the ol' pause the game for an hour and come back to her giving you another couple of lines as it is based on rt play and not game time.
Too long!?
Are you kidding me? I don't even... where do we begin...?
One - Her beloved (ignoring the stupid ass books) husband has just been brutally murdered.
Two - She has been charged by Gorion to take on CHARNAME as his guardian (along with Khalid).
Three - She might be morally neutral but she is ethically good.
IMO, Jaheira is a character that should never have been romancable in SoA at ALL given the recentness of her husbands expiration and her supposed relationship with CHARNAME.
If anything, it is unrealistically short. But you know video game logic for fanservice.
I just wish the wait weren't quite so long between lovetalks.
I do exactly the same. I'm fine with the number of lovetalks (actually I woudn't mind if they were even more), but I prefer to speed them up with NearInfinity.
For help see here: FWIW, I wrote a detailed Baldur's Gate 2 Jaheira Romance walkthrough, it's on pages 5 - 21 here:
It should also be said, most of my 'nature' classes I've played are directly because of this so we mesh as the renegade Harper/Forest Outlaw couple.
So Jaheira should be able to shapeshift into a cougar, cuz that's what she is.