Khalid just exploded into a loup garou in the middle of town... wth??!?!

I was on a no reload game, in that first town that starts with a B (beregosh or something) and suddenly I hear an instagib, the game autopauses: enemy spotted.
Khalid is gone and in the window it says "Baresh's new transformation"
and after "Khalid:Death".
On top of Khalid's stuff stands a giant Wearwolf looking thing that proceeds to kill everyone and I can't even hurt him with spells or weapons.
I was in the middle of town near that big marker.
Khalid is gone and in the window it says "Baresh's new transformation"
and after "Khalid:Death".
On top of Khalid's stuff stands a giant Wearwolf looking thing that proceeds to kill everyone and I can't even hurt him with spells or weapons.
I was in the middle of town near that big marker.
But the only thing even remotely wolf related I have fought so far is a dire wolf, and I don't think Khalim was there yet. Maybe a normal wolf... not sure. WTH is going on?!?
It's bad enough I can just run into an army of bandits at any time, even straight out of the gate... but apparently I can also just have party members randomly explode into nearly invulnerable creatures....
This shouldn't be happening though before you contract lycanthropy on the Isle of Baldurian... at least to my knowledge it shouldn't.
If you have an earlier save, I'd say you're more than justified in reloading to it, despite playing hardcore. Unless you're playing so hardcore that game-breaking glitches are something you're trying to play through...
It was pretty hilarious and random though, since it happened completely out of the blue. What about diseased gotter-whatsits... could they have given it to me?
I have never seen this happen and it sounds like a Ulgoth Beard trigger. So if you haven't been there, try reloading, it was probably a glitch. If it happens again Screenshot it.
The only way this could have been better would have been if it had been on video, and if he been able to kill the werewolfed Khalid, and if the final blow had been delivered by Jaharia.
I agree with @Anton, you should either move this thread in the bug section or at least create a new one there.
Also, I remember reading about a rare bug caused by Dorn using somehow Neera's script
Maybe this is related and somehow Khalid is using Baresh's script.
Edit: I checked with NI and it looks like the two bugs are not related after all. Still no idea about what's causing this.
He was never hit by lightning afaik, but if I am using a broken mod god only knows what other effect could have caused it.
Funny thing though, I cast lightning from a wand on him after words in hopes of doing damage. All it did was kill a random civilian though. Maybe the loup garou is a temporal paradox that brought itself into existence.
Edit: I figured it out thanks to you. BG2 doesn't have baresh transformation, so the spell id file from the lvl 50 bg2 mod I installed over teamBGs lvl 40 mod probably caused the conflict.
nah she would just put a collar and leash on him, make him sleep in the dog house and eat out of a bowl