What to do with all that GOLD!

I am about halfway in the game and I have 150.000 gold.
I got about all I want. In AD&D only kings have 150.000 gold and carrying it like moving a small mountain with me.
I suggest you to add more options to spend gold or reduce the gold dropped.
It makes the game weird...
I got about all I want. In AD&D only kings have 150.000 gold and carrying it like moving a small mountain with me.
I suggest you to add more options to spend gold or reduce the gold dropped.
It makes the game weird...
Post edited by LadyRhian on
But i know the problem to. Could be fun to buy a house or something and maintain it. have servants etc etc..
I might donate after I do something evil
My group is good group:
Myself (Mage) NG
Since this is not an MMORG I suggest adding expensive items or maybe buying a bank deposit, more containers
... actually I think we either killed or blackmailed the owners, bribed the town watch, and took it over.
Alternatively, kill people until your reputation gets to 1 (not recommended for parties with good/neutral characters), then try to buy those nifty items that would have otherwise cost 10K. Proceed to bribe the church to spread the word that you are a hero and not some murderer who stabs civilians just so the shops will charge you more.
My main character is a dart-using sorceress. I'm not even done with the game yet, but I've spent over 50k in ammunition. 3APR makes it easy to chew through a stack of darts. I even have her wearing Legacy of the Masters for more damage. 3d3+3d6+9 is not a terrible way to pass a combat round.
There's also temples with potions that need to be bought out. Oils of Explosion. Potions of Firebreath. Oil of Speed. Healing Potions. Recharge those Wands of Fire and Wands of Monster Summoning.
Then use them, because that's what they're there for.
Option B: Use it as your new sling ammo. Gold Coin of Striking +0.
Cause a sword coast magic item shortage!
Then sell them back to Amn or Baldur's Gate at extortionate prices!
Whilst conducting said exchange let slip that you have sold said magic items to Amn to Baldur's Gate envoy / magic item purchaser ("I may be a lowly merchant, but do you think Amn must be preparing for war your honor?")... Let them send an observer to watch Amn's envoy purchase magic items, whilst also saying to Amn envoy, that said Baldur's Gate envoy is next in line to purchase magic weapons for Baldur's Gate in preparation for war ("That man there is about to secure Baldur's Gates future, all her enemies will be swept away! Baldur's Gate doesn't like Amn does it... Oh sorry, mind wandering. Yes another +1 longsword, I am here to serve...")
Set up a neutral hospital tent in middle of battlefield between Amn and Baldur's Gate (which you instigated), with sign saying outside "I have all the healing potions." (You bought them all remember?)
Get people to carry the injured to you, where you can use a scalpel, badly, to end their lives and gain vast amounts of xp...
If anyone is worried about your poor doctoring / clerical skills, show bookcase of resurrection scrolls that you have bought. Say it is easier to carry everyone to the temple dead (60 in a cart piled on top of each other versus 8 in a carriage... easy maths my good sir, your brothers head will be sown back on in a jiffy, now go and show that anger to the enemy!)
Dump bodies off a cliff or conduct a mass burnt offering to yourself, as the new God of Murder, as now you have so much xp you should be near demigod status anyway...
Build swanky temples to yourself all over the sword coast with the change...
That's how I'd spend it... Saveoursock, my idiot brother, thought too small.
Errrm... And back to the real world... Lost myself again there with visions of grandeur.
Or finally (the one I'd go for) you're playing on a too easy difficulty where you don't need to use any expendable items like staffs, potions and scrolls.
I'd also suggest not playing the game with the most maxed out well rounded character group possible. Currently we're playing a 4 player multiplayer game with no healing apart from life stealing attacks. Adds a huge gold sink.
Afterall it is Friiiiiiiday
You pillage everyone one in every city and wilderness of the sword coast and you are mad because you are too much rich ?
I lol'd
First World Gamers problem
The reason for this post was to point out there was too much gold.
Thank you all for your comments.
On a more serious note, you're not the first to think so. Check out the Hard Times mod. It's not up yet for BGEE, but it seems as thought you'd enjoy it. Here is a breakdown:
Beyond that, it depends. Its less of a problem in mage heavy parties due to scroll buying. There are lots of useful arrows and potions you might want as well. Still, the fact is if you are being a completionist you will eventually have lots of money. Give some to illimater or enjoy your character imagining retirement I guess!
Before Hard Times, I had the same problem of having too much money. I tend to avoid using expandable items and use only spells for buffing and also healing to a lesser extent. But then it really adds up, like you experienced.
Or you can just throw it at people... I always wanted to throw money at people...