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Your favourite battles (BG1/BG2)

niklasniklas Member Posts: 18
In my opinion, the brawl on the second floor of the Den of Seven Vales is easily one of the most memorable moments in BG2. I always went for that battle right after Irenicus' Dungeon, following the battle with Draug Fea (sewers) and right after that, if I braved, to the one of the most exciting battles of the entire series at the guarded compound.
The challenge was guaranteed and the reward was grand indeed.


  • AkrinAkrin Member Posts: 2
    Killing Mencar's party was always satisfying, and the battle with the party in the Temple district, though brutal, paid nicely. I'll add one more to the mix: the fight against Firkraag. I died SO many times trying to slay that red bastard, but when I did...MAN did that feel good.
  • DrugarDrugar Member Posts: 1,566
    I'm always a big fan of party-vs-party fights, feels more fair than ganging up on one poor defenseless Demogorgon.
    Mencar was cool, but also the gang in the sewers. But, let's not forget, the countless assassins in Baldur's Gate 1!

    One of my personal highlights is my fight against the Shadow Dragon. I'd buffed up to the max, got all the best weapons out, saved, saved again to be sure, then unleashed hell on it...only for Minsc to kill it in one hit with the Silver Sword.
    Well darn.
  • IranicusIranicus Member Posts: 10
    Frequent battle with the bosses in Watchers Keep had to be a good memorable fight for me. Also, although it didn't last long, just nuking Irenicus in Spellhold with Spell breach spells when you fight him as well as attempting to approach him after you escape from the depths, only to be killed in a few seconds lols.
  • Bastion72Bastion72 Member Posts: 60
    Nizidramanii'yt . Hardest dragon battle i ve ever had
  • ElectricMonkElectricMonk Member Posts: 599
    Twisted Rune... fun unexpected battle, it's hard to beat the first time that you happen upon this battle.
  • WinthalWinthal Member Posts: 366
    @SkinnyD awesome post dude, I lol'd!
  • ShapiroKeatsDarkMageShapiroKeatsDarkMage Member Posts: 2,428
    The final battle with Irenicus and the fight with the red dragon.
  • CheesebellyCheesebelly Member Posts: 1,727
    Maulers of the Undermountain battle is quite fun and dangerous too, especially if you go for the "I want to keep everybody alive aside from the baddies" approach.

    The first Irenicus battle in Spellhold is quite fun too. A bit sad that Dradeel and Tiax have to die though :(
  • ScytheScythe Member Posts: 7
    The lich in one of Amn's basements was one I remember well - I had a lot of trouble with it. Kicking Irenicus' ass was also very satisfying. As for BG1 - I remember the fairly low level fight with Tazok in the bandits camp. It required some decent strategy, good choice of spells.

    One of the most important feature of BG 1 and 2 is it's difficulty. It's not like today's games, where it's either too easy and requires no skill/thought at all, or it's very diffcult and a single mistake can cost you 30 minutes of time lost.
  • MontaronMontaron Member Posts: 10
    In baldurs' gate killing every NPC was pretty satisfying.
  • TheGrapeTyphlosionTheGrapeTyphlosion Member Posts: 29
    For me, one of the most satisfying fights in BG1 was the one in the Library when you finally returned to Candlekeep, especially if you try to keep your entire party alive. I figure if you're gonna get framed for it anyway you might as well try to get some rewards from it. Just for fun sometimes too I would try to fight Koveras and see what happened.
  • NWN_babaYagaNWN_babaYaga Member Posts: 732
    the fight against Firkraag for me too. First time I tried it I died so many times and just retreated to adventure somewhere else getting some levels to show him my revenge...
  • ShapiroKeatsDarkMageShapiroKeatsDarkMage Member Posts: 2,428
    Don't forget Demogorgon.
  • OneTrickPonyOneTrickPony Member Posts: 17
    edited July 2012
    Nizidramanii'yt fight by far the most memorable for me. Vaguely remember this tho; Started the convo, after I gave him some flattery he offered to spare my life(and give me some chalice?) in exchange for gold and my equipment. Obviously i turned that down and prepared for a grand battle. Went in with my melee chars all buffed up, myself, Korgan and Keldorn, while Edwin, jaheira and Imoen(i think) was in the back charging up the spells. I remember Edwin getting some magic missiles out and the dragon died incredibly quick. It was the biggest anti climax ive seen in the game, very much puzzled i went to look through the combat log. Korgan must have done a critical strike on every blow aswell as rolling max on all hits, his dmg output that fight was incredible. Been a good while since ive played BG so there are probably variables ive gotten wrong but as said i only remember the fight vaguely. Its been many years.
  • LordIrenicusLordIrenicus Member Posts: 4
    Honestly, best fight for me in BG2 was alsways the pitched battles with the drow parties in the greater Underdark areas. Both sides had high level spells at that point and a nice mix of classes. Party vs. Party warfare much more interesting.
  • masterdesbaxtermasterdesbaxter Member Posts: 51
    One of my favorites from BG was the battle with Sarevok's acolytes in Chapter 5. That was one of the few battles in the first game that legitimately taxed me. I once played a run where I would reload if anyone in my party died, and this battle was rather memorable since they almost always got one of them! How aggravating, and disturbing to my demeanor!
  • sarevok57sarevok57 Member Posts: 6,018
    one of my most mermorable fights i had was about a month ago when i went to the twisted rune with level 10 guys and won with everyone surviving, ah gnome beserkers, completely unstoppable :)
  • mch202mch202 Member Posts: 1,455
    edited July 2012

    Definatly, but definatly this one:


    After that Fight I opened in this house the very first KFC branch in the city of Baldur's Gate!!! yep... it was a good buisness....

    picture was taken from google...
  • ShapiroKeatsDarkMageShapiroKeatsDarkMage Member Posts: 2,428
    How about the epic battle against the rats at the beginning of the game.
  • LamminbergLamminberg Member Posts: 2
    I've always had fun taking on enemies that are way beyond what you should fight at your current level. This goes on from hunting the black bears at the Candlekeep Coastline ambush site (with lv 2 thief, alone) and luring out the first Doom Guards outside Durlag's Tower as soon as you possibly can, to already mentioned party fights straight after Irenicus's Dungeon. Beating these challenges after hours of suicidal attempts used to make me feel good, and I can't wait for the new harder battles in the upcoming EE.

    @OneTrickPony For me, the fight with Nizidramanii'yt also ended quite quickly when Valygar single-handedly took the beast out in less than ten seconds!
  • niklasniklas Member Posts: 18
    edited July 2012
    Thaxll'ssillyia is usually the first dragon I dare to face, often quite early in the game too. @Lamminberg Challenges are indeed the essence of a good playthrough!
  • ajwzajwz Member Posts: 4,122
    My Favourite Battles in no particualer order:
    1. Sundalessar: The temple with the rakasha, iron golem, and demon summoning mage.
    2. Battle with Drizzt party in BG2
    3. Iron throne top floor
    4. Centeol + Spiders
    Honourable mention: Daveorn, as being the only boss who feels like a genuine well planned boss fight with specially designed AI
  • gesellegeselle Member Posts: 325
    Yaga-shura battle with ascension mod. Portrays very well, how powerful you have become. And grinding down Yaga-Shura is quite fun, without cold spells.
  • DukeOfSuffolkDukeOfSuffolk Member Posts: 22
    One of my favorites was in BG1 in Spider Woods. The handful of druids which are hanging around could have been so friendly...but nope! I probably like it due to the disadvantage you have with them on the structure, so the beginning of the battle is surviving their surprise assault!
  • sarevok57sarevok57 Member Posts: 6,018
    @geselle i've been playing these games for years and NEVER thought of using cold spells on him, that could have made that ascension mod much easier :)
  • willmcclure72willmcclure72 Member Posts: 16
    I loved the battle of the top floor in the iron throne buliding it was pretty hecktic
  • EagleEagle Member Posts: 2
    I always love fighting Firkraag and Bodhi. Firkraag is just such a privileged git and it's always fun taking down a dragon (+ dat carsomyr).

    Irenicus is one of my all time top bad guys and by the end you simply despise him, a testament to how good he is as a character and how brilliant he's voiced, by killing Bodhi you hurt him in a way you hear in his voice when you tell him. Not to mention that battle is so cramped and intense.
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