Cursed scroll of monster summoning

When I activated this scroll I was hoping to be attacked by a formidable enemy, for example a demon knight (ok so not that powerful but you get my point), but instead was presented with some crappy war dogs. Does anyone remember the quest on planescape torment when you have to find a way of dealing with the box which contained a horrible demon? Well I was thinking it'd be cool to modify this scroll so that a ferocious demon appears with an exp incentive to make it more of a challenge.
I could definitely see someone writing a quest on such an item though. Not maybe something that you bought at a market, but maybe something that you find deep at the bottom of a dungeon? Make it kind of like the cursed dagger where you have the choice of either fulfilling the quest proper or just killing the antagonist. Kind of like the Djinni in Irenicus' dungeon. That might be cool.