Non-Combat use of Charm Person

So, this is always something that I have wondered about but never gotten the hang of doing. Has anyone out there used Charm Person to any effect other than to turn an enemy combatant into a temporary ally?
For me, I just think that this spell could be useful in loads of ways. I would "Think" that it could be used to get a more favorable rate in stores. I think it should be useful in disarming situations where a thief got caught pick-pocketing. I would imagine it would be useful in dealing with potentially aggressive (but not hostile) NPCs?
I suppose that it could be used to turn a Combat monster green SO that you could pick his/her pocket, but that seems so very situational.
Also, if used on an NPC that for some reason turns hostile, if you charm them and then leave, do they remain hostile when you come back? I would imagine so, but should it really be that way?
Anyone else have ideas? Or done any of the above?
For me, I just think that this spell could be useful in loads of ways. I would "Think" that it could be used to get a more favorable rate in stores. I think it should be useful in disarming situations where a thief got caught pick-pocketing. I would imagine it would be useful in dealing with potentially aggressive (but not hostile) NPCs?
I suppose that it could be used to turn a Combat monster green SO that you could pick his/her pocket, but that seems so very situational.
Also, if used on an NPC that for some reason turns hostile, if you charm them and then leave, do they remain hostile when you come back? I would imagine so, but should it really be that way?
Anyone else have ideas? Or done any of the above?
Charming Centeol ("spider fatty" in Cloakwoods) gives extra "secret" dialog.
Jared (polar bear dude) holds the Boots of the North but he would only give them to me when I charmed him.
That's all I can remember but I'm sure there is more.
I think I read in a guide/FAQ somewhere that "charm person" is the new "hello" in BG1
And NO ONE, tells or even hints to do this.
There are over 200 lines of unique dialogue (check out Nimbul's, too), and a few NPCs will give you minor gifts if you charm them:
- The nobleman on the first floor of Winthrop's inn will give you 20 gold each time you talk to him. Now you can afford that katana! (It's a bug.)
- Lena gives you all her money (4 gold) in order to help Samuel.
- The noblemen in the Low Lantern will give you up to 20 gold each to gamble with.
- Brevlik will give you up to 70 gold.
- Ithtyl gives you gold a few times before saying she's occupied by financial matters.
- The woman in the house north of Landrin's will tell you she wishes she could run away with you and gives you a silver ring to remember her by.
- A nobleman on the second floor of the Friendly Arm Inn will entrust you with a flamedance prevent it from being stolen.
There's a lot more, but they're currently bugged (and in the tracker). I'll make a full list when they're fixed.
Edit: Question, do NPCs always turn hostile after being Charmed?
Sadly @Severon is right that the bg2 charm leaves people hostile.
There needs to be a difference between dire charm/domination - which is mainly combat use and basic charm person which is to get favorable dialog options.
Perhaps all this special options should be active not after charming, but after using Friends spell?
Dire Charm on the other hand, causes them to develop almost fanatical devotion to you, willing to do much more then they normally would, but still no direct control. And since they remember everything when the spell tends, they'd realize you used a spell on them and will react accordingly (would be nice to add the 2nd level Forget help with these issues..aka, resets them to their original standing if they fail the save). On the other hand, the greater degree of mental adjustment makes it easier for the spell to work, and thus no bonus to save.
Domination type spells on the other hand grant direct control over the subject, and you can direct them to do things against their will, but self-destructive or hostile actions towards them breaks the effect.