Canonical charname class?

This is very subjective of course, but what class do u guys think fits canon the best for charname?
Going off the canon bg 1 party of minsc, dyna, immy, jaheira, and Khalid I would think some sort of fighter cleric or fighter thief would balance out the party the most.
Which class do u guys feel would most balance the canonical bg 1 party?
Edit: not sure I agree with the canon party tho, a good alignment party without yeslick is heresy for me!
Going off the canon bg 1 party of minsc, dyna, immy, jaheira, and Khalid I would think some sort of fighter cleric or fighter thief would balance out the party the most.
Which class do u guys feel would most balance the canonical bg 1 party?
Edit: not sure I agree with the canon party tho, a good alignment party without yeslick is heresy for me!
I boot Jaheira and Khalid asap and replace them with Neera and Branwen. Swapping out Branwen the minute I find Yeslick.
this is strictly a bg1 only cannon party choice.
For instance, my brother loves the elven fighter mage thief, as it reminds him of a Demi god from the legends and lore sourcebook, and each of the classes he sees as having potential to "murder" well, following in the vein of bhaal. I, on the other hand, prefer the divine caster route, viewing charnames divinity as supplying a fount of natural divine magic.
Personally, I would think the Charname would most likely be an Unaligned Priest (or, unwittingly supplied powers from Bhaal, whether he knew/prayed for them or not, but in no other divines service) or a Mage growing up in Candlekeep under Gorions tutelage. With the default party being Fighter, Fighter/Druid, Ranger, Thief/Mage, Mage, having Charname be a Priest seems the most 'balanced'.
However, how Charname was found, and the fact he could have been just a civilian in the 'keep and started on his path after Gorions death, I can easily see any class and any race being feasible and just as correct.
Failing that, some kind of divine caster also makes sense. Honestly there are only a few that I find it hard to reconcile with your upbringing. Ranger is one of them.
That's how I'd see a PC Ranger. (s)He was a Level 0 Civilian in Candlekeep, and didn't grow into an Adventuring class until after the ambush.
I don't see any issue with, say starting BG2 as a Ranger, for example.
My vote view to cleric/ranger though. Schooled as a cleric in the halls of Candlekeep, becomes a ranger after he left with Gorion as in @Mykra 's theory.
I usually play fighter/fighter kit, but that has more to do with habit than anything substantive. My first Charname was a kensai in BG2, and that's the character I always return to for my first run when I pick the game up again. With BG:EE I've been branching out.
A multiclass cleric/mage doubles the party's casting power if you leave Imoen as a single-classed thief, and playing a single-classed thief Charname means that you can dual Imoen without worrying about losing that role while she levels up as a mage. The only role that I think is more than adequately covered is that of fighter, which is filled by a single-classed fighter, a fighter multiclass and a ranger that might as well be a fighter.
What the canonical BG1 party does tell you about Charname is that he or she is probably good or neutral-aligned. You're with a lawful good wizard, a neutral good fighter, ranger and thief, and a true neutral druid who, if this game were recreated with 3E rules regarding class/alignment restrictions, would probably be neutral good as well.
I'd think Sorcerer makes the most sense for Charname, it's the perfect class to represent power from an unknown source gradually growing within oneself.