OR at least will be willing to hash out a deal with us so we can take over managing the steam version.
This would be awesome please make it so! also since it selling like hotcakes on Steam it would be nice if you could integrate a bit better. Couple achievements, steamplay for when the mac version comes out, etc. would be appreciated.
It seems like a lot of posters are not listening, i.e. reading carefully. Beamdog has NO CONTROL over the Steam release of the game. They're doing what they can, but all they can do is bug Atari until Atari takes action. They neither approved nor knew about their game being released on Steam.
Maybe a stickied thread with the message BGEE+Steam=Atari with some basic information could help a little? But that might be hoping for too much (not making the thread, people reading it).
Ya sorry dude, that wasn't for you. I forgot to remove your @ tag from the other guys post. I am glad you are enjoying the iPad version and it isn't overhaul that released it to Steam it was Atari. So if you want to see the one who shall not be named your best bet is to spam atari's support website.
And when it comes to game releases, patience is key. Most of the rough stuff was fixed in a month and a half at the most. If it wasn't, I'd be complaining there with you, trust me.
@Doom972 Developers (overhaul) makes an update to their game. They give it to their publishers simultaneously, beamdog and atari, and beamdog releases at once... Atari and/or steam are lagging behind. Explain to me how that is Overhaul and/or Beamdogs fault?
I get that you are pissed about this but at least take a glance at all the other threads entitled "steam something" on the front page of general forum and/or at least take a glance at the previous posts in this thread before complaining aimlessly at everyone.
@Nathan, thanks for the reply, but even though it's not your jurisdiction, and even though Atari have bigger problems, this is still your game, and if you won't do anything about it (like offering an alternative way to get the patch the game in the meantime), it will leave a bad impression of you on the many people who bought and will buy this game. I hope you can find a way to make this right if Atari can't get the patches on Steam.
@VittordeVitto, I didn't mean that you were trolling. I was referring to many of the comments I saw at the time of posting. This thread is important and helped me make the decision to wait until the dust settles before I get this game. Thanks.
, thanks for the reply, but even though it's not your jurisdiction, and even though Atari have bigger problems, this is still your game, and if you won't do anything about it (like offering an alternative way to get the patch the game in the meantime), it will leave a bad impression of you on the many people who bought and will buy this game. I hope you can find a way to make this right if Atari can't get the patches on Steam.
What bad impression? You mean all the people who can figure out that the game offered on Steam is not the lastest patched game. If they can figure that out, they can figure out that Overhaul has done everything in their power to get the patch to those customers. Everyone else doesn't have a clue that the game they are playing isn't completely patched.
And there is an alternative way. You purchase it from Beamdog. You ask for a refund from Steam since they are amazing at customer service and will surely supply it since the game they are offering is not up to date. You then take that $20 and buy it from Beamdog directly and get the lastest patch and all other patches as soon as the patches are released.
I think that'll make everything right. End of story.
I bought the game off of beamdog and am happy with it totally as will anyone else who buys it from beamdog and once steam gets the patches everyone should be fine minus the bugs that didnt get addressed yet.
@Nathan, thanks for the reply, but even though it's not your jurisdiction, and even though Atari have bigger problems, this is still your game, and if you won't do anything about it (like offering an alternative way to get the patch the game in the meantime), it will leave a bad impression of you on the many people who bought and will buy this game. I hope you can find a way to make this right if Atari can't get the patches on Steam.
@VittordeVitto, I didn't mean that you were trolling. I was referring to many of the comments I saw at the time of posting. This thread is important and helped me make the decision to wait until the dust settles before I get this game. Thanks.
Trying to figureout why you think overhaul should do more than they already have concerning steam. You are asking that they spend their time and money to work out a way to provide free of charge a patch for the people who purchased the game through steam. I would rather have them spending their time and money on their products such as BG2EE. Remember, they are not being paid for the product atari is selling though steam. Also remember it is not that atari can not get the patchs though to steam it is that Atrai adds another layer of management thus there is a delay. Overhaul develops a patch an it is pushed through beam at the same time it is sent to atari who then has to push it through steam.
Trying to figureout why you think overhaul should do more than they already have concerning steam. You are asking that they spend their time and money to work out a way to provide free of charge a patch for the people who purchased the game through steam. I would rather have them spending their time and money on their products such as BG2EE. Remember, they are not being paid for the product atari is selling though steam. Also remember it is not that atari can not get the patchs though to steam it is that Atrai adds another layer of management thus there is a delay. Overhaul develops a patch an it is pushed through beam at the same time it is sent to atari who then has to push it through steam.
Where did you get the idea that they aren't getting anything from BGEE copies sold on Steam? If you don't believe me feel free to look up what Trent Oster had said on his Twitter, and probably here too. Also I'm sure you feel super defensive about this, but it's not really customer's job to figure out what kind of contracts the seller has made when deciding where to buy his games.
Not to mention that it would be in everyone's best interest to support the Steam version as well as they can. Steam has probably at least 100 times the volume of Beamdog's own platform, there are over 50 million Steam users with concurrent user record of 6.6 million. I doubt Beamdog has ever had concurrent user count of 66k, ie. 1/100th. BGEE has been a top25 seller since it's release, so it's safe to say it's on track of becoming the platform that most people who own this game will have bought it from, if it already isn't.
Here's good example of what happened to developer of indie RPGs when he got his games on Steam. It's the blog of the main guy behind Spiderweb Software, which I'm sure at least some people here know for the Avernum and Geneforge games. Anyway he got his first game on Steam Augst 2011 which he blogs about here: http://jeff-vogel.blogspot.fi/2011/08/avadon-is-out-on-steam.html
The game's price on Steam was 10 dollars, which was less than half of what he used to sell the games for on his own website, and Steam was obviously taking it's cut from that price too. So per copy he probably got 1/3rd or 1/4th at most of what he got from directly selling his games. Still just two months later he slashed the prices of all his games, and out of the 5 reasons he gave to as to why he did that 3 were:
Now: Huge distributors like Steam and iTunes sell massive numbers of copies for low prices, and Indie developers make good money on huge volume.
Now: A quality Indie niche game sells on big portals for ten bucks at most. More than that and people think you're crazy and move on.
Now: Indie developers can make excellent livings selling lots of copies of cheap games. (october blog entry)
So stop acting like Steam is some great evil trying to swallow the indie developers. Quite the opposite it's probably the one of the best things that has happened to them in the last 10 years at least, and it's a huge opportunity for Overhaul too. Sure they make less per copy than they would selling it here, but in the end it's the volume that matters the most.
Overhaul has given the patched version to Atari. Overhaul can't send anything to Steam. Therefore the delay is Doom972's fault.
That being said Doom972, when are you going to fix this, I'm getting tired of waiting on you to get my Steam version patched.
"(like offering an alternative way to get the patch the game in the meantime)"
Let me spell it out for you in smaller words than the nice people have been using.
You bought it from Steam -> You can only get it through Steam -> Atari is the only one who can send updates to Steam -> If Overhaul sent updates to Steam they would be in breach of contract.
If you WANT it from Atari you buy it from Steam, if you WANT it from Beamdog you buy it from Beamdog.
Overhaul isn't indy and BG is definitely not an indy game so please stop comparing it to one. Yes, Overhaul got a boon when it was released on Steam, however, it wasn't in their original game plan to release it on Steam this early into the release.
Beamdog is small fry compared to Steam that is true, but the only way to get competitive with Steam (and increase revenue so that it is able to compete) is to get exclusive titles like this on their platform only.
Where did you get the idea that they aren't getting anything from BGEE copies sold on Steam? If you don't believe me feel free to look up what Trent Oster had said on his Twitter, and probably here too. Also I'm sure you feel super defensive about this, but it's not really customer's job to figure out what kind of contracts the seller has made when deciding where to buy his games.
Not to mention that it would be in everyone's best interest to support the Steam version as well as they can. Steam has probably at least 100 times the volume of Beamdog's own platform, there are over 50 million Steam users with concurrent user record of 6.6 million. I doubt Beamdog has ever had concurrent user count of 66k, ie. 1/100th. BGEE has been a top25 seller since it's release, so it's safe to say it's on track of becoming the platform that most people who own this game will have bought it from, if it already isn't.
Here's good example of what happened to developer of indie RPGs when he got his games on Steam. It's the blog of the main guy behind Spiderweb Software, which I'm sure at least some people here know for the Avernum and Geneforge games. Anyway he got his first game on Steam Augst 2011 which he blogs about here: http://jeff-vogel.blogspot.fi/2011/08/avadon-is-out-on-steam.html
The game's price on Steam was 10 dollars, which was less than half of what he used to sell the games for on his own website, and Steam was obviously taking it's cut from that price too. So per copy he probably got 1/3rd or 1/4th at most of what he got from directly selling his games. Still just two months later he slashed the prices of all his games, and out of the 5 reasons he gave to as to why he did that 3 were:
Now: Huge distributors like Steam and iTunes sell massive numbers of copies for low prices, and Indie developers make good money on huge volume.
Now: A quality Indie niche game sells on big portals for ten bucks at most. More than that and people think you're crazy and move on.
Now: Indie developers can make excellent livings selling lots of copies of cheap games. (october blog entry)
So stop acting like Steam is some great evil trying to swallow the indie developers. Quite the opposite it's probably the one of the best things that has happened to them in the last 10 years at least, and it's a huge opportunity for Overhaul too. Sure they make less per copy than they would selling it here, but in the end it's the volume that matters the most.
Perhaps it was the fact that overhaul said they were not the ones who released it on steam and that they have nothing to do with the steam release besides supplying Atari with patches.
I would not characterize overhaul as an indi with regards to either BGEE or some of the other games they have overhauled. Also your example does not fit as overhaul has Atari in the picture as oppossed to an indi
Second, I never inferred that steam was some evil company. My point is that overhaul would be better served working on their own products and services and letting steam work with Atari to fix any delays they have.
Third, if overhaul was to get involved with the issues between steam and atari it could be considerd contractual interference.
Overhaul isn't indy and BG is definitely not an indy game so please stop comparing it to one. Yes, Overhaul got a boon when it was released on Steam, however, it wasn't in their original game plan to release it on Steam this early into the release.
Beamdog is small fry compared to Steam that is true, but the only way to get competitive with Steam (and increase revenue so that it is able to compete) is to get exclusive titles like this on their platform only.
I know it isn't indie company, but I don't see why the comparision wouldn't apply. The only meaningful difference here I can see is that Overhaul has more contractual partners to worry about and share the profits with, but that doesn't affect my point about the price per unit and volumes.
Perhaps it was the fact that overhaul said they were not the ones who released it on steam and that they have nothing to do with the steam release besides supplying Atari with patches.
I would not characterize overhaul as an indi with regards to either BGEE or some of the other games they have overhauled. Also your example does not fit as overhaul has Atari in the picture as oppossed to an indi
Second, I never inferred that steam was some evil company. My point is that overhaul would be better served working on their own products and services and letting steam work with Atari to fix any delays they have.
Third, if overhaul was to get involved with the issues between steam and atari it could be considerd contractual interference.
Yes, Overhaul has nothing to do with Steam version, but that doesn't mean they aren't getting any revenue from it. Here's Tweet from Trent Oster:
So they make less than 30%(Steam's usual cut) of the sale price per copy, but it's obviously the amount isn't nothing as you suggest. Not to mention that on both Steam and here there is at least Atari and probably at least WotC taking their cut too. Anyway even if they get 5 times less per copy Steam it still means they only need to sell 5+ times more copies on Steam to generate more revenue, which isn't much to ask comparing the different volumes of the marketplaces.
The evil company part wasn't about you but just a general sentiment. Also of course they can't just go messing between Atari and Steam just like that, but again from Trent Oster:
@MysterD @TrentOster Is there a chance you guys eventually wind-up becoming the game's publisher for Steam-version of BG:EE?
@TrentOster @MysterD We'd like that. Make it much easier to time all builds for compatibility. Right now, no idea how it shakes out.
There is also more another post about how they are trying to get Atari to handover the job of handling the Steam version to them somewhere here on the forums if you wanna look for it. So obviously they themselfs think it would be a good idea for everyone involved if they were handing Steam too.
Overhaul has given the patched version to Atari. Overhaul can't send anything to Steam. Therefore the delay is Doom972's fault.
That being said Doom972, when are you going to fix this, I'm getting tired of waiting on you to get my Steam version patched.
"(like offering an alternative way to get the patch the game in the meantime)"
Let me spell it out for you in smaller words than the nice people have been using.
You bought it from Steam -> You can only get it through Steam -> Atari is the only one who can send updates to Steam -> If Overhaul sent updates to Steam they would be in breach of contract.
If you WANT it from Atari you buy it from Steam, if you WANT it from Beamdog you buy it from Beamdog.
You got what you asked for, now deal with it.
I know right? Now, it might sound completely insane, but what if they offered a downloadable patch through their website? Not all Steam games have to get patched through Steam, so I know that it's a possibility.
Also, the trolling is uncalled for. I don't recall being disrespectful to you.
Because by doing that they are interfering with an Atari release.
Overhaul DID NOT RELEASE BGEE to steam. Atari released BGEE to Steam.
I'm not sure you quite understand contractual interference. Releasing patches manually (for example, for people who don't want to use the beamdog launcher, or who have issues with it, or who don't want to use the steam updater or who have issues with it) wouldn't be interfering with the Atari release.
Unless you are privy to an Atari-Overhaul Games contract that specifies Overhaul can ONLY patch their game through a certain method (which would be the first time i've ever seen or heard of such terms) I would suggest you are incorrect.
Manual patch downloads would be my personal preference as well. It's far from a perfect solution but until the steam patching situation is resolved it would be a suitable stop-gap.
Okay. I am usually loathe to lock down threads if I can avoid it, but in this particular case I unfortunately think I must do so - we've done our best to make the steam situation clear to everyone, so, that's where we're at right now.
For those that are disappointed: we're going to try and get it all fixed as soon as possible, however we can.
For those that have expressed patience and support: thank you, we really do appreciate it.
Ya sorry dude, that wasn't for you. I forgot to remove your @ tag from the other guys post. I am glad you are enjoying the iPad version and it isn't overhaul that released it to Steam it was Atari. So if you want to see the one who shall not be named your best bet is to spam atari's support website.
And when it comes to game releases, patience is key. Most of the rough stuff was fixed in a month and a half at the most. If it wasn't, I'd be complaining there with you, trust me.
I get that you are pissed about this but at least take a glance at all the other threads entitled "steam something" on the front page of general forum and/or at least take a glance at the previous posts in this thread before complaining aimlessly at everyone.
@VittordeVitto, I didn't mean that you were trolling. I was referring to many of the comments I saw at the time of posting. This thread is important and helped me make the decision to wait until the dust settles before I get this game. Thanks.
And there is an alternative way. You purchase it from Beamdog. You ask for a refund from Steam since they are amazing at customer service and will surely supply it since the game they are offering is not up to date. You then take that $20 and buy it from Beamdog directly and get the lastest patch and all other patches as soon as the patches are released.
I think that'll make everything right. End of story.
Not to mention that it would be in everyone's best interest to support the Steam version as well as they can. Steam has probably at least 100 times the volume of Beamdog's own platform, there are over 50 million Steam users with concurrent user record of 6.6 million. I doubt Beamdog has ever had concurrent user count of 66k, ie. 1/100th. BGEE has been a top25 seller since it's release, so it's safe to say it's on track of becoming the platform that most people who own this game will have bought it from, if it already isn't.
Here's good example of what happened to developer of indie RPGs when he got his games on Steam. It's the blog of the main guy behind Spiderweb Software, which I'm sure at least some people here know for the Avernum and Geneforge games. Anyway he got his first game on Steam Augst 2011 which he blogs about here: http://jeff-vogel.blogspot.fi/2011/08/avadon-is-out-on-steam.html
The game's price on Steam was 10 dollars, which was less than half of what he used to sell the games for on his own website, and Steam was obviously taking it's cut from that price too. So per copy he probably got 1/3rd or 1/4th at most of what he got from directly selling his games. Still just two months later he slashed the prices of all his games, and out of the 5 reasons he gave to as to why he did that 3 were:
Now: Huge distributors like Steam and iTunes sell massive numbers of copies for low prices, and Indie developers make good money on huge volume.
Now: A quality Indie niche game sells on big portals for ten bucks at most. More than that and people think you're crazy and move on.
Now: Indie developers can make excellent livings selling lots of copies of cheap games.
(october blog entry)
So stop acting like Steam is some great evil trying to swallow the indie developers. Quite the opposite it's probably the one of the best things that has happened to them in the last 10 years at least, and it's a huge opportunity for Overhaul too. Sure they make less per copy than they would selling it here, but in the end it's the volume that matters the most.
UR hilarious.
Hold on boys and girls, it's Doom972 logic time.
Overhaul has given the patched version to Atari.
Overhaul can't send anything to Steam.
Therefore the delay is Doom972's fault.
That being said Doom972, when are you going to fix this, I'm getting tired of waiting on you to get my Steam version patched.
"(like offering an alternative way to get the patch the game in the meantime)"
Let me spell it out for you in smaller words than the nice people have been using.
You bought it from Steam -> You can only get it through Steam -> Atari is the only one who can send updates to Steam -> If Overhaul sent updates to Steam they would be in breach of contract.
If you WANT it from Atari you buy it from Steam, if you WANT it from Beamdog you buy it from Beamdog.
You got what you asked for, now deal with it.
Overhaul isn't indy and BG is definitely not an indy game so please stop comparing it to one. Yes, Overhaul got a boon when it was released on Steam, however, it wasn't in their original game plan to release it on Steam this early into the release.
Beamdog is small fry compared to Steam that is true, but the only way to get competitive with Steam (and increase revenue so that it is able to compete) is to get exclusive titles like this on their platform only.
@rderekp No. We make less on a Steam sale than Steam does.
So they make less than 30%(Steam's usual cut) of the sale price per copy, but it's obviously the amount isn't nothing as you suggest. Not to mention that on both Steam and here there is at least Atari and probably at least WotC taking their cut too. Anyway even if they get 5 times less per copy Steam it still means they only need to sell 5+ times more copies on Steam to generate more revenue, which isn't much to ask comparing the different volumes of the marketplaces.
The evil company part wasn't about you but just a general sentiment. Also of course they can't just go messing between Atari and Steam just like that, but again from Trent Oster:
@TrentOster Is there a chance you guys eventually wind-up becoming the game's publisher for Steam-version of BG:EE?
@MysterD We'd like that. Make it much easier to time all builds for compatibility. Right now, no idea how it shakes out.
There is also more another post about how they are trying to get Atari to handover the job of handling the Steam version to them somewhere here on the forums if you wanna look for it. So obviously they themselfs think it would be a good idea for everyone involved if they were handing Steam too.
Also, the trolling is uncalled for. I don't recall being disrespectful to you.
Overhaul DID NOT RELEASE BGEE to steam. Atari released BGEE to Steam.
I don't use twitter, so, i did not know the steam version was not the latest.
People having a good impression about the game should be Overhaul's best interest.
Unless you are privy to an Atari-Overhaul Games contract that specifies Overhaul can ONLY patch their game through a certain method (which would be the first time i've ever seen or heard of such terms) I would suggest you are incorrect.
Manual patch downloads would be my personal preference as well. It's far from a perfect solution but until the steam patching situation is resolved it would be a suitable stop-gap.
For those that are disappointed: we're going to try and get it all fixed as soon as possible, however we can.
For those that have expressed patience and support: thank you, we really do appreciate it.