@TC: In addition to fixing Shapeshifters (which I have no problem with), the mod you're using also makes a bunch of somewhat arbitrary changes to the druid spell list. Including changing "Conjure Animals" to summon a pair of 20HD Greater Bearweres.
So, in reality, you watched a pair of level 20s kill BG1-drizzt in seconds. That's not terribly impressive, and it's not "D&D rules".
Honestly the only things getting out of hand was about the OP claiming that he wasn't hacking the game... I don't particuarly care about what he did... but you can't remove an XP cap and mod in unintended abilities then say "I'm just following the real D&D rules so I'm not hacking the game!"
No, they couldn't cast time stop. But they did have immunity to iconic character damage and +500 to hit any Drow who's story happened to be written by R A Salvatore. It is in MY Monster manual, written in crayon on the inside of the back cover. So therefore it is legitimate and legal.
Edit: Oh, wait. There is a typo in the verbiage, so it is no longer cannon unless the revision is in purple crayon. And there it is. So it is legal again.
Well I've added fusion wereslimes to my monster manual (in purple crayon of course). I'm going to not hack my game so my level 45 druid can summon them.
I agree with most of the posters that the OP is lacking tact, and he's doing the forum equivalent of broadcasting "DING" in an MMO. But I must admit, especially as a Greyhawk fan, there's something therapeutic and grimly satisfying about seeing such results on your info screen. Of all the characters, I think Xzar deserves it most. Who'd trust him when he told the story in a tavern anyway?
Many summoned creatures died to bring us this information.
And since we're on such an annoying topic, did they reduce Elminster in power? I don't remember being able to take him on at all. Maybe they tweaked the Random Number Generator or something as well. Either that, or I misremember or am approaching him in a different manner than before. Max level, hopped up on potions, Dorn & Montaron as backup, I'd say it's 50/50 I kill a chosen of Mistra or I walk away as a chicken.
So, in reality, you watched a pair of level 20s kill BG1-drizzt in seconds.
That's not terribly impressive, and it's not "D&D rules".
I added a page to the back of my D&D book that said werebears could cast Time Stop as a free action 239 times a day.
So it is legit and not hacking!!!!
Edit: Oh, wait. There is a typo in the verbiage, so it is no longer cannon unless the revision is in purple crayon. And there it is. So it is legal again.
I mean really, what's the point of even being a mage without it? All I wanted was to play a "true D&D" mage...
Many summoned creatures died to bring us this information.
And since we're on such an annoying topic, did they reduce Elminster in power? I don't remember being able to take him on at all. Maybe they tweaked the Random Number Generator or something as well. Either that, or I misremember or am approaching him in a different manner than before. Max level, hopped up on potions, Dorn & Montaron as backup, I'd say it's 50/50 I kill a chosen of Mistra or I walk away as a chicken.
If you'd like to continue this line of what passes in Wonderland for conversation, please use the thread in Off-Topic.