formula for attack rolls X+Y=Z

in combat, there is a calculation for an attack roll. X+Y=Z or sometime X-Y=Z
X = roll 1d20 (1 = miss, 20= crit hit)
but what are Y and Z ? and how does this compare to thac0 and ac?
apparently it varies in fight, changing between weapons, sometimes even situtational?
X = roll 1d20 (1 = miss, 20= crit hit)
but what are Y and Z ? and how does this compare to thac0 and ac?
apparently it varies in fight, changing between weapons, sometimes even situtational?
some examples for one fight lvl1 char against Karlat (read sheaf inn)
backstab Katana got Y=+3 and it was a with 13+3=16 a hit
regular meele attack got 17-1 = 16 and it was a miss.
shortbow from range got 14+2=16 and it was a miss
shortbow in meele range got 2-6=-4 (miss,duh)
the enemy got Y=+0 but sometimes also Y=+4 (apparently when holding a bow)
THAC0-AC=number needed to hit
So if you have a THAC0 of 15 and want to hit someone with AC 5, you need a 10 or better to hit. If your target has an AC of -5 you'd only hit on a 20.
Don't ask what the modifers are and where THAC0 and enemy AC come into this. The fact that it isn't explained well is annoying.
I think it should be X + Y - AC = Z, where AC is enemy AC and Z is compared against the attacker's THAC0. Y being for modifiers that don't directly affect THAC0 like ranged weapon in melee penalty like you said.
[d20] + [all modifiers] = attack roll (this step is what's actually shown ingame when you have the 'show to-hit rolls enabled)
Then the enemy's AC is added to the attack roll. If the result is >= your base THAC0, you hit them. (this step is not shown ingame, other than the result, i.e. "Hit" or "Miss")
d20 + your hit modifiers (from proficiency, stats and magical weapons) + targets AC
Then that gets compared to your THAC0, if it is above it, you hit.
please walk me through these numbers exactly:
CHARNAME level 1/1, (thief/illusionist, gnome, 1 point katana, 1 point shortbow)
base thac0 20
Katana to hit -1 (from strength 18)
displayed thac0 19
A) backstab meele Katana: got 13+3=16 a hit
my thac0 is not 16, yet i did hit. furthermore A and B seem to contradict each other.
In BG2 you could "Show Combat Info" which shows you the exact formula. That feature has been commented out of BG:EE/ToB code. We're still waiting to see if they are going to allow us to enable it again.
The computer is comparing your adjusted dice roll to the enemy's AC, and adjudicating hit or miss based on your adjusted diceroll.
In your example B, you had a base -1 adjustment from your strength penalty for using a katana. In your example A you got a +4 bonus for attacking from stealth, minus your strength penalty, for a total of +3.
Your enemy during example A also suffered an unseen penalty to his AC because he didn't see you (penalty to AC when attacked by a stealthed or invisible creature), so the 16 was enough to hit once all modifiers were taken into account.
Your enemy during example B now knows you are there, since you didn't kill him, and now he has no penalties to AC. Further, you no longer have any bonuses to hit. Even though your adjusted roll is the same, your enemy has a high enough AC that your 16 is no longer high enough to hit.
We don't have enough information in your examples to compute what his AC actually is. It could be almost anything, but if you are missing with 16's, it's probably pretty low (good.)
Here's whats happening:
In case a), you get +1 from strength, +4 from being stealthed. But Karlat is wearing chainmail, which has a bonus or 2 vs. slashing (so a penalty to your attack roll). So your net modifier is +3.
in case b) your stealth bonus is gone, so your net modifier is -1.
I still don't know how a modified attack roll of 16 hit the first time and missed the next. Are you sure that's what happened?
Edit: I don't think this is right either. AFAIK enemies don't suffer an AC penalty from being attacked by a hidden character, that character simply gains a +4 to attack, which is factored into the attack roll modifiers. I really don't know why a final roll of 16 would miss one time and miss the next.
so the final result is not actually checked against my thac0 but if the enemy has AC3 it is checked against my "THAC3" (which is lowered by 3) I am 100% sure this was the log. i did not switch weapons and had no buffs running.
i know that in Pnp 3e that dex armor bonus is not applied in these situations. is the same the case here?
the most logical explanation would be the +3 from dex was not applied wich would bring down the needed roll from 16 to 13.