Perfection: Thy name is Katana! ...Really?
Ok, so This is kind of a pet peeve of mine so bear with me here.
Why the crap does it seem like everyone all over the world seems to praise the katana as the ultimate sword? I'm not even talking about just BG here (although the phenomenon does exist in BG). Everyone everywhere in the world treats the katana as the most perfect thing that people ever created to cut up other people. Why? What makes it so darn good? Lets use BG as an example. The in game description of a katana basically says that it is already so darn perfect that even the greatest of magic can't improve it's performance. What is wrong with a good old fashioned long sword or great sword or, heck, every other type of sword in existence? Why is it that katanas seem to get ALL the praise at the expense of other swords?
Now I know some basic history about katanas. I know that they are very important in Japanese culture and tradition and all that. I also know that the process of constructing one is very complicated and technical. I will even admit that they are probably sharper than your average sword. What I don't quite understand is why all this makes them superior in every way to all other swords. From what I have heard they are actually somewhat unwieldy and even dangerous to the wielder.
I'm not sure exactly what kind of response I am looking for here. Mostly I am wondering if I am alone in my belief that katanas are overrated in the real world. I would also welcome people who want to talk about facts involving katanas on a historical or technical perspective. (Just don't make a giant wall of text as I am unlikely to read the whole thing.)
Why the crap does it seem like everyone all over the world seems to praise the katana as the ultimate sword? I'm not even talking about just BG here (although the phenomenon does exist in BG). Everyone everywhere in the world treats the katana as the most perfect thing that people ever created to cut up other people. Why? What makes it so darn good? Lets use BG as an example. The in game description of a katana basically says that it is already so darn perfect that even the greatest of magic can't improve it's performance. What is wrong with a good old fashioned long sword or great sword or, heck, every other type of sword in existence? Why is it that katanas seem to get ALL the praise at the expense of other swords?
Now I know some basic history about katanas. I know that they are very important in Japanese culture and tradition and all that. I also know that the process of constructing one is very complicated and technical. I will even admit that they are probably sharper than your average sword. What I don't quite understand is why all this makes them superior in every way to all other swords. From what I have heard they are actually somewhat unwieldy and even dangerous to the wielder.
I'm not sure exactly what kind of response I am looking for here. Mostly I am wondering if I am alone in my belief that katanas are overrated in the real world. I would also welcome people who want to talk about facts involving katanas on a historical or technical perspective. (Just don't make a giant wall of text as I am unlikely to read the whole thing.)
1d10 wielded in one hand is pretty good.
A katana would be superior to about any other weapon in BG if enchantment values were equal.
Varscona gets +2 with +1 cold damage. So it is 3-10 +1 cold with +2 to hit
A katana with that same enchantment would be 3-12 + 1 cold with +2 to hit
Video on Katana vs Long Sword:
You might find this interesting.
Anything else:
Also, one word: Masamune.
But basically I thought that katanas were sharper and had a much higher level of craftsmanship.
That may have had more to do with smelting and forging techniques then anything though.
I think there are more ancient katanas than long swords in good condition (less rusted, less broken, etc...)
Again, that may have to do more with how they were cared for than anything though.
You didn't watch the video.
I think the reason why the katana (and wakizashis and ninjatos, and heck, even scimitars) are held on such a high pedestal is because of the foreign factor. They aren't just ordinary swords; they have a culture surrounding them reflective of the East, and that makes them attractive to some people.
Not to say that I dislike katanas (in fact, I'm also a big katana fan), but they're just a type of sword. Nothing much more than that.
Katana signed by Masamune with an inscription (城和泉守所持) in gold inlay, Kamakura period, 14th century, blade length: 70.6 cm
Look at that. It is glorious.
Plus, here is all the proof you will need that katanas are superior.
In order to beat Sephiroth armed with the Masamune, Cloud had to use Omnislash which summons like 15 broadswords. So I think it is safe, and completely logical to assume that 1 Katana > 14 Broadswords.
That was me being silly, in all seriousness:
I was still under the impression that katanas were better crafted and were sharper, they were definitely easier to draw and attack in one motion. Though it seems the better crafted may be up for debate.
Not saying a Katana is equal to firearms, but as to why they are portrayed that way in fiction and longswords aren't.
Show me a guy cutting a bb gun pellet shot at him in one quickdraw with a longsword. :P
In real life, a weapon is only as good as the person wielding it. So by definition, a katana isn't better or worse than a long sword or a kitchen knife. Each can be a lethal weapon in the hands of someone who knows how to use it, or utterly useless in the hands of someone who has no idea what to do with it.
That video does show a katana being much sharper, and I could see someone counting sharper as more damage.
Obviously skill counts more, but we are talking equal skill in a longsword vs equal skill in a katana.
I'll admit I'm a fanboi, but I think there is a lot of evidence that points to katana being sharper and having better techniques that accompany it, and I think the idea that it is only liked so much for being foreign is anti-fanboism.
I would like to see evidence that a blade forged by someone in Europe around 1300 would compete with a blade forged by Masamune.
Sharper will also not make a difference if you fight a well-armored enemy. In that case, a heavier weapon may be "better". There are tons of factors that make a weapon "better" in a specific situation. A katana being sharper makes it "better" for situations where it counts how sharp a weapon is. (Duh, I know.)
An example how katanas are "cool" and therefore included (unlike other swords) would be Star Trek. There is no reason an otherwise intelligent person like Zulu would carry a katana in the age of ENERGY WEAPONS than the producers deciding that it is "cool". Contrast: the Scottish character doesn't carry a William Wallace style European weapon. If blade weapons were that effective, why would they not be Starfleet standard? The Klingons are called out on using their bat'leths in that day and age several times by others. That makes a katana much "cooler" than every other type of sword, including badass fantasy weapons. It's hard to not see the fanboism in that.
The reason I'm not buying that narrative is a lot of anime / manga focuses on European style swords instead of katanas.
Again, I may be the odd one out here.
I honestly believe the craftsmanship on katanas in 1300 was far better than weapons in Europe. However, as I think was previously stated, that could have a large part to do with Japan keeping better records on these things since katanas were a part of their culture.
And ALL that being said, I still take longswords in BG over katanas. Unless I want to play with Celestial Fury, but more times than not it's longswords.
Also that drink sounds terrible.
And if one of the underlying points is why do some people INSIST on using katanas even though their selection in BG sucks, and they keep lobbying for more katanas in the game etc.. etc.. then I don't understand that either.
I see your point. I think it would also depend a lot on what type of armor is being used (Eastern vs Western armor) as to what weapon type was better. That is just conjecture obviously, but I don't think a katana being sharper is going to help a lot against full plate mail or a shield.
I don't mind them being in the game, and maybe it would be nice to have a better selection, but I don't need it. To me, katanas don't really fit in a setting like Baldur's Gate. Sure, there are other cultures that resemble Asia in the Forgotten Realms, but they aren't on the Sword Coast or in Amn. Having every merchant offer katanas nonetheless takes away a part of being "exotic" weapons, which they should be in that area. It's a bit like selling impi gear on every corner despite the game being set far away from cultures resembling Africa.
Standard rpg fare that. Same with armours too.
Unless you're fighting a dragon. ...In which case, halberds.
So what makes the katana "better", really, is the person wielding it, not necessarily the weapon itself. If you put a long sword in the hands of a samurai and a katana in the hands of an English knight, they will both be less effective--but the long sword, requiring less skill to use, will be more effective than the katana.
Perhaps from a technical or 'engineering' standpoint, the katana could be seen as a superior sword, but that can only go so far. You can't simply put the 'best' weapon in the hands of a fighter, and expect him to automatically be a better fighter. Preference and individual skill come into play.
My personal opinions on the weapon are as such - I recognize the craftsmanship and lethality of the weapon, and understand it is essentially a marvel in terms of engineering, but personally I really don't care for them. I don't really care for their physical appearance or the culture that surrounds them. I'm not really a big fan of eastern culture - samurai, katanas, ninjas, Japanese architecture, anime, even video games with that eastern 'feel.'
I don't really care for the secrecy and subterfuge and the martial arts and sneaking around - I'm a much bigger fan of muscle and brute force, which is why I prefer Barbarians and Vikings over Samurai and ninjas. You can keep your katana, I'll take a 2-handed warhammer.
Because he says so.
Who am I kidding, frankly speaking I agree with @Tresset.
I think It's because they don't know about real world katna
Katanas were quick strike weapons. I was impressed how they could be unsheathed into an attack straight away.
But they only have ONE sharp edge. Get above, and beyond the point and it would lose all efficacy in hurting the opponent. However it would be easier to engineer the swords strength behind that blade, basically making it stronger.
Longswords have two bladed edges, you can swing it upwards and deliver a cut, useful against cavalry. Can be used one-handed to hold the reins of your horse or a shield.
the point is...
THE CLAYMORE is the worlds coolest weapon! (Especially the ones in Edinburgh castle... They would make Minsc proud!)
But I don't really care, to be honest. Katanas are cool indeed, but I think a lot of other weapons, especially fantasy-styled ones, shouldn't be ignored either. I personally NEVER gave one of my BG party members a katana to fight with. Also, some daggers can be gorgeous too. My boyfriend collects them (just as a hobby and most of them aren't sharp anymore, plus he's careful with them) and I must say that some of them are very nice.