Failing to learn Identify

This happen to anyone else? Maybe it is just me, but it seems I fail attempting to learn identify more than anything. I failed it 3 times in a row, and I've failed it at least once every other game. Always with 18-19int.
Is it just me or do kobolds with bows seem like they hit, even well armored targets, a bit too often.
Since bows attack faster than meelee and kobolds are in groups you'll see more natural rolls from them.
I've seen critically rare spells fail to scribe even with a potion of genius and 25 INT.
I think there's pretty wide agreement that the INT system for mages is badly implemented in the game, which is why so many people either tweak it out or turn the slider down for spell-scribing. It would have been better to use the "spell level plus ten" system for INT and spells, but oh well, it is what it is.
This was at the point in the game where there are, at most, three scrolls of skull trap. In the same game I also failed to scribe Flame Arrows, the singular Fireball scroll, and every Lightning Bolt scroll I found.
In the same game I succeeded in scribing every single Infravision.
But seriously, it has been discussed that the rng in the game has a tendency to create artificial runs of rolls. That things with low degrees of failures can sometimes tend to fail repeatedly due to this issue.
With that having been said, I could see someone in the development team adding an additional failure rate for Identify because of it's almost universal value and the fact that it is a great way to drain money. This is all 100% fanciful speculation on my part and based in no part on fact. But it is nice to imagine... Maybe it is true? Who knows?
I like to play... and quick load.
Either way, it is bad when you burn through every id scroll at High Hedge and you are playing no reload.
There was a similar thread not to long ago about the general % chance to learn a spell. Lots of anecdotal experiences of fails (and someone trying to relate it to the chicken scenario).
In the end, I'd personally like to see the outcome of a 3000 roll test and see how it fairs. I'd bet it all works out pretty close to the percentages. But who knows. I don't think it is so broken that the percentages are significantly off. If they were, I'd think a whole lot more people would be posting on the issue.
Let's keep the 3000 rolls for consistency with the previous experiment.
1) 3000 rolls without restarting the game, check not only if the rolls fall within the expected bell curve, but if you have unusual strings of good/bad luck.
2) 3000 rolls, quit the game between each roll and run again. Compare overall bell curve of rolls as well as unusual strings of good/bad numbers.
If my theory of bad seeding mechanism is right this will happen:
a) in both scenarios you end up falling within the bell curve in the long run.
b) in scenario 2 you get a lower probability of long strings of high/low numbers.
The problem is the first scenario is easy to test, you can make a game script for it that will even store the results for you. But to run experiment 2 you have to write some external program that will interact with BG running it, quitting it, and storing the results. I don't even know if it's possible actually.