Is there a best weapon?

If I were to make a beat-stick fighter, what should his weapon of choice be? I mean, what are the best weapons in the game and for what character types would they be best for? I'm only interested in what can be found in BGEE. Granted, I understand that we haven't explored enough of BGEE to know everything but we should be familiar enough with the metagame from BG:TOTSC, right?
No good having a low ac and damage output when your facing down a mage about to cast lightning bolt in a narrow corridor. I'm sure those moments were Loony Toon inspired.
The greater wolfwere can't be hit by it, though that's it's only deficiency, and it excels vs every other enemy type.
IMHO this is the best weapon I have encountered in the game. Having said this, longbows are the most effective weapons early in the game bar none.
It can be found at the conclusion of Dorn's questline.
As far as I can tell, in BGEE, crushing damage is superior to slashing against 1) Skeletons, 2) Clay Golems, and 3) enemies in (full) plate. Skeletons have crappy enough HP and AC that they'll go down fast to slashing-wielders even with the 50% damage resistance. Clay Golems are about as rare as Greater Wolfweres/Loup Garou, so rank at about the same place as to whether you should modify your proficiencies to counter them. The big thing is that extra AC plate users get against slashing. You have to weigh that lower chance to hit them vs. better average damage against everything else for slashing weapons. Using +3 weapons (Two-handed sword +3, Drizzt's Scimitars) can help compensate for the plate penalty, though you'll still be down 2 or 3 points against those heavy armored foes.
Edit: Incidentally, I'd recommend staying away from Piercing damage. Enemies that are resistant to physical damage tend to be very resistant to piercing (jellies are a prime example), and missile damage even moreso. This is why focusing on ranged combat as your primary form of combat loses its competitiveness after the early game, though it's still nice to have a strong NPC archer in your party.
25% chance to stun no save, and it is the best damage type.
+3 Scimitar, +2 AC bonus
Xan's Moonblade is nearly as good ...
+3 Long Sword*, +1 AC bonus, +50% Fire Resistance
*Yes, it's technically a dagger. But it's 1d8 and looks like a long sword. So shhh.
Go Grandmastery in Staves and ++ in Two-Handed Weapon Style. Crushing damage is strongest to armor bonuses and some enchanted creatures. The two highest damaging weapons in the saga are as fllows:
(For Raw Damage Output)
Two-Handed = Staff of the Ram - Mean Average Damage of 18 Damage per swing on all creatures. +1 for Two-Handed Weapon Style. (19 Total)
One Handed = Flail of the Ages +5 (Full Upgrae) - 19.5 MADMG per swing. (10 of which is various elemental, 9.5 is physical)
During the saga these are the two strongest weapons, hands down.
Carsomyr, Gram the Sword of Grief, Ravager, Crom Faeyr, Axe of Unyielding, Foebane...Angurduval, spectral brand, etc...there are a ton of great weapons with great abilities that do fantastic damage in BG2SoA-ToB, and I'm only touching the tip of the iceberg. But the two up top on my list do the most consistent damage.
In BG1EE There is a +3 staff you can buy fairly early....and the staff of striking which is a killer for bosses.
In BG2SoA You can buy a +4 staff early...and there's a ton of staves to go around so you're not cutting into wizard weapons.
Go Berserker or Kensai they do the most damage / have the best abilities. (I much prefer Berserker)
If you're going defensive using dualwielding maybe take flails and/or Scimitars. Or Hammers!
There's a +2 Hammer that's easy to obtain early in BG1 that's one of the best weapons in the game.
In BG1EE there's a plus two Flail you can buy and there's a ton of +2 Scimitars well as Drizzt's gear.
But in BG2 there's a lot of great weapons in all classes. Though grandmastery in one weapon class is easier to obtain if you are going to dual class ever.
My recent berserker has grandmastery in two handed swords...and he's a beast. Though I knew he'd be weaker than if he used staves.
There is an axe in the Cloakwood mines (I think???) that is great against mages.
Greywolf's longsword is excellent early on.
As far as Xan's weapon, I agree it is excellent. Unfortunately it is only usable by Xan, which effectively neuters it completely.
Two-Weapon Style +++
using the Stupifier and first a Mace+1, then later Mace +2.
Guys, go search for the thread on playing Xan ... seriously I thought he was terrible too, then I learned how to play him properly.
EDIT: Okay I can't find said thread. So ...
Basically you take Xan and load him up on disabling/crippling spells, and a few Mirror Images, eventually Stone Skin and a Fire Shield as well. Basically just throw around Sleep, Hold Person, Emotion, etc. and have him wack the shit out disabled opponents while the rest of your party deals with those who succeeded their saving throws. He does 4-11 damage per hit, so ummm ... he kills stuff pretty fast when they can't dodge.
Also he can still use Wands of Fire if you need him to. His biggest loss ends up being Stinking Cloud and Web really. Keep Potions of Fortitude on him in case you have to use one in a pinch. 18 Con basically solves his only issue. Aye. Maces are actually very powerful, I've found recently.
The differences in opinion in this thread just show that there are now a lot of different and entirely viable ways to go in weapon choice and there previously weren't. I would say that on balance the "best" weapon depends on your Charname class and weapon restrictions and the NPCs you have in your party.
As an example the Chelsey Crusher is now the best melee weapon for non-Blade Bards but sucks for anyone else due to having only one attack.
Variety is the spice of life, if only we had more proficiency points to spread around.
In addition carsomyr is among the best in bg 2
You plan on using Xan?
Your quest is in vain!
(Just kidding Xan is my favorite BG1 mage)
As a spellcaster, he's fantastic. The defensive bonuses the Moonblade gives him are great. The fact that it's effectively a +3 Longsword is a "win more" effect. If it's in play, you've already got the upper hand.