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Is there a best weapon?



  • AnduinAnduin Member Posts: 5,745
    edited January 2013

    Moonblade, and you can also wield it with your mage if you know how.

    How? Does it involve NI?

    If it is cheese. I don't mind it spread on my toast...

    If it is game changing, CLUAconsole, basically cheese with the 'eese' removed and an 'eat' replacing it. I can't use it... But I would still like to know!

    Anyway, lets add my pennies worth to the discussion.

    Most powerful weapon is usually different in each case, dependent on the armor or monster faced... The staff of striking seems to me to be most devastating.

    But in reality. You want most of your group armed with Longbows, crossbows, slings and darts. All are pretty good as they:

    1) Can be fired on mages from a distance disrupting their spells.

    2) Can be fired at a distance so you don't get hit.

    3) Can be fired over objects, through invisible people in doorways or over the shoulder of your tank...

    4) Can be fired at a distance so you don't get hit. (So good a reason it gets mentioned twice!)

    Ranged weaponry is your friend.

    So... Longbow of Marksmanship is my favourite for best weapon in game.
  • BelgarathMTHBelgarathMTH Member Posts: 5,653
    How do you get the Stupefier? Is it part of a new npc quest?
  • How do you get the Stupefier? Is it part of a new npc quest?

    It's sitting in a chest in one of the inns in Beregost.

  • ReadingRamboReadingRambo Member Posts: 598
    Ohhhhhhhhhh I see an elf enchanter can use it
  • SpaceInvaderSpaceInvader Member Posts: 2,125
  • Lord_TansheronLord_Tansheron Member Posts: 4,212
    BG1EE: Stupefier+1. Damage is nearly irrelevant when faced with a 25% stun with NO SAVE... Ridiculous!

    BG2: Celestial Fury+3: Stun again! What a surprise... Also does very high damage, though, unlike its BG1EE lovechild.

    ToB: Flail of Ages+5: incredibly high damage with a large elemental component, slow with no save... yummy! The permanent Free Action can be a bummer for non-Fighters though since it prevents haste effects. Greater Whirlwind still works fine though!
  • lDanielHolmlDanielHolm Member Posts: 225

    Knowing how the wielding limitation works :)

    Which is how...?

    It is not based on any parameters which is reproducible through character creation; I created a character virtually identical to Xan and he couldn't wield it.

    Quite frankly, the only way I see this as possible (without editing the Moonblade) is if you replaced your CHARNAME with Xan and used ShadowKeeper to change his alignment, stats, and class.
  • ZanathKariashiZanathKariashi Member Posts: 2,869
    @Kaigan the reason blunt is better is because it's resisted by fewer enemies. The only enemies in the game who resist it, are at most as resistant to the next closest competitor (usually slashing). No enemy specifically resists blunt damage alone, it's only enemies with general physical resistance, which means, over all, blunt is better. Also no enemy in the game is immune to blunt damage. They might be immune to magical weapons or non-magical weapons, but not the damage type itself. While this really only applied to clay golems (can't think of any others who can only be damage by blunt), it's still a high mark in blunt's favor. As already mentioned, most armors have no bonus at all vs blunt, except splint mail (+2 ac) which is an incredibly rare armor type for enemies to be equipped with. 90% of the time, if an enemy appears to be wearing chain or splint, it'll be chain, which has a ac penalty vs blunt damage.
  • ReadingRamboReadingRambo Member Posts: 598
    Space invader it would be nice to tell us how to use the moonblade instead of us making wild guesses
  • @ZanathKariashi Which enemies resist blunt damage less than slashing? I've found skeletons and I've found clay golems. That's it. The jellies all resist slashing and blunt damage equally well. I really think you're overselling damage resistance as a reason to prefer crushing damage.
  • moopymoopy Member Posts: 938
    edited January 2013

    I call BS.

    I'm guessing he either copied the item in NI or something similar, because according to @lDanielHolm matching Xan's stats, race, class etc... doesn't matter. Which makes sense, the restriction isn't on the item so there is probably specific code for SW1H13 in the generic item equipped function that then checks if it is Xan. So either the CHARNAME is Xan, it isn't SW1H13, or the code that checks SW1H13 has been modified.

    He clearly doesn't want to tell us, and I've been around the interwebs enough time to know that means one of two things.

    1) He isn't doing it how he is saying he is doing it
    2) He doesn't want to draw attention to it so it gets patched

    It obviously isn't 2 or he wouldn't have brought it up to begin with.

    If someone has enough time and wants to screw around in NI to see what triggers the message "The blade resists any attempt at using it..." they can, but I'm not going to waste time with something I don't believe can be done.


    I think the main point is there are enemies where blunt will either be resisted less or hit more often, and there are NO enemies where blunt is resisted more, and the only case in which blunt misses more is against Splint which is the rarest case.

    So, while it may not come into play often, overall battles and enemies blunt does come out on top. I don't think it would matter enough to not play how you want to play though.

    Speaking specifically on the Stupefier, I do think the stun is game breaking enough to make it what you use, I was able to lock down the Demon Knight and Aec'Liectic(sp) for around half of their battle, and while solo that was a pretty big deal.
  • ZanathKariashiZanathKariashi Member Posts: 2,869
    That's the point however. Nothing specifically resists blunt, at best no worse then any other type. This means it wins by default as enemies exist that are resistant to all other damage types except blunt. Overall, blunt is the best damage type.

    This literally cannot be argued since the facts are completely lopsided in it's favor. It's the best damage vs almost all armor types, except one very rarely encountered type, it's never worse then any other type when faced with resistances, and has types where it is unquestionably superior, nor is anything specifically immune to blunt.

    While it's true that blunts resistance superiority is pretty much limited to skeletal enemies, it's still better vs armored enemies, which are quite prevalent. The no immunity thing is more icing then anything else since clay golems are the only thing I can think of that's immune to slashing.
  • moopymoopy Member Posts: 938
    It doesn't hurt the equation that the 2 best weapons in the game (Staff of the Ram, and Flail of the Ages) are blunt.
  • Lord_TansheronLord_Tansheron Member Posts: 4,212
    Not to mention that Clerics can't use slashing or piercing weapons! Another point for blunt...
  • [Deleted User][Deleted User] Posts: 0
    edited January 2013
    I don't deny that the better chances of hitting against plate armors is a big plus for crushing weapons. But going on about damage resistances because of skeletons and clay golems would be like me trumpeting the advantages of slashing damage because Nishruus and Hakeashars have higher blunt resistance than slashing resistance (50% blunt vs. 20% slashing) and most of the weapons that can hurt Greater Wolfweres and Loup Garou are slashing. It's true, but it's also practically irrelevant in the grand scheme of things.

    I agree that crushing damage is good enough that it's worth having a couple of characters who can leverage the two great blunt weapons in either game. I disagree that the "facts are completely lopsided in it's favor" to the degree that your entire party should be built to use blunt weapons, or that a powergamed CHARNAME should always be specialized in using blunt weapons.

    Not to mention that Clerics can't use slashing or piercing weapons! Another point for blunt...

    "Use blunt weapons: Because your god says so."

    Edit: Incidentally, I think Chainmail is rarer than Splintmail, based on the fact that Splint seems to be standard issue in the Cloakwood Mines.
    Post edited by [Deleted User] on
  • SpaceInvaderSpaceInvader Member Posts: 2,125
    edited January 2013
    @moopy point 2.
    I simply thought I wasn't the only one to know how to use it.

    EDIT: and please, don't call me a liar just cuz you lack of knowledge ;)
    Post edited by SpaceInvader on
  • moopymoopy Member Posts: 938
    edited January 2013

    You've already said enough that anyone who wanted to waste their time getting into NI and find the exact check that occurs could. Thus if it was point 2 you wouldn't have said anything to begin with.

    Therefore it is point 1. I understand you want people to go on a snipe hunt, and that is hilarious or whatever I guess, but no thanks.

    Either way it isn't suppose to be happening, so if I want to force the game I'll just copy SW1H13 to AAAAAA and CreateItem it into my inventory.

    EDIT: and please, don't expect me to be on the internet and take everything at face value with no proof cuz if it WAS option 2, you'd have very happily let me convince everyone you were BSing.

    Feel free to respond again and continue to pretend to be upset at me calling you out on trolling, but I'm not derailing this thread any further with this nonsense
  • Aasimar069Aasimar069 Member Posts: 803

    Warhammer +2 Ashideena is probably the best overall. It's blunt which is the best damage type, and deals an additional +1 electrical damage that can by-pass stoneskin.

    The greater wolfwere can't be hit by it, though that's it's only deficiency, and it excels vs every other enemy type.

    There's no stoneskin in BG1 for the enemies.
  • SpaceInvaderSpaceInvader Member Posts: 2,125
    @moopy Should I? I don't think so.
  • Aasimar069Aasimar069 Member Posts: 803

    @moopy Should I? I don't think so.

    I concur with moopy's point of view :

    Please tell us the step you have followed to allow another character than the Xan NPC to wield the sword or else we'll call that a bullshit because we can't have the proof of this, unfortunately.
  • SpaceInvaderSpaceInvader Member Posts: 2,125
    Man you can call it whatever you want.
    I don't have to prove anything to anyone, that's your mistake.
    I can make another video where I rush to the end of the mines and pick up the Moonblade from the chest to show you that it's not a copy.
    And moopy, if there is someone upset here, it is you ;)
    I'm sure that since you are so "smart" you'll find out soon or later how to use it, if they don't fix it before.
  • ZanathKariashiZanathKariashi Member Posts: 2,869
    edited January 2013
    @Aasimar069 Daveorn casts it now, as part of his pre-battle buff. And for some reason, elemental damage counts as a separate hit and can take 2 mirror images per strike and doubles your chance for hitting the real one. ( keep forgetting about the Stupifier, which is head above a MUCH better weapon then Ashideena, since the stun effect will by-pass all protections except those requiring Cold Iron/Silver or PfMW (which I can't recall seeing any enemys cast), since the above prevent hitting all together, while stoneskin, mirror image, and the like only prevent damage.

    As for the Loup Garou thing, it's only because they removed the Root of the Problem for some reason. It's the only blunt weapon in the whole saga tagged silver/cold iron, meaning it's highly unlikely a solo Beast-master, part cleric, or single class druid could beat Furry isle. The druid could use Werebane, but just doesn't have the buffs or attacks to out damage their regen. The Cleric does, but without the Root of the Problem has no weapons that can hurt them, and...I've never tried using Arrows of Detonation on them, but it those work a Beast-master MIGHT be able to solo them (2 6d6 fire per round), but they have high fire resistance (50%, if memory serves) and it's a pretty tight area so you'd also need a ton of fire resistance to keep from killing yourself.
  • VittordeVittoVittordeVitto Member Posts: 225
    I rolled a fighter/cleric just to use the new mace (stun 25% chance).

    It's insane, the best weapon of BG1.
  • karnor00karnor00 Member Posts: 680

    I can make another video where I rush to the end of the mines and pick up the Moonblade from the chest to show you that it's not a copy.

    That would be worth seeing. Also, make sure the video includes the bit where you edit the game files.

  • SpaceInvaderSpaceInvader Member Posts: 2,125


    If you want to check my Override folder I can give you my TeamViewer ID without problems.
  • EudaemoniumEudaemonium Member Posts: 3,199
    Okay, so you are an elf, and you are neutral, a magic-using class, and your stats are all higher than Xan's other than INT. You can demonstrate all you like, but you should actually specify what the requirements *are* so we can check them independently. Otherwise everyone will assume you just modded your game.
  • certuscertus Member Posts: 52
    Yawn, if you can do it and noone else can good for you. Out of curiosity does anyone know if thief 'use any items' skill would work with that or any other 'unique' item?
  • EudaemoniumEudaemonium Member Posts: 3,199
    I don't see why it wouldn't so long as the item's usage is not linked to stats (where you would still need to required stats to wield it). There is also the issues of there presently being no (usable) Moonblade in BG2, though.
  • IgnatiusIgnatius Member Posts: 624
    Using NI, I could see any restriction to using SW1H13.ITM other than the fact that it is a dagger.
  • moopymoopy Member Posts: 938

    I dual wielded Stupefier and Ashideena from level 1 on a Ranger/Cleric 2 dual wield, 2 hammer, 2 mace.

    By about the time I got to Cloakwood I quit, because I felt dirty for several reasons.
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