Chaotic Evil Aerie

What would Aerie look like if she were Chaotic Evil? I totally want Aerie to be the reverse of Viconia (who you could change to True Neutral) and make her Chaotic Evil! This was discussed in the forums, but I saw her portrait yesterday, and now I'm trying to think of how she would actually look if she were Evil. Hopefully she wouldn't have that innocent dim witted look on her face...
EDIT: Some research indicates that it is in Cards Reshuffled by Laufey.
I mean, if she were conceived as an Evil character from the get-go, she might have looked different. However, I think it'd be very hard to guess an NPC's alignment from their portrait in BG2 (provided you didn't know them before). You can't just "see" who's evil and who's not. BG1 is a little different, as there are some who look quite nasty, but even there it's far from clear. So, it wouldn't make that much sense to have a "nasty" and a "goody"-looking portrait for her.
And we all deserve a little pissed elf girl out to destroy the world
Don't tell me you can't find a way to fix her wings. Wouldn't a greater wish or something do the trick.
Evil Aerie isn't really believable or realistic. She's shown to have too much interest and empathy for those around her to really become evil, and losing her wings obviously isn't really the only thing that makes her unhappy. I could imagine a situation where an evil bhaalspawn subdues her and forces her to do evil things, but she wouldn't thank or love them for it, and if she sees an opportunity she would try to get away or turn on them. As for how she would look; the same, but maybe even sadder. She might wear darker clothing.
But what, as @VittordeVitto suggests, you threw her baby into the woods. I bet that would do it.
Maybe we'll see a wiser, less-annoying, fully-winged Aerie in BG3?
So can most other spellcasters, I think... but nobody ever prepares those spells.
Although I never really found her annoying to begin with. She doesn't whine all the time; she only talks about her feelings in the romance... I don't see the sin in confiding in someone you're involved with. And she doesn't have a high pitched or squeaky voice; or at least a lot of other characters have voices that are higher and/or squeakier.