BTW I have noticed, that Obsidian is trying to take out the best from games like BG.
What do you mean they take out the best from BG?
Obsidian should realize that RPG genre is almost dead, effectively erased by big publishers and that they can change everything. Project Eternity is already very famous because of its kickstarter campaign. Everybody is looking forward to it. There are only 2 ways this can end. Either it will be success, the way BG was and it will resurrect RPGs, same as BG did or it will be failure and it will bury them even deeper for another decade. If it doesn´t surpass BG/IWD/PS:T in any way, then before 2020 everybody will return to BG again. And when I read the game will offer...6 companions? I just...quit the forum and haven´t read further.
But back to topic I hope the next patch will finally save the zoom level.
PS:T had like... 7 companions? And they were all awesome. I don't think there's a single one I dislike (as characters, obviously I have no desire to sit down for a drink with Vhailor or Ignus, for example XP).
I thought there was romance options with Annah and Grace? (Or did you mean there were ones with Ignus and Vhailor that were cut! XDD). I mean, you get to kiss Annah, and she starts to ignite (and gets like 5% fire resistance), and if you have really low wisdom you get to kiss Grace, and it game-overs you.
I thought there was romance options with Annah and Grace? (Or did you mean there were ones with Ignus and Vhailor that were cut! XDD). I mean, you get to kiss Annah, and she starts to ignite (and gets like 5% fire resistance), and if you have really low wisdom you get to kiss Grace, and it game-overs you.
Romance with Ignus or Vhailor? ROFL lets not go there...
'Justice Awaits!' the spectral voice echoes hoarsely from the bedchamber.
Six companions could work nicely if they are really in depth with multiple interactions. I was particularly impressed in DA1 when they did something similar with the in depth approach and it also worked well in PS:T.
BG2 also had deep characters and you could chose from...15 or so NPCs. Maybe they haven´t had such depth as Project Eternity will have, but to make at least 10 characters, so you can have at least one alternative party is very important for me and for major replayability.
The 2013 patch is probably being held back while the iPad version is in approvals. We won't see it on PC until the iPad is green lighted. We'll also likely see the MAC version stand-alone announced when 2013 is approved as well (they are still having issues with the MAC app store version).
Nothing official but my guess is that we will see the 2013 patch when this countdown reaches zero. But one could hope they release it a day or two earlier so they don't have patch issues, mac issues etc all on the same time.
Nah, this decade will have Project Eternity. Either it will be one of the greatest RPG's ever made to this time, or greatest disappointment of all time.
I disagree with this one, actually. How can it be a greater disappontment than:
1) Xwing Vs. Tie Fighter 2) The Old Republic 3) Master of Orion 3 4) Dragon Age ][
Project Eternity is a new game by some people with varying levels of success (some good/some bad). If you're expecting greatest game ever, I submit that this is an optimistic hope vice realistic expectation. Don't get me wrong - I truly hope this will be great. I'm just saying that I see no reason to assume that it will be.
Obsidian should realize that RPG genre is almost dead, effectively erased by big publishers and that they can change everything. Project Eternity is already very famous because of its kickstarter campaign. Everybody is looking forward to it. There are only 2 ways this can end. Either it will be success, the way BG was and it will resurrect RPGs, same as BG did or it will be failure and it will bury them even deeper for another decade. If it doesn´t surpass BG/IWD/PS:T in any way, then before 2020 everybody will return to BG again. And when I read the game will offer...6 companions? I just...quit the forum and haven´t read further.
But back to topic
Unfortunately, it's also a way to expose bugs.
But one could hope they release it a day or two earlier so they don't have patch issues, mac issues etc all on the same time.
1) Xwing Vs. Tie Fighter
2) The Old Republic
3) Master of Orion 3
4) Dragon Age ][
Project Eternity is a new game by some people with varying levels of success (some good/some bad). If you're expecting greatest game ever, I submit that this is an optimistic hope vice realistic expectation. Don't get me wrong - I truly hope this will be great. I'm just saying that I see no reason to assume that it will be.