Add Fatigue and Morale to Character Record
After reading this thread I thought that it would be nice if the characters fatigue and morale levels were listed under Ability Bonuses, in the Character Record sheet. Other items like Reaction and Open Doors (bash) are listed, why not morale and fatigue?
Current Morale: __
Morale Breakpoint: __ (this varies between NPCs)
Hours Until Fatigue: __ -> Hours Fatigued: __ (-X to rolls)
Morale __ (BP)
Fatigue __
(when char is fatigued it changes to:
Fatigued -__ (-L)
(BP) = Breaking Point
L = Luck penalty
I can see your point about too much text, though. How about moving the -X penalty to the next line and indenting it?
To better describe my suggestion:
The Morale would be a number with the breaking point in parenthesis.
For example:
Morale: 8 (2)
The Fatigue would give the current level of fatigue. When the character becomes fatigued, the description could change to a negative number and the luck penalty in parenthesis
A 3 Con character (no fatigue bonus) has 6 fatigue x 4 hours = 24 hours of fatigue
For example:
Fatigue: 6
after you become fatigued, change to
Fatigue: -4 (-1)
Fatigue: -8 (-2)
Why not mega simple
Fatigue penalty=
It's a minus 1 to all rolls yeah? Why do you need to know how un fatigued you are?
Leave the BP out... When they start running around with a yellow circle, crying for mum, you will have found there BP anyway...
EDIT: I got ninja'd by @bigdogchris ... Much better idea...