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Which Baldur's Gate 2 romance is your favorite... and why? *SPOILERS*



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  • SniiiimonSniiiimon Member Posts: 153
    She was supposed to, @Bhaaldog, but it was cut from the game.
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  • CoutelierCoutelier Member Posts: 1,282
    Bhaaldog said:

    Sniiiimon said:

    Oh but @Coutelier that's just the thing: she was to turn into a dove just ONCE. It would be during this flight that she finally come to terms with what she had lost but also what she has gain. The event would both harden but also heal her, so to speak. And it was after this event she would begin using her new voicesset which she has in ToB! It was cut along with so many other things (like Minsc's quest/search for Boo, who would suddenly disappear) due to time restrains.

    Aerie turns into a dove?
    In a quest that was cut. You were supposed to find a scroll in the Harper hold, and she had the option. Although as I recall it, she could either turn and fly away, or be talked out of it in which case her voiceset changes to the ToB one. A stripped down version of the planned dialogue does appear if she romances Haer'Dalis, when she dumps him, basically.

    I think it was cut for the reasons I said, but also because it was supposed to happen in Brynnlaw after her being kidnapped by a wizard there. You already lose one NPC on that island, so it would be silly to lose another since it'll be a while before you can recruit any more.

    Allowing her one flight might not be too bad, though.
  • SniiiimonSniiiimon Member Posts: 153
    edited February 2013
    As I understand it (I'm not sure of all the details), she was to turn into an actual bird and only momentarily. You can read more about it here:

    Edit: You're tooo slow, Sniiiimon. :P

    Oh absolutely, it would've been needed to be implemented propertly, @Coutelier, both gamewise and storywise. It's just... well... I really like the idea. But I'm pretty cheesy, so... ^^
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  • LemernisLemernis Member, Moderator Posts: 4,318
    I tried a couple of them but I have to say, it kind of felt like the whole romance thing didn't really come off very well. For my taste anyway.

    In some ways I'd rather see more interesting relationships develop, as you simply get to know the character better. This should extend to all NPCs. And have them not just be romantic relationships, but rather just learning more about them. This could even include arguing with someone a lot. Hell, it could even turn into a fight.

    But anyway, that's not the game we have. Maybe for BG: Next. :)
  • KidCarnivalKidCarnival Member Posts: 3,747
    I find most romances annoying and cheesy. So far, Dorn seems ok because it could all pass as a friendship and that is the thing I'd be way more interested in. Like @Lemernis says, I would rather learn more about all my party members instead of heavily focussing on one, in a preset way. It seems odd that everyone you meet either falls in love with you or basically gives a shit about you. I'd like to find my fireforged best friend, my intellectually challenging rival, my frenemy, my fatherly/motherly mentor or just someone I can have a drink and a good laugh with.
  • ChildofBhaal599ChildofBhaal599 Member Posts: 1,781
    jaheira i felt was the most in depth. it has a lot of side quest stuff going on, but i like that even though that makes it challenging for a beginner. also, things happen faster in games than in real life, so i can get over the khalid thing. besides, she spends pretty much the first half of the romance still thinking of him.
  • SniiiimonSniiiimon Member Posts: 153
    edited February 2013
    I know the romances aren't for everyone. And I can respect that, heck, I can *understand* that: as much as I like the romances myself, I know they're not perfect. An exemple would be the buildup for Aerie's relationship: as @Coutelier pointed out, it could have been better. And that's just one example.

    Well anyway, @KidCarnival, having those kind of relationships with other NPCs would be bloody awesome! The depth it could give them, the likability... Yes, I sincerely hope that these kind of relationships shows up in BG: Next along with romances. That way everyone will (hopefully) be happy. :)

    Edit: Spelling errors irks me something fierce!
    Post edited by Sniiiimon on
  • CoutelierCoutelier Member Posts: 1,282
    edited February 2013
    Well, I also agree; I'm not actually a huge fan of any of the romances. The main reason I play them is to learn a bit more about the characters, but it would be great if there were friendship paths for all the NPCs.

    Maybe I'll do that if I ever do make that mod I mentioned. If you're romancing her as well, it might change some of the dialogue and reward a bit, but the quest and friendship talks will be there for everyone.
  • atcDaveatcDave Member Posts: 2,452
    I like the romance idea a lot. I think any story is made better with a good romance. Kind of like getting sprinkles on your ice cream; no matter how good it is, its better with sprinkles.

    And yeah, I'm kind of being silly. Not every story really needs it (especially War Movies, I can't even tell you how many good war movies were ruined by some contrived romance...). But I definitely think BG2 was better for the way they did it. I'd never seen anything like it in a game before, and I thought it was a total blast.
  • LuigirulesLuigirules Member Posts: 419
    I liked Viconia's the most, because I think it suceeded in what it set out to do: it gave me a personal connection to the character.

    Seriously, The Rolling Stone's song "She's A Rainbow" reminds me of that romance because I played it nearly non-stop near the end of the game.

    It still makes me emotional.
  • AutequiAutequi Member Posts: 403
    In my headcanon, CHARNAME and Keldorn formed a deep attachment--unrequited, for obvious reasons, and unspoken. At the end, he returned to his *SPOILER* and she became the *SPOILER*.

    I thought Anomen was an interesting character, and liked the romance overall, but it did strike some sour notes. I liked the character development, his chivalry, and his loyalty. His neediness and touchiness were not so great.

    I've never tried the female romances, as I always play female protagonist. I must admit, unromanced Aerie, Jaheira, and Viconia rank pretty near bottom on my list of tolerable NPCs.
  • Oxford_GuyOxford_Guy Member Posts: 3,729
    I'm not surprised that no one has voted for Anomen yet, the only poll he would win would be one for the *worst* romance...
  • ZoimosZoimos Member Posts: 81
    only done one playthrough so far and it was a close call between Jaheira and Viconia, picked Viconia in the end but want to try Jaheira in my next game as she also sounds interesting :)
    Aerie just whines to much for me so don't know when I'll try her :(
  • O_BruceO_Bruce Member Posts: 2,790
    Three factors:
    1. I'm straight male
    2. I don't have drow fetish
    3. Jaheira is as unpleasant and blunt as me.
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  • junk11junk11 Member Posts: 117
    edited February 2013
    just not the ToB ending..
    wait..I like the I don't..
    I'm confusing myself...
  • LindeblomLindeblom Member Posts: 257
    Babies with can't beat that!

    Viconia on the other hand lets you get away with sleeping with others, how can you not like that......

  • EudaemoniumEudaemonium Member Posts: 3,199
    The best romance is the one in the Edwin Romance mod, deep affection born from endless snarking, sniping and sarcasm.

    Viconia's is pretty good though.
  • Fina92Fina92 Member Posts: 284
    Tsujatha always! But for unmodded, Viccy is ma gal
  • jimkayjimkay Member Posts: 10
    Saerileth for being so bad she's good. The modders worked very hard to make something so awful and so enjoyable.
  • SniiiimonSniiiimon Member Posts: 153
    edited February 2013
    Oh I doubt they did her *that* bad intentionally. And even if they did... there's nothing enjoyable about her. I mean, at all. That mod is so bad that it is baaad. But hey that's just how I feel about it - it is nothing personal against the modmakers and everyone is entitled to their own opinions! :)
  • KidCarnivalKidCarnival Member Posts: 3,747

    The best romance is the one in the Edwin Romance mod, deep affection born from endless snarking, sniping and sarcasm.

    Viconia's is pretty good though.

    Strange, I would have voted that one for "most out of character BS"... but only because no-one has made a Korgan romance mod in which he becomes a flamboyant feminist.
  • EudaemoniumEudaemonium Member Posts: 3,199

    The best romance is the one in the Edwin Romance mod, deep affection born from endless snarking, sniping and sarcasm.

    Viconia's is pretty good though.

    Strange, I would have voted that one for "most out of character BS"... but only because no-one has made a Korgan romance mod in which he becomes a flamboyant feminist.
    Well... Yeah, you have a point. I just enjoyed it a lot.
  • KidCarnivalKidCarnival Member Posts: 3,747

    The best romance is the one in the Edwin Romance mod, deep affection born from endless snarking, sniping and sarcasm.

    Viconia's is pretty good though.

    Strange, I would have voted that one for "most out of character BS"... but only because no-one has made a Korgan romance mod in which he becomes a flamboyant feminist.
    Well... Yeah, you have a point. I just enjoyed it a lot.
    I didn't say I wouldn't play a Korgan-goes-feminism mod... if only for the lulz.

    Edwin would be on top of my list for a "intellectually challenging frenemy" path, pretty much what Lemernis mentioned above: an NPC to argue with a lot. Same for Korgan, though he could also be the "fireforged friend", depending on how much of a jerk Charname is.
  • trinittrinit Member Posts: 705
    poor anomen. he was not bad IMO, it's just that viconia is better. and he is brilliant compared to that whiny winged sob-pile. would vote him if i could change the vote now. :P
  • CoutelierCoutelier Member Posts: 1,282
    Maybe if there were more female forum members, Anomen would get some votes. He can't be that bad, can he? Someone must have something positive to say about him. I mean, he's not Cernd, so that's a good thing, right?

    OTOH, he is Anomen...
  • KidCarnivalKidCarnival Member Posts: 3,747
    edited February 2013
    Hm, I guess... his portrait isn't completely repulsive? That's not outright *positive*, as I like the art style of the BG2 portraits and there is no BG1 version to overshadow it and none of the portraits is completely repulsive, but it's also not negative...? Does that count?
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