BG2 Jaheira romance

So there I am with nothing left to do but attack the vamp nest near the end and I still have a whole damn bunch of chats to have with Jaheira. I've tried to speed it up using the console, but I must be doing it wrong because nothing is happening. Help?
I you have a question abot Jaheira, ask me - I like this NPC a lot, she's always a part of my gameplay so I'll try to help.
And now about the topic.
First of all, attacking the vamp nest is not connected to the stage of romance. Bodhi takes your love interes, that's all.
If Jaheira is in your party and doesn't talk to you for a long period of time, the romance is screwed up.
CLUAConsole:GetGlobal("JaheiraRomanceActive","GLOBAL") – to find out what value it has.
I think you'll see 3 – romance is dead for good.
CLUAConsole:SetGlobal("JaheiraRomanceActive","GLOBAL",XX) - you'd type 2 (instead of XX) – romance lives, NPC is finally in love with you.
CLUAConsole:GetGlobal("LoveTalk","LOCALS") while holding the mouse pointer over a character’s portrait. Press return and the console will show you their romance rating.
CLUAConsole:SetGlobal(“LoveTalk”,”LOCALS”,XX) which sets your love talk to a given rating, where XX is a number. (So if you really blow it or get stuck by a bug you might be able to get things moving again). - it's your situation if you want to speed up the romance.
LT=70 (instead of XX) is the end of romance with Jaheira.
After that wait for Terminsel to appear (after about an hour (of real time, you must be outdoors, and you mustn’t be at the Underdark Exit, Trademeet, Slums district nor City Gates).
Still, props to @bengoshi for that info. I'll definitely take it into account should I decide to get my druid-lovin' on.
@keltarking, hitting sleep doesn't work. You've got to rack up actual playing time, not just advance the game-clock. Unless you've skipped huge chunks of gameplay (and I see that you say you've done everything, so I assume you haven't missed anything significant), you certainly ought to have progressed through most of the romance plotline by now. So I guess something must have happened which terminated the romance. One thing which can abruptly end the romance (and without informing you that it's over) is if Jaheira has ever been turned to stone at any time - that kills the romance, and restoring her from petrification doesn't restore the romance. (Which may be a bug, I'm not sure whether the designers intended this or not.) So if Jaheira ever gets stoned, the only way to save the romance is to cast Power Word: Reload.