Would you be interested to Buy NPC followers that didn’t make it or died in BG2 From BGEE Store Shop

This got me thinking if you play BGEE you notice that in the game there is a store shop that you can or could buy future BGEE content. Like new portrait or new NPC followers.
Now the question is wouldn’t it be great if Overhoul Games used this feature in future BGEE2 to sell us NPC followers that never made it to BG2 from BG1 (or Died in BG2 in front of you Like Safana,Tiax and so on ) or didn’t make it Like Shar-Te, Ski, Alora and the rest
store shop future would help Overhoul to gain more money and used it to pay their own employers, hiring Voice actors and writers for the BG Followers who died (but now can be resurrected cause you bought that NPC follower in Store shop and now she or he has a story why she/he joins you) or those who didn’t make it to BG2 from BG1.
PS. This pool is not about Fanbased mods or Npc Followers that comes in pair in BG1 and dies storywise in BG2... Like Khalid, Dynaheir and so on...
Now the question is wouldn’t it be great if Overhoul Games used this feature in future BGEE2 to sell us NPC followers that never made it to BG2 from BG1 (or Died in BG2 in front of you Like Safana,Tiax and so on ) or didn’t make it Like Shar-Te, Ski, Alora and the rest
store shop future would help Overhoul to gain more money and used it to pay their own employers, hiring Voice actors and writers for the BG Followers who died (but now can be resurrected cause you bought that NPC follower in Store shop and now she or he has a story why she/he joins you) or those who didn’t make it to BG2 from BG1.
PS. This pool is not about Fanbased mods or Npc Followers that comes in pair in BG1 and dies storywise in BG2... Like Khalid, Dynaheir and so on...
- Would you be interested to Buy NPC followers that didn’t make it or died in BG2 From BGEE Store Shop61 votes
- Yes please, I would love to use the Store shop Feature to buy BG1 Followers that isn’t playable or dies in BG2. Plus I would love to support Overhoul29.51%
- No Thank, I want everything free from beginning. And I don’t like to buy expansions or have a long term support to Overhoul.70.49%
Post edited by The_Shairs_Handbook on
Plus most people don't use modders or dislike anything that doesn't come from Overhoul.
I see no harm in the option to recruit cameo NPCs after completing their quests, i.e. save/recruit Monty, Xzar, Garrick, Tiax, (which should be "free"), but some deaths are neccessary for the story. I wouldn't mind some NPCs that make no appearance at all as DLC, i.e. Shar-Teel, Branwen, Kivan, Coran, Alora, but I also think modders will cover that. Alora is already available for BG2, for example. Therefore, I don't think it's such a lucrative idea to make money for Beamdog.
If I vote in your poll, either I stalwartly refuse to pay another dime for any new BG1 content, or I'm eagerly waiting to shell out money for a "Save Ajantis!" mod. The options are too narrow and exclusive.
I dare to say that more people dislike spending money than people disliking free, optional things. What "most" people dislike are badly written NPC mods, and it is very subjective what "bad writing" means.
Edit: By the way, your poll sucks as the questions imply that I don't like to support developers. If that were the case, I would have pirated it.
"Should kensai be allowed to wear plate mail?
-Yes, because the kit advantages don't really kick in until BG2, and they shouldn't have to suffer through BG1.
-No, I am a pedophile!"
I don't want them to mess with any more of the BG1 characters. Plus, it's a mistake. At this point, people have romanticized some of the BG1 characters to such an extent that they would surely be angry at how they were written in BG2, if they were to be written into BG2 at this point.
You're such a horrible person, not wanting to support Overhaul and wanting everything for free! :O
I am not really evil but my CHARNAME was D20 rolled that way
For me, I don't have a problem paying extra for new content, thus 'Supporting Overhaul games'. I do have a huge problem with a strategy of micro-transactions designed to inflate the cost of the game to the consumer but presented in a manner that is deceptive and underhanded.
Put short, if Overhaul games is creating new content to add to the game, great. they should be paid for their efforts for those who actually want the extra content. But we already paid for the game as it stands and part of that cost is/was the continued updates we are getting, or at least that is the way it was portrayed at time of purchase.
Just because your friend will make you a rum and coke at his house for free does not mean it's "wrong" for a bar to charge money for their booze.
I believe the focus now is fixing BGEE and making sure BG2EE has a smoother launch. I don't even think they should dedicate resources for DLC until BG2 is out.
I don't count mods because - although some are well written - have no voice overs. It's asking Overhaul to take a chance though because if they hire the actor, then no-one buys the DLC...or they (Kickstarter like) generate the money before hiring the actor...then just provide to the fans who paid, or roll out to everyone?.
Tuff one.