Riding Solo in Baldur's Gate - What's your favourite combo?

If you want to do something right, you've got to do it yourself!
Like many of you, i've played this game for 14 years. I still have my original CDs, though they are long scratched beyond re-playability. During that time we have all tried, and many completed, solo attempts.
So what's your favourite combo for solo attempts? We're limited to 10 options, so please elaborate below!
- Riding Solo in Baldur's Gate - What's your favourite combo?88 votes
- Single Class Fighter - ME LIKE SMASH!  2.27%
- Single Class Thief - Now you see me, now you don't  7.95%
- Single Class Cleric - By the power of the Gods! I smite.... oh shi- Sanctuary!  0.00%
- Single Class Mage - I don't need you! I have lots of friends! *Monster Summoning I*  5.68%
- Multi/Dual-Class Mage/x - Hitting things feels soooo good!  2.27%
- Multi/Dual-Class Thief/x - Loot loot loot. More loot. Durlag's tower? Gotta get me that loot.11.36%
- Multi/Dual-Class Fighter/x - You know, you do need HP in this game, guys? Right? Guys?  6.82%
- Multi/Dual-Class Cleric/x - What do you mean Druid spells are OP?!  2.27%
- Triple-Class - ....I got this17.05%
- NEVER! I MUST gather my party before venturing forth!44.32%
I've actually never tried it. But if I were to do so, I'd probably go for a Cavalier, Dualed Berserker / Cleric, or maybe even a Dragon Disciple.
Would be interesting to try and solo the whole saga with a Thief one day... on Insane, of course, with SCSI/II and Ascension cranked to full.
Im playing one waiting for the npc project to be released and im having a blast.
Stealth and backstabs are better utilized solo.
For my planned team run, im going with shadowdancer. HIPS seems actially useful in full parties.
/Mirror Image + otherr buffs /Stealth /Backstab strongest mook /Fireball or Ice Storm on self /"I'M WALKING ON SUNSHIIIIINE"
Mirror image, you so silly.
I like the different NPC combos
Fighter mage cleric for power.
I tend to run around partyless in BG just to try different classes but rarely do I even end up close to Baldur's Gate doing it.
I never tried soloing BG2 because it is the interactions between party members I enjoy the most.
so Safana and Shar-Teel are alway in my party the rest are random ....
But with the cap off, I find a gnome cleric/thief to be the best. Slings get the strength bonus from the 19 Str you get from the girdle in the monk quest. Some of the best items in the game are staffs for backstabs. Spamming animate dead and later animal summoning. The saving throws for a gnome are huge, make sure you go full 18 on con. With a few of the choice items you will have saving throws vs. spells at 3 at level 7. Both thief and cleric go up levels fast. You can sanctuary and loot chests without the guards getting called. Swap to heavy armor for some fights.
Still not easy, but a lot less reloads than any other combo I have tried. Half-orc cleric theif can be pretty nice as well, but the saves from a gnome are huge and that str bonus of 19 can now be had pretty early on. Obviously you need to do the monk quest to get there or you have to settle for the ogre power guantlets which are also nice, but they use up a pretty important slot.
BG Solos:
BG2 Solos:
but i'd like to solo sometime
is it a legitimate solo run if you reload or is it only soloing when you don't die?
All in all it wasn't all that challenging (just had to use even more cheese) and quite liefeless and dull.
I did have some good laughs though regarding the sanity of my Charname Jax when he kept refering to himself as the "party of Jax"! But then again, he was a triple class, some split personality issues might be expected.