Shadowdancer is... OP?!

People keep saying, "SHADOWDANCER IS OP!! NERF! NERF! NERF!". I'm not feeling it though. I'm at level 4 and have been dumping all my points in to hide in shadows and move silently, but my hides only work about 30% of the time still. And hiding in plain sight during the day is a no-go. Most of the time, by the time I hide in shadows and move around for a back stab, the fights already over with. When does the shadowdancer become OP, because I'd like to know!
Sure reading the stats will give you a good idea if you're an experienced player, but smarter players will at least give it a go and see for themselves before dismissing it as "broken" or OP.
I have Montaron as a SD so he has the best racial stealth bonus (+25 total) but only 17 dex (+10 compared to +36 at 20 dex). He hit level 6 right before cloakwood mines and given his level up combined with the fact we were indoors for once he cleared out the whole place by himself. He's level 8 now and fails only occassionally in sunlight.
I would expect Haste to shorten this to once/3 seconds because it technically cuts your round time in half.
Shadowstep will likely be changed in next the patch.
Right now I've discovered an interesting way you can use this ability even not in combat so that it's useful. I've come in into the main tent in the bandit camp unseen having hid in shadows outdoors, paused the game, activated a Shadowstep, came to the farthest corner of the tent and from there attacked with a crossbow only one seen enemy, killed him, attacked another one and so on. So, using a Shadowstep helped me to go to the farthest corner of the tent without initiating discussions at the very start with those who're in tent and without making them all attack me at once.
I'm sure a Shadowstep can be used in simular situations.
Besides, it has a cool animation - I absolutely loved how everyone became grey and inactive while my Shadowdancer moved to his aim. Such a cool feeling and only at level 5 - before only the Time Stop spell (and the Time Stop trap) available at a high level in BG2 could give such a feeling.
At the bandit camp (which I for some reason always "find" during night time) I had my new halfling SD enter the bigwig tent alone... and after a minute or so he stepped outside, greeted by his party members eager to form a plan on how to tackle the upcoming fight. Of course the was no fight left to be had, other than tricking them into killing Ender Sai.
Perhaps, creating a morbid circus of rigging the backstabbed bodies inside the tent and have my pals "take them down" from a distance (they all have bad eye sight anyway) would have been the friendlier solution.
My SD is a sociopathic jerk whom I hat-... lov-... ha-... Pffft.