Unholy Blight... useless?

"This spell calls upon energy from the negative material plane in order to open a channel between it and the targets. The result is that any good creatures within the spell effect take 1-4 damage for every level of the caster with a save vs. spell for half. Also, if the victim fails his save, then he receives a -2 penalty to all his rolls for 4 rounds."
*any good creatures within the spell effect take 1-4 damage for every level of the caster*
*any good creatures within the spell effect*
*any good creatures*
*good creatures*
My evil cleric is upset by the fact that this great spell, that would otherwise do a lot of damage to a lot of enemies, is quite useless, because after all, which bandits/monsters/enemies are ever GOOD-ALIGNED???
*any good creatures within the spell effect take 1-4 damage for every level of the caster*
*any good creatures within the spell effect*
*any good creatures*
*good creatures*
My evil cleric is upset by the fact that this great spell, that would otherwise do a lot of damage to a lot of enemies, is quite useless, because after all, which bandits/monsters/enemies are ever GOOD-ALIGNED???

And for the record, Holy Smite works great, awesome spell...
In either BG1 or BG2, if you're playing Evil in a bloodthirsty axe-maniac way, then Unholy Blight ought to be useful for slaughtering Flaming Fists, Amnish Soldiers, and sundry other guards who are fairly likely to be Good-aligned.
Other than those examples, I can't think when it's likely to be much use.
Presumably the main point of the spell is that it exists so that enemy Evil (or Neutral) Clerics can cast it against Good player parties.
(Also, evil clerics get control undead instead of turn undead, which I think makes up for the disadvantage of losing Holy Smite -- certainly in BG2)
Unholy Blight really is a bit too useless.
It's particularly glaring as an issue because Evil is well known for doing battle with Evil, especially when they're on opposite sides of the Ethical alignment spectrum.
Maybe it shouldn't have full effect on other Evil enemies, but it should do something bad to your foes, even the Neutral or Evil ones.
If you are playing an evil NPC running around with a 18 Rep, you won't.
I occasionally play Evil, but I've never gone for the axe-maniac approach. Perhaps I ought to try it that way sometime.
I'm wondering, from comments in this thread, if most "Evil" players are (like myself when I play Evil) playing at fairly high reputations. I think I'll go create a poll ...