Curious about next patch?

I haven't seen much lately about future patches. Since it's been about a month since the last one, are any in the works? I look forward to the patches because they usually bring awesome goodies as well as big fixes (and more bugs).
It also could not.
- Drizzt's pathfinding AI has been improved. He will now trip over small stones, stare aimlessly at clouds, and run in circles around the lake as would normally be expected of powerful foes in BG:EE
- Noober will once again interact with PCs first. New, exciting, unskippable dialogue responses have been included!
- The Ring of Wizardry has been rebalanced to only be usable by Bards
- Achievements have been added to the game! Unlock all 15,680!
- All NPCs now have an available romance questline
Also, in an unusual statement of protest against the U.S. DOMA, Beamdog has also included...
- The cursed belt of Femininity/Masculinity will now properly allow PCs to begin relationship quests with same-sex NPCs
- Garrick now has a homosexual-only relationship option
- Branwen now has a lesbian-only relationship
- Jaheria/Kahlid now have a bi-sexual, polygamous marriage. An appropriate achievement has been included for having a three-way
Maybe also unlock dual classing for paladins/monks so we can have ajantis as a bard and rasaad as a thief for my party of fallen faiths
Never understood why they couldn't dual class and I like having that variety of choice with the npcs.
Fix quote?
after countless requests from our playerbase:
-Neera can be romanced by females
-Dorn can be romanced by males and gnomes
-Rassad can be romanced by males and half-orcs
- new dialogues have been added to ensure the original feeling of the above romances(such as 'by Ao this is painful')
-all the items have been removed from Joia's inventory
-lightning strike frequency has been reduced by approximately 10%
-100gp have been added on Noober's inventory
-reputation costs from temples decreased by 3%
I wish Overhaul would disallow such a ridiculous romance. By all means make a shorty NPC romance-able to satisfy player demand for romance options for shorty protagonists, but offering a half-orc as the universal solution for all romance-less protagonists is implausible (and makes Overhaul look cheap).
I do realise (and so does Charname, eventually) that Bhaal was ... umm, remarkably flexible in his dalliances. But that's different, he was a god and could do things which aren't feasible for mortals.
Also, I would like to stress that even mortals may have different tastes. As we can love people of whatever ethnicity and color, so in the Forgotten Realms one person may have feelings for a guy of a different race.
(I wrote a longer response here, but I deleted it because I decided that it's a bad idea to get into a detailed discussion of these issues.)
Suffice it to say that, in spite of the game (rather unfortunately) using the term "races", the various citizens of Faerun are definitely separate species: the others are explicitly not human. The concept of "romance" between different species is a whole different ballgame from trivial ethnic (or other) distinctions within the same species. In general, I reckon it just wouldn't happen, and the more radically-different the species, the less credible it is that they could ever share a "romance".
While I think that the matter we are discussing is very interesting, I am afraid it is off topic (the thread is about the next patch). Also, I am not english native, so it would be difficult for me explaining my thoughts considering the complexity of the matter. Let us say we agree we disagree, shall we?
Me too, @Bhaaldog!