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Are there any Bronies here?



  • O_BruceO_Bruce Member Posts: 2,790
    "You should not stereotype everyone who watches the show as people who have neither limits, restrictions nor good taste. "

    Note the fact that I used a mysterious word that is "Majority". And no, you point is still invalid. First of all, you are admitting that not everyone deserves respect. Second, if respect isn't earned, then that means there is no way to regain it after losing it. So, this point looks quite like this: "either respect us all or go to hell, since there won't be redemption for you." Not very humane.
  • @deltago I can put up with some good-natured ribbing, though I expect that if this forum can put up with an anime thread without complaint that this thread can be afforded the same courtesy. In any case, it doesn't look like there's enough fans of the show floating around to sustain much discussion.
  • CorianderCoriander Member Posts: 1,667
    I have a friend that follows the show very closely and likes to come up with large outlandish theories about the timeline of the world and possible class structure. I watched the first season and enjoyed it, but lost interest even with the allure of De Lancie. I do like a lot of the fanart/music videos though.

    @ZelgadisGW Your general dislike and lack of respect for the group people known as bronies is noted. You don't have to read the thread or post in it. This is not your fridge.
  • KidCarnivalKidCarnival Member Posts: 3,747
    What if I have horse meat in my fridge...?

    While @ZelgadisGW may have stepped on some toes/hooves with the choice of words, and Godwin's Law was clearly in order on the last page, I do agree with the general opinion. It is annoying if people drag their fandom everywhere and shove it in faces, then complain how everyone is so intolerant and rude. That's not limited to bronies; there are many many other offenders with other fandoms.
    Everyone can like or dislike what they want, just don't expect everyone else to agree and be all over your fandom. There isn't a single fandom that will not be seen as controversial somewhere. If you can't deal with the possibility someone might not like what you like - watch your show in private or with other fans and don't parade it around everywhere. It's not immature to watch cartoons for children, but it can be really immature to complain about "all the haters".

    Anyway, I shall be off to watch Care Bears now.
  • smeagolheartsmeagolheart Member Posts: 7,964
    Are bronies like furries? I need an adult.
  • QuartzQuartz Member Posts: 3,853
    deltago said:

    Respect is never earned, it is only lost.

    Nailed it.
  • OneAngryMushroomOneAngryMushroom Member Posts: 564
    edited April 2013
    Warning: preaching and bronyism ahead read at your own risk!
    I love MLP, I think it's one of the best shows produced in the last 15 years. I lost a bet to one of my friends and had to watch the entire first season and got hooked and I really wish that it wasn't the internet controversy thing that it is. That said I also think that the MLP fandom is more than a bit excessive and quite literally spreads to every little thing and it does get grating after a while, but can't we learn to love and tolerate each other and our different preferences. It's not like we're hurting anything because we want to express our fondness of the show. How much different is it from any other obsessive things that fans do. (L.A.R.P.) I also love Baldur's Gate I will whole heartedly support the claim that it is the best RPG ever made and thoroughly enjoy it's complex plot and characters. Is it really so bad that people like to mix the things that they like. For instance my first Black Pits party consisted of the Mane Six as a bit of fun. OK preachyness over back to my normal cynical and sarcastic self
    And in case if anyone's interested I have a concernedly large collection of ponified Baldur's Gate art.
  • [Deleted User][Deleted User] Posts: 3,675
    The user and all related content has been deleted.
  • Kitteh_On_A_CloudKitteh_On_A_Cloud Member Posts: 1,629
    @ZelgadisGW: Your posts referring to the examples of Adolf Hitler and Mother Theresa being relevant here somehow make you more mature then? Oh well, not gonna provoke you any further because it will only lead nowhere and aggravate me to no end. Waste of time. I'm glad your post got flagged and I now hope we can return to a normal discussion again instead of useless squabbling. Don't like MLP and thus insult it? Please go elsewhere. There are enough forums out there full of narrow-minded insults and offensive behaviour towards fans of this show as it is already. Maybe you'll ike it better there. Anyway. Back on-topic. I dislike how some people automatically assume how this topic was somehow created for the purpose of the OP 'shoving his/her love for MLP down others' throats'. It wasn't. Anyone having read the opening post should know this. This topic is just here to discuss the show. It's in off-topic, where it belongs. So what's the problem? Why all of the prejudiced hate and defensive stances? Let people like what they want. You don't HAVE to join the discussion, nor even read the topic.
  • @Kitteh_On_A_Cloud We've already had a mod step in. I think at this point we should just ignore the people coming into this thread specifically to tell us they don't like bronies coming into their threads.

    @Bhaaldog Preaching to the choir here on that subject. I'm finishing up a masters in popular culture, so I'm all about looking for the underlying philosophies and meanings in pop culture.
  • QuartzQuartz Member Posts: 3,853
    TJ_Hooker said:

    To be honest, the number of posts I've seen from people bitching about how MLP fans shove the show in your face/never shut up about it exceeds the number of posts I've seen from MLP fans talking about the show, both on this site and the internet in general.

    The same can be said for, say, Justin Bieber. I swear half of the reason he's famous is because everyone insists on hating the guy.

    Yet more reasons why there is a time to be silent instead of expressing your hatred all the time.
  • ChowChow Member Posts: 1,192
    I enjoy the show and think it's one of the better ones to have come out in the last years. However, I will never understand the fandom and the hatedom it has produced. Even this thread is already full of people shouting at each other.

    Calm down, on both sides. You make yourself look a tad upset.
  • Kitteh_On_A_CloudKitteh_On_A_Cloud Member Posts: 1,629
    Can't believe how close-minded some people are. Really, it disgusts me.
  • ChowChow Member Posts: 1,192
    Closed-mindedness is nothing new to mankind. You shouldn't let it get to you so badly.

    Besides, overall, people disliking a cartoon just because it looks like a little girl thing is fairly tame, compared to genocide and racism and witch hunts and whatever. Just let them have their hate-kicks, when they probably can't do any of the bigger Nazi stuff anymore and thus likely have plenty of hate venting up.
  • NWN_babaYagaNWN_babaYaga Member Posts: 732
    edited April 2013
    i´m sure a tv series about bronies or what the ef that is is very interesting and leads to the same mental issues teens now have after watching teletubbies day in day out. For them it´s not a mental issue they call it lifestyle!

    But hey it´s your life and i respect anyones taste! Even if you like watching bronies from japan...

    And how someone can mention hitler in a bronie thread is beyond me also!
  • ChowChow Member Posts: 1,192
    It's called Godwin's Law. There's nothing about a cartoon for (man-)children that would in any way make its use any less likely.
  • With the show being between seasons, I've been keeping busy enjoying Friendship is Witchcraft (fandub/parody)
  • ParasolsyndicateParasolsyndicate Member Posts: 54

    And in case if anyone's interested I have a concernedly large collection of ponified Baldur's Gate art.

    Challenge accepted. Post that shiz, yo.
  • Kitteh_On_A_CloudKitteh_On_A_Cloud Member Posts: 1,629
    @NWN_babaYaga: Not every brony has got mental issues just because he/she likes watching this cartoon. How you even can compare the recent MLP show with Teletubbies is beyond me, too.
  • NWN_babaYagaNWN_babaYaga Member Posts: 732
    i didnt know that you call yourself a brony.. so this is kinda a fan label? And it was more a bad joke from me so sorry for the misunderstanding ;). And to be honest i throw almost every cartoon that is "weird" to me into the same pot so it was just naturally for me to mention the teletubbies :D
  • Kitteh_On_A_CloudKitteh_On_A_Cloud Member Posts: 1,629
    @NWN_babaYaga: Well, I don't consider myself a brony, as I pointed out before. Most fans of the current MLP show tend to call themselves 'bronies'. The word 'brony' is a mixture of the words 'bro' and 'pony'. Female fans sometimes refer to themselves as pegasisters, the female equivalent of 'brony'. It's part of what brought the fandom together, I guess. Now MLP might seem weird at first, but I can assure you that it actually is quite a good show. Have you ever seen the Powerpuff Girls? One could ask the same question here, actually. Why would men like watching three cute little girls blow lasers from their eyes? What's there to like about a character called Him? And so on. I'll give you a potential answer: it's because of the characters themselves. It's because of their personalities. It's because they're written well and therefore interesting. Same goes for MLP. The characters might seem one-dimensional at first, but as the episodes go on, you'll notice how they got more than meets the eye. I'll give an example. Rarity, the white pony with purple mane and tail, seems to be your typical stylish wanna-be fashion diva. She's also a drama queen, of course. Yet, as one episode, and particularly the song 'Art of the Dress' shows, she as a fashion designer works really hard on her clothes and cares for her work very much. She also has self-esteem issues, which shows when she gets criticised by a popular fashion critic. She's not just an empty vessel wearing a nice hat (Bratz anyone? Or Monster High?), she's a workaholic who seeks to be accepted and cared for by others. How many times do you see such a character in your average teenage girl TV series? Most of those series only are about teaching girls to dress in a slutty manner and act like a bitch with an attitude, honestly. As for the Teletubbies, I actually used to watch it together with my little sister when she was younger. It was quite ok. I thought the vacuum cleaner was kinda cute. Oh well.
  • NWN_babaYagaNWN_babaYaga Member Posts: 732
    Oh wow I feel old now. I have no sense for fandom in any matter and i cant remember myself having an idol either... well van damme maybe :D

    I tend to ignore that there is some more in a show than just strange creatures and colors and stories etc.
    escpecially when it looks so japanese. Nothing against japanese but their drawing style is totally irritating for me when it comes to these styles. On the other hand i doubt that a show like this would dress up fat kids, munching cheeseballs and yelling dollar makes me holla... ohm nom nom more cheeseballs.... lol!

    So i know at least the difference between ugly and abusing tv shows and strange cartoons ;)

    about that vacuum cleaner... no clue, my ex-girlfriend liked the show and we had some differencies because of that. I thought she was a bit confused in that period of our time... really strange.
  • Kitteh_On_A_CloudKitteh_On_A_Cloud Member Posts: 1,629
    @NWN_babaYaga: Or maybe you just wouldn't open up your mind towards her interests.
  • OneAngryMushroomOneAngryMushroom Member Posts: 564
    edited April 2013

    You asked I delivered, later than I should have.

    Minsc and Fluttershy. A surprisingly good combo when I think about it.

    Jon Irenicus. Still just as intimidating.

    Aerie as a pony, maybe now she'll stop whining.

    MLP BG portraits; For all your role playing needs! They belong to Saber-Scorpion @ divantART(If you're willing to tread that dungeon)

    Link to a mod for portraits and voice pack

    I know I saw a Sarevok one out there but I lost it. Will edit if I find it again
    Huh that's not as much as I thought I had. Oh well.
    Post edited by OneAngryMushroom on
  • BaxyrattyBaxyratty Member Posts: 190
    @OneAngryMushroom Minsc looks like he'd be surprisingly ok with being a pony, do long as he can still crush the forces of evil i suppose
  • OneAngryMushroomOneAngryMushroom Member Posts: 564
    @Baxyratty I could totally see Minsc taking the whole new body and equestria thing in stride. Probably go jolly berzerking on some hapless changlings though
  • Kitteh_On_A_CloudKitteh_On_A_Cloud Member Posts: 1,629
    @OneAngryMushroom: Now that you mention the Changelings, I have to admit that I liked them very much. Especially Chrysalis had an awesome design. It's too bad that she only got so little screen time. I would like to know more about the background story behind the Changelings and getting questions such as 'What are they?' and 'Where do they come from' answered. They seem to be a kind of pony-insect hybrid, that's for sure. Discord is still the most awesome villain, though. Well yeah, he was, until that horrible episode in which he gets 'tamed' by Fluttershy in Season 3. Dude, not every baddie has to become a softie. I watched series such as Watership Down in my childhood and came out untraumatized. Everything has to be so politically correct nowadays. *sigh*
  • @Kitteh_On_A_Cloud Have you read the comics? The first story arc (which they're collecting into a TPB) deals with the Changelings and definitely refrains from making them "soft." It sounds like they'd be right up your alley.

    As far as the Discord thing goes, I have mixed feelings. On the one hand, it was very rushed. On the other hand, I like seeing redemptive arcs, and I like seeing conflicts resolved without violence (even the relatively tame magical violence that just turns you into stone). Maybe that's just because I play too many videogames, where violence is the default problem-solver.
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