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Anyone else think there is a distinct lack of spiked weapons?

Flail +1
Morning start
Morning star + 1

And then that morning star that makes you go berserk. Compared to the other weapon choices, spiked weapons just seems like it was tacked on to simulate variety.


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  • DreadKhanDreadKhan Member Posts: 3,857
    That +3 isnt too bad. Good average damage, can use shield. Dunno what immunities it provides.
  • revaarrevaar Member Posts: 160
    They also added a +2 flail for sale in sorcerous sundries. I agree that there is a lack of nice spiked weapons in bgee though. A silver flail or morning star would be nice for werewolf island at the very least.
  • FubbyFubby Member Posts: 189
    Bhaaldog said:

    While I agree with you that some more could be added, one of the best weapons in the BG trilogy is flail, so do not think if your character chooses flail in BG1 that you will not be effective in BG2 if you import your final save game.

    Guess thats true. It would be nice though if you could have a good selection in BG EE too.

  • PawnSlayerPawnSlayer Member Posts: 295
    There's two amazing flails in BG2 - the Flail of Ages, which goes to +3 in SOA and +5 in TOB (with 5 additional elements providing damage by the end) and the Defender of Easthaven, which makes up for only being +2 with 20% resistance to physical damage.
  • SeveronSeveron Member Posts: 214
    If I recall, they've added a Flail +2 sold in Baldurs Gate? I keep choosing Spiked weapons for my Cleric/Mage
  • secretmantrasecretmantra Member Posts: 259
    Yep, good flails and morning stars are hard to find in BG EE.
  • EudaemoniumEudaemonium Member Posts: 3,199
    In all fairness, there is now a +2 Flail. Which isn't that special when compared to the other +2 weapons that give bonus damage (electric, cold for hammer and longsword), or free action (2h sword).
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  • deltagodeltago Member Posts: 7,811
    @bhaaldog nope, it was put in with Tales

    @eudaemonium I think it is ok just being +2. Flails do more average damage than both long swords and war hammers that having it +2 evens it out.

    Magic weapons and items aren't suppose to be in an abundance when you are first adventuring. I'd even go as far as saying there is probably too many in BGII and unrealistic amount in ToB.

    And I can't remember, were clerics allowed to use spike weapons in vanilla BG?
  • secretmantrasecretmantra Member Posts: 259

    Clerics were always allowed spiked weaps, as per standard 2nd ed D&D rules.
  • atcDaveatcDave Member Posts: 2,454
    Yes clerics were allowed spiked weapons in vanilla BG (and PNP).

    I agree about the ridiculous number of, well, everything in ToB.
  • DreadKhanDreadKhan Member Posts: 3,857
    Even the number of orcs that could take drizzt down alone? Actually, i thought yagashura having a high level army was messed up. Nobody could supply that kind of army. Stupid power creep.
  • SCARY_WIZARDSCARY_WIZARD Member Posts: 1,438

    There's two amazing flails in BG2 - the Flail of Ages, which goes to +3 in SOA and +5 in TOB (with 5 additional elements providing damage by the end) and the Defender of Easthaven, which makes up for only being +2 with 20% resistance to physical damage.

    And that elemental damage is beautiful when it comes to mages trying to cast spells. With a stoneskin spell up.
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