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ankheg armor not working properly?

I nabbed the ankheg armor in Nashkel and immediately equipped my fighter, Shar-Teel--who had generic splintmail on--with it. Surprisingly, her AC went up from 1 to 2. I think ankheg armor is definitely supposed to be lower than spintmail--and it reflects that in the item description. I think either the ankheg isn't bring the character's AC to where it's supposed to be, or the spintmail is bringing the character's AC lower than what it should be.


  • CalvinandhobbesCalvinandhobbes Member Posts: 14
    Sorry--I guess this should be moved to the PC support subforum.
  • TressetTresset Member, Moderator Posts: 8,266
    edited April 2013
    No. It's in the right place.

    Not sure what the problem could be here. Unless... Does Shar-Teel have single weapon style? If she has that her AC gets a little boost but only if she is using a non-ranged one handed weapon without using the off hand. Perhaps you switched her to a ranged weapon and that caused the drop?
  • CalvinandhobbesCalvinandhobbes Member Posts: 14
    Hmm, no, I don't think that's it. I tried the two armors on Kivan as well (they have the same Dex score), and it was the same thing. With splintmail, the AC was 1. With the ankheg armor, 2.

    It's really not a gamebreaker, but it was a little odd. Is there something I'm missing?
  • TressetTresset Member, Moderator Posts: 8,266
    Or it could be this: I just picked her up to test it. She starts out at AC 1. Without changing any of her other equipment I switched her splint mail out for some ankheg and she got an AC of negative 2. Did you perhaps misread the AC?
  • CalvinandhobbesCalvinandhobbes Member Posts: 14
    Ah--nevermind, it's just an error in the inventory screen. The character profile reflects the proper score (a negative 2) while the inventory gives me a positive 2, for some reason.
  • TressetTresset Member, Moderator Posts: 8,266

    Ok. But if the inventory is not showing a negative sign in front of the number then this is still a legitimate bug. I think I've seen you in the international forums yes? What language do you play the game in?
  • CalvinandhobbesCalvinandhobbes Member Posts: 14
    Really? Huh, never posted there. I play the plain old English version.
  • TressetTresset Member, Moderator Posts: 8,266
    Oh, my mistake then. AH. There is a guy in there with a spaceman spiff avatar. That is what I was thinking of. Must have gotten you two mixed up. Heh.
  • CalvinandhobbesCalvinandhobbes Member Posts: 14
    Haha, I can see where you got confused.
  • AedanAedan Member, Translator (NDA) Posts: 8,551
    edited April 2013
    Can you attached a savegame? I tried to reproduce this bug, but the armor works fine in my game.
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