There are a variety of really good offhand weapons in the second game, depending on your proficiencies and which NPCs you want in your party. There are enough super-weapons to go around if the party's proficiencies are spread out.
For the first game longswords are a good choice. There are some good longswords. Focusing on one weapon type and two weapon style means you'll be hammering away pretty good by the end of the first game. There's never really a lack of decent longswords.
Flails as mentioned are an awesome choice. There are some really great flails in the second game. One of the best offhand weapons in the second game is a hammer that sets your strength to 25.
If you want to boost your APR then either go for shortswords (kundane) or scimitars (belm).
For immunities there are all sorts out there, the improved mace of disruption gives immunity to level drain. dragon slayer (long sword) protects from fear.
Then there are weapons like ilbratha (spelling?) that allow the wielder to cast mirror, namara (longsword) and daystar (longsword) enable silence and daystar respectively
in the first instance for good bg:ee longswords and useful early SoA longswords will take you a long way
There are also really good longsword in the second game. If your character is a paladin, I would invest in bastard swords for dual-wielding.
As for the first game, there really aren't any weapons that stick out supreme above all others. If you go with warhammers/flails, you'll find a decent warhammer or two, but flails are a little on the weak side in bg1. Maces are decent, too. I usually like to save the awesome blunt weapons for my cleric, because they can't use the other weapons. They also rarely dual-wield, but that's ok.
There are some daggers with really cool abilities, but daggers don't really deal the best damage.
Any thing can be made to work. There's some very easily acquired nice weapons in early BG1, a longsword, short sword, and hammer, and EE added a ridiculously overpowered mace that is no challenge at all to get (aside knowing its there).
For BG2, anything can be viable, though blunt as a damage type has a bit of innate superiority as a damage type, but not enough that it really needs to alter your playstyle. Aside from keeping one or two on hand for clay golems (they're immune to non-blunt damage, and require at least +1 enhancement to hit), not all that common though.
Katana aren't worth it in BG1 simply due to scarcity. IF you didn't buy the one in the prelude, it's going to be a very longtime before you even see another one.
They're a bit better in BG2, still not a lot of variety, but there's some good generic modifier ones, and a lot of people swear by CF (though I'm not exactly a fan of it (Prefer FoA myself)).
I think I'll go with longsword/warhammer. While the longsword selection in BG2 might not be optimal I get to wield Varscona and flame tongue for a whole fire/ice theme and theres also the +2 warhammer that does +1 electric damage. Thanks for the help and opinions! I didn't honestly think of BG2 weapons.
Katana aren't worth it in BG1 simply due to scarcity. IF you didn't buy the one in the prelude, it's going to be a very longtime before you even see another one.
actually you can get a katana sooner than you think . but i have to admit, best katana i get in this game is simple +1, which is pretty dissapointing.
They're a bit better in BG2, still not a lot of variety, but there's some good generic modifier ones, and a lot of people swear by CF (though I'm not exactly a fan of it (Prefer FoA myself)).
and you can always fight kensairyu from weidu mod to get an excellent sanchuudoku
Scimitars and short swords also make popular choices as they benefit from blem/kundane in BG2 which both grant a whole extra attack per round.
For the first game longswords are a good choice. There are some good longswords. Focusing on one weapon type and two weapon style means you'll be hammering away pretty good by the end of the first game. There's never really a lack of decent longswords.
Flails as mentioned are an awesome choice. There are some really great flails in the second game. One of the best offhand weapons in the second game is a hammer that sets your strength to 25.
1. APR bonuses
2. resistance/immunities
3. bonus abilities
If you want to boost your APR then either go for shortswords (kundane) or scimitars (belm).
For immunities there are all sorts out there, the improved mace of disruption gives immunity to level drain. dragon slayer (long sword) protects from fear.
Then there are weapons like ilbratha (spelling?) that allow the wielder to cast mirror, namara (longsword) and daystar (longsword) enable silence and daystar respectively
in the first instance for good bg:ee longswords and useful early SoA longswords will take you a long way
As for the first game, there really aren't any weapons that stick out supreme above all others. If you go with warhammers/flails, you'll find a decent warhammer or two, but flails are a little on the weak side in bg1. Maces are decent, too. I usually like to save the awesome blunt weapons for my cleric, because they can't use the other weapons. They also rarely dual-wield, but that's ok.
There are some daggers with really cool abilities, but daggers don't really deal the best damage.
For BG2, anything can be viable, though blunt as a damage type has a bit of innate superiority as a damage type, but not enough that it really needs to alter your playstyle. Aside from keeping one or two on hand for clay golems (they're immune to non-blunt damage, and require at least +1 enhancement to hit), not all that common though.
Katana aren't worth it in BG1 simply due to scarcity. IF you didn't buy the one in the prelude, it's going to be a very longtime before you even see another one.
They're a bit better in BG2, still not a lot of variety, but there's some good generic modifier ones, and a lot of people swear by CF (though I'm not exactly a fan of it (Prefer FoA myself)).
I'm not a fan of blunt weapons bar the quarterstaff.... besides, Clerics should be able to use swords.
I don't personally don't mind but I think that's the idea.