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What about this Portrait for Khalid?



  • BelgarathMTHBelgarathMTH Member Posts: 5,653
    I saw some posters comparing Khalid to Jokser. I don't think they're the same character type at all. Jokser is a braggart and a narcissist, who cannot "deliver the goods" when real combat starts. He sees himself as a mighty warrior, and becomes a fool during combat when it becomes obvious that he has bad equipment and next to no melee skill.

    Khalid isn't anything like that. He is quiet, loyal, and soft-spoken. These are the qualities that draw Jaheira to him. When he must speak, he stumbles over his words. He has extreme self-confidence issues.

    He hates fighting, and avoids it as much as possible. ("My heart really isn't in this!") But if he must fight, and especially if Jaheira or Charname are in danger, he draws upon a surprising well of strength and martial skill. Khalid is the type of fighter who kills enemies because they make the fatal mistake of underestimating him.

    I don't think any of the photos I've seen here fit Khalid. I like Amaurea's, and a few others from modders who have done portrait sets.
  • KidCarnivalKidCarnival Member Posts: 3,747
    10 INT in game still means slightly above average (9 would be average), so she isn't dumb. I've always seen them as an "opposites attract" couple, so the difference fits.
  • LemernisLemernis Member, Moderator Posts: 4,318
    edited May 2013
    Somewhere in this thread (can't find exactly where now) there is a question about where does the notion that Khalid is a great swordsman come from. The answer is in his ability to gain High Mastery (++++) in Long Sword. Otherwise when he joins you, he is not that, of course. He has studied with a militia in Calimshan and is only Proficient (+). By the end of the game he will get a lot of the kills, though, just by virtue of his Fighter thac0, APR, and High Mastery.
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