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So I finally got a chance to play the original game "The Witcher"

LadyRhianLadyRhian Member Posts: 14,694
And it's... different. I find myself liking it, but the cutscene hair frightens the beejesus out of mw. So much of the time, women look like they got a bad '80's streak job. EEEK! Mind you, I'm still on the outskirts of Vizima, having lit the fire shrines, killed a bunch of drowners and two ghouls, along with a ton of Barghests (Occasionally, the beast shows up when I am fighting Barghests, howls at me and disappears), and I also went into the cave across the water, where you fight the arm/claw things that come out of the ground, and managed to survive. I missed one of the trophy quests, the named Drowner, but I can always go back and replay that part.

It's very different than Baldur's Gate, but that's not a bad thing. I actually prefer the graphics in BG, though.


  • elminsterelminster Member, Developer Posts: 16,317
    Yea the combat style takes getting used to, but its probably one of my favourite RPG's from the last 6 or so years. Its hard to believe it came out in 2007.
  • DrugarDrugar Member Posts: 1,566
    Glad you're enjoying it, it takes some getting used to but it's really rewarding in the end.
  • reedmilfamreedmilfam Member Posts: 2,808
    My interest in the game went down over time, but maybe that's just me. I found the dialogue to be high school teenager level and it really detracted. It had some good points but, overall, I was disappointed. Wait until the fights that go on forever. Strike strike strike potion strike strike strike strike.
  • O_BruceO_Bruce Member Posts: 2,790
    The first game from the Witcher series might be longer and more "PC-ish" than the second, but for me it wouldn't be anything that special, if It wasn't the fact that I am fan of the novels. Personally, I recommend playing the Witcher 2. Maybe it's shorter, but more intesive, detailed and mature.

    Trivia: The Witcher 1's engine is based on Neverwinter Nights engine, so that's the reason for medicore (efen below that) graphics.
  • LadyRhianLadyRhian Member Posts: 14,694
    I found the "sex cards" that appear after your character gets it on with someone, to be the least mature part of the game. I heard that if you have the non-censored, non-American version, it presents the women with naked boobs, which just made me O.O. I mean, really guys? You can't come up with something more mature than that?
  • ajwzajwz Member Posts: 4,122
    It didnt really do much for me, which is surprising since it seems to tick all the right boxes.
    I guess I just found the pace of the game to be too slow and the combat a little clunky and longwinded
  • ajwzajwz Member Posts: 4,122
    Is it really any worse than DA's worksafe sex scenes complete with corny musical backing?
    I always took the sex cards thing to be a satirical swipe at the state of the wrpg market.

    Also, it's a Polish made game, and us europeans don't find nudity in media to be terribly shocking.
  • LadyRhianLadyRhian Member Posts: 14,694
    It came off as "Teenager"-y rather than actually adult, at least to me. And I have not, as yet, played DA, so... I will probably end up liking Baldur's Gate's "Fade to black" more. At least, it's tasteful.
  • Kitteh_On_A_CloudKitteh_On_A_Cloud Member Posts: 1,629
    Why do people always want to see fully naked boobs and genitals in video games? I admit, the censoring can be sometimes silly, but on the other hand...if you want to see fully-blown sex scenes, there are enough sites like that on the internet.
  • LadyRhianLadyRhian Member Posts: 14,694
    Because video game writers tend to write for the 13-22 aged male demographic, when, at least snarkily, it's the Beavis and Butthead demographic. "Dude, he said 'Bewbs'!" (snicker, snort). "Let's find more bewbees to look at!"
  • Kitteh_On_A_CloudKitteh_On_A_Cloud Member Posts: 1,629
    Yeah, you got a point. But I think it's more because of there still being a taboo around such things like sex in games. But in any case, I don't need to see my characters bang on-screen anyway.
  • LadyRhianLadyRhian Member Posts: 14,694
    @Kitteh_On_A_Cloud Yeah, most of the time it looks as interesting as sea slugs mating. That's why I prefer a fade to black every time. Use your imagination, morons... it's a thousand times better than any computer graphics will EVER be. Even straight up porn tends not to do it for me. So it's bodies humping. So what? I prefer the emotions, not the motions.
  • elminsterelminster Member, Developer Posts: 16,317
    LadyRhian said:

    Because video game writers tend to write for the 13-22 aged male demographic, when, at least snarkily, it's the Beavis and Butthead demographic. "Dude, he said 'Bewbs'!" (snicker, snort). "Let's find more bewbees to look at!"

    Maybe 13-17 year old males talk like that, but I'm not that far removed from the 13-22 year old male demographic and I kind of feel like you are generalising a tad bit. That said the sex cards aren't all bad. For an emerging (and small) developer like CD Project they have at least generated a fair bit of discussion about the game. Thats free marketing :)
  • ajwzajwz Member Posts: 4,122
    It ok.
    Sometimes developers are smarter than their target demographic, sometimes dumber. A good game is a good game regardless of it's intended demographic. I play a reasonably large number of games ostensibly aimed at girls or young children.
    I think sex scenes are pretty dumb in video games, but some people seem to like them.

    I was gonna say different strokes for different folks, but... :p
  • DrugarDrugar Member Posts: 1,566
    The cards were a, but I didn't mind them.

    I don't mind some naked ladies or gents in my game. It's got decapitations and swearing, so it's not likely to shock the audience. If I'm playing a womanising, hardass, violent monster slayer, I don't see why only the womanising part needs to be cencored.
  • reedmilfamreedmilfam Member Posts: 2,808
    Even the swearing didn't fit in the Witcher. I found the teenage boy-level approach to sex, the silly cards, and the f-bombs to be complete detractors. It should have been rated IM for IMmature, in my book. Stuck with it into (I think) the 3rd part, before deciding it wasn't worth the time. I've heard that 2 is way better, but I'm ambivalent.
  • O_BruceO_Bruce Member Posts: 2,790
    Actually, from what I know the "sex cards" weren't meant to be treated like a minigame or something like that. Still, majority of players treats it like "gotta score'em all!", so results IS immature, in fact. In second game, thought, there is no such cards, and general approach towards erotica and sex is much more mature. Progress.

    There is one thing that's interesting thought. I mean swearing and dialogues. I don't recall it feeling off or stupid or teenage-level. Does that means that translating/adaptating the Witcher to other languages/cultures just doesn't work? Or does it mean that in just first game case?

    Yep, it is better. A lot, in fact. Basically, second game improves on nearly every aspect in comparison to the first game. Then again, believe me or not. Play it, or not. Decision is yours.
  • DrugarDrugar Member Posts: 1,566
    The second game is a lot better in many ways, yes. It felt a little bit more constricted than the first but the fact that a few decisions in Act I completely change Act II give it a lot of points where I'm concerned.
    Also, no sex cards and very few women to sleep with. Alas, my pimpin' days were over.

    Also, I've already plugged in another thread, but it stays relevant; Witcher 2 is 80% off for another 18 hours. Only 6 bucks, can't go wrong there.
  • elminsterelminster Member, Developer Posts: 16,317
    Drugar said:

    The second game is a lot better in many ways, yes. It felt a little bit more constricted than the first but the fact that a few decisions in Act I completely change Act II give it a lot of points where I'm concerned.
    Also, no sex cards and very few women to sleep with. Alas, my pimpin' days were over.

    Also, I've already plugged in another thread, but it stays relevant; Witcher 2 is 80% off for another 18 hours. Only 6 bucks, can't go wrong there.

    GOG is great :)
  • Kitteh_On_A_CloudKitteh_On_A_Cloud Member Posts: 1,629
    The question is: Do sex and erotica in general make a game 'mature'?
  • kamuizinkamuizin Member Posts: 3,704
    The Witcher is nice cos nothing you do is absent of consequences. There's literally no good or evil there, because each hostile group calls the flag of justice to it's cause.

    The best thing you can do there is be neutral, and even then you do some damage that way (not everything allow neutrality).
  • DrugarDrugar Member Posts: 1,566

    The question is: Do sex and erotica in general make a game 'mature'?

    No more than violence does; which is to say it does not.
    However, cencoring all sexuality because it's perverse and reasoning that the inclusion of boobs in a game immediately renders it juvenile and inane is also not mature.
  • ajwzajwz Member Posts: 4,122
    For an industry that has blossomed for well over 30 years, there has been a startling lack of erotica in video games as a whole when compared to pretty much any other medium. Not saying this is a good or bad thing, just a little peculiar.

    Sengoku rance was pretty kickass though
  • LadyRhianLadyRhian Member Posts: 14,694
    It's not the boobs or sex, it's how it's handled. You can make a game full of blood, gore, sex and violence and it can come off as teenager-y, or it can come off as mature. Turning women into trophies or "scores" is just teenager-y. If the women serve a story purpose outside of a means to slake your lust or a prize to be won, you *can* have a more mature game. But all those things must serve a purpose to the story, not just a "Oh, and we'll make every second word a curse just to make it MA-TOUR!". That is not gonna work. (and I'm not saying the Witcher does that, I am speaking in general.) Have a reason for the characters to let out a curse rather than simply being a potty mouth in general. I.e. he/she loses someone close to him/her, so he/she curses for the first time as an evidence of how much this loss affects him/her, where normally he/she never curses at all.
  • DrugarDrugar Member Posts: 1,566
    The Witcher does this right in some points, wrong in others. There are a few points in the game where the women don't simply throw themselves at you, but use you (and your libido) to get what they want. They aren't just there to shag because it's mature, that's just how they manipulate you.
    On the other hand, there's also a few women (for example, the town gossip) who are just there as a way to score booty, which detracts a bit from the game.

    However, it does not stand out, the game has mature themes overall and you can uncover horrible things about people that require a Mature game.
    Chapter 1 spoilers:
    [Spoiler] Odo the merchant murdered his brother for money and buried him in the backyard. Mikul the guard and his friends raped several girls including his supposed love Ilsa (who committed suicide because of it) and the Reverend's daughter. When the reverend noticed his daughter was pregnant, he viciously beat her and threw her out so she's now a whore in Vizima. He's also selling children into slavery to Salamandra. Abigail the witch is blamed for all the monsters in the area but claims innocence; killing her is demanded by the person who can get you into the city however. [/Spoiler]
    The game doesn't just throw boobs and swearwords in there and claims it's mature, it also tackles several serious issues that have no place in a Teen rated game.
  • LadyRhianLadyRhian Member Posts: 14,694
    I played a bit more, I killed Ozzrel the Alghoul in the crypt- a tough fight, though he didn't kill me like the Echinops did, found a dead body on the road and looted it, and ended up with tulips and roses? Gave the tulips to the blonde lady and shagged her (because I was a bit bored at that point, honestly). Geralt's response is so blatant, "Let's go find a secluded nook..." Cheapest shag ever, or what? Just a nosegay of tulips... I was actually annoyed by that, a bit. Oh well, though. I knew what I was getting into. Now I am just looking for one more citizen to pacify for the Reverend and I will be able to enter Vizima.
  • Sick_BoySick_Boy Member Posts: 20
    Each time I remember the combat system of this game makes me laugh.
  • MoomintrollMoomintroll Member Posts: 1,498
    @Sick_Boy why? I loaded up The Witcher2 recently, for the first time and after recommendations on this forum. I was so hopelessly bad at it I just gave up right after the tutorial.
  • DrugarDrugar Member Posts: 1,566
    Haha, I had the same experience Moomintroll.
    I got horribly beaten by two random guards, worse by the three after them. Then, an hour later (and a dozen reloads) there came a bit with dodging dragon's fire. I didn't even know WHAT to do there, until it occurred to me to check if the spot I was standing in was actually burning.

    I'd grown lazy from previous games.
    Combat gets tons easier once you get Quen, the forcefield sign, which'll net you some protection. Also, rolling and dodging like a moron helps a ton. Get the "roll twice the distance" talent asap.
  • HeroicSpurHeroicSpur Member Posts: 907
    edited June 2013
    I don't know why everyone keeps slamming the sexual element of the the Witcher. Yes, it's plainly immature, yes, it serves no purpose whatsoever in a computer game, but, it's quite possible to play throught he whole game without dealing with any of the sex-card nonsense.

    The game does not force you to deal with its low-brow element, so if it irks you, don't. I played through the whole of the Witcher 1, without collecting 'sex-cards' and enjoyed it tremendously. The ending is particularly good (relative to most games anyway).

    I also think it's unfair to describe the game as immature because the dialogue features bad language. It's a dark fantasy setting, and the whole world is unpleasant, the characters in it behave accordingly.

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