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So I finally got a chance to play the original game "The Witcher"



  • Mrpenfold666Mrpenfold666 Member Posts: 428
    edited November 2013
    @ZelgadisGW oh wow i made a mistake, its not a bioware game, but want to know why i thought it was? image it says bioware on the cover, i thought it was bioware, big whoop no need to become an ass and insult me come back when you actually have a point worth reading

    now to respond to some other points:


    i did some reading on the witcher when i was playing it and i read that the main lover of the story is EITHER triss or the alchemist lady but due to geralts amnesia he doesnt know which one he took and which one he rejected which is why im confused about why geralt would hop into bed in a very inappropriate time given context on the situation

    now for the trailer, i get the code they aren't to help the masses and only kill big evil, but the same goes for the grey wardens in dragon age, but you as the warden helps everyone because your the hero, the wardens in dragon age 2 while they dont help drectly because they aren't allowed to involve themselves with the masses they give you items to help you wit your fight and they tell the other cities and spread news of the events going on (going to keep spoilers to a minimum) and shepard as a spectre goes around and helps random people because he is the hero / anti hero (if your doing renegade)

    ive not played that many games where you are in a group with specific rules but there are other examples out there probably, ive just not played them or is @ZelgadisGW going to fall off his high horse and rant pointlessly some more at me?

    as for the character i still think amnesia is a weak story, useful for learning about the new fantasy world that has been made but they didnt utilize it as much as they could have so i went through the game not really caring about anyone i was talking to becuase me character was just like "i dont know you" if he was even like "you seem familiar to me but i dont know where" that one line of dialogue would probably have gotten me a little more invested, but as it stands he doesnt know anyone is pretty much alone in the game world after the prelude so it was hard to get invested in people saying they were geralts friends but geralt having no real reaction.

    and the lack of customization other games have classes or in thinks like elder scrolls the more you do something the better you get at it, or in D&D your stats determine what weapons your good with melee or ranged, i would have liked something like that, even if it was one question like: "do you prefere big sword, two smaller swords or your magic shout thingy" not much but just something to customize myself with.

    every RPG has it except this one, and maybe ill give it another go when im done with BG2, tomb raider and smackdown here comes the pain (pc, xbox360 and ps2 in that order)
  • O_BruceO_Bruce Member Posts: 2,790
    Amnesia plot is necessary, thought. Without it, every person who has never touched the novels would feel lost and out of a place. Especially, when you consider the fact that there cannot be any new true Witchers in the franchise, as there is nobody alive who knows how to properly "create" the Witcher (note that Leo is not the Witcher), hence the only choice left was to either use protagonist from the novels or let the player play ordinary person instead of Witcher. The choice was obvious.

    And I'm not angry with you, @Mrpenfold666 for having different opinion than mine. In fact, this forum contains hundreds of opinion I disapprove, yet I'm not raging. I'm angry with you because of your pretended knowledge.
  • Edwin_OdesseironEdwin_Odesseiron Member Posts: 226
    Absolutely amazing game series. Rich world, wonderful Slavic mythology (which is awesome, and NEVER gets mentioned anywhere. DOWN WITH VIKINGS!), and superbly told storyline. If I hadn't played BG first, Witcher would likely be my favourite game of all time. As it stands, it is a close second, with only nostalgia keeping BG at number one.
  • Mrpenfold666Mrpenfold666 Member Posts: 428
    @ZelgadisGW you clearly are angry with me otherwise you wouldn't have skipped straight to the "your stupid and i hate your ignorance and stupidity and he made a mistake so he is obviouslt pretending to be smart la la la" insults so quickly when a simple polite "the witcher wasnt made by bioware but used bioware engine which is why it said bioware on the cover" would have actually made you a polite person to speak to, but even now your saying "im not angry your just pretending to be smart" issues makes you a very hostile person and so from now on im going to ignore you.

    while amnesia is good to explain lore dragon age made such an amazing innovative thing with the origin stories, a mini prequel to the game to set up context with the main plot i say innovative because to my knowledge no game has done this before and it would make every game so much better from a story telling standpoint, even if it was a breif exploration of the castle before you fight the monster in the opening credits, you get your tutorial without having to (in some games) painfully work it into the main plot (like the god aweful and boring sewers in oblivion or running around in helgen in skyrim, the virtual training mission in W40K firewarrior or the fighting turks in dante's inferno)

    a small origin story also helps when bad thing X happens to the main character, i believe people would feel more invested in the events at the start of the witcher then geralt goes on his mission and gets hit by amnesia to the face, player has context, reason to worry about the character, reason to care about the other witchers apart from the "you just have to" an example would be if you played dragon age as a dwarf and your supposed to care about the mages just because, but playing the mage origin gives you context on why you should care for the mages, being essentially slaves. the the origin stories last for 20-30 minutes depending, nothing thats going to make the game feel days long than it already does / doesn't
  • O_BruceO_Bruce Member Posts: 2,790
    I'm not going to be polite, when I feel that I don't express myself with it. End of the story.
  • QbertQbert Member Posts: 195
    LadyRhian said:

    @Qbert And also sterile because of it. Don't underestimate the value of that in a time when pregnancy was one of the deadliest activities a woman could engage in. Deadly to the woman, I mean. He's also rare, but not one of a kind (the beginning of the game takes place in Caer Morhen- stronghold of the witchers, and you meet other witchers there). He also has all his teeth (another thing not to be sneezed at in medieval times), and is probably pretty well-groomed for his time (Bathing more than twice in his life, for example).

    Yeah, I have no problem seeing why women are queueing up to get on his… how did Yahtzee Croshaw put it…? +69 Staff of Penetration…

    By one of a kind i meant he is the White Wolf, famous albino witcher renowned for many heroic deeds, and fullfiller of the prophecy, not that he is the only witcher.

    I didn't think about sterility being attractive. that's pretty funny. He should start out all his propositions with, "So, did you know i'm sterile?" wink wink

  • FoggyFoggy Member Posts: 297
    Sure Geralt is sterile, but so are all 106 years old guys, and Geralt "condition" seems to bother him none. about Geralt age see
  • LadyRhianLadyRhian Member Posts: 14,694
    @Qbert At least in the books, *all* the witchers go through the mutagenic changes. But Geralt resisted them better than most, so they did additional "testing" on him, which turned him into the White Wolf (according to the books only 4 in 10 candidates survive the change into Witchers). He wasn't the only one singled out for "additional testing", but he was the only one to survive. There is also Ciri, a girl who is in training to become a Witcher, but due to her magical abilities becomes a "source" (essentially more powerful than a mage, but with stranger powers).
  • QbertQbert Member Posts: 195
    Interesting. would you recommend the books for pleasure reading?
  • CrevsDaakCrevsDaak Member Posts: 7,155
    Qbert said:

    Interesting. would you recommend the books for pleasure reading?

    I ask the same here :D

  • LadyRhianLadyRhian Member Posts: 14,694
    @Qbert @CrevsDaak I would. Admittedly, they have a very different feel than most western fantasy fiction. There is an… elegiac quality to them, that sort of leaves you with a feeling of sadness. In one of the stories, Geralt laments that the Witchers have been TOO good at their jobs- the monsters are dying out, and the need for him and his kind will soon be gone. Worse, as the monsters disappear, the humans are trying to preserve them, which to him, is madness- they are dangerous to humans, and trying to preserve them is ilke wanting to keep a man-eating tiger alive because it is the only, or one of the last few, tigers left. He'd rather exterminate the monsters entirely.

    So, he's sad that the time for his own (Witchers) is ending, but at the same time he's sad that there will be no more monsters to fight- an ending of obsolescence for him and his fellow Witchers. He'd prefer to go down fighting, in a way. You can understand his point of view, and that of the other humans as well, and the conflict and the ideas make you feel sad inside. It's, as they say, the end of an era.
  • CrevsDaakCrevsDaak Member Posts: 7,155
    @LadyRhian are they appropriate for underage? Or I should get them from a friend and not from my parents? (don't laugh at this one).
  • The_Potty_1The_Potty_1 Member Posts: 436
    I'm inclined to think age restrictions don't really apply to books. Read anything you want, by anyone you like, as soon as it appeals to you. The worst that happens is you stop reading it. Most parents should be delighted you're reading at all.
  • Kitteh_On_A_CloudKitteh_On_A_Cloud Member Posts: 1,629

    I'm inclined to think age restrictions don't really apply to books. Read anything you want, by anyone you like, as soon as it appeals to you. The worst that happens is you stop reading it. Most parents should be delighted you're reading at all.

    And I'm inclined to disagree. Not all books should just be allowed for kids to read at any given time. I think for example that the Twilight books give girls a very bad image of the woman and how relationships should be like. Of course I will not be able to prohibit my future daughter from reading what I consider to be crap, but at least I can strongly discourage it and discuss the book with her after she's read it to make her critical of what she's reading. I also don't think 14-year old girls have no business reading 50 shades of grey. You have no idea how easy it is for young girls to be influenced by what they're reading. I once asked my 14-year old sister what she thought about Edward Cullen leaving Bella all on her own in a dangerous forest because 'he was too dangerous for her' and know what she said? That it's romantic. Yeah...No.
  • The_Potty_1The_Potty_1 Member Posts: 436
    edited November 2013
    Hm. It probably depends if you read one book a year, or never leave the house without a book, and a backup book in case you finish the first book, and a spare bookmark in case the first book becomes a bit boring so you have to start the second book, but you may want to go back to the first book later, and a third book in case the first two are a bit rubbish. And you're going to the library. Then I think the momentary effects of reading garbage are easily offset by everything you've read before.

    EDIT I read twilight, because my daughter did, and I wanted to know what she was snorting up her .. eyes. Yes it's vapid, and if vampires actually existed then it should come with a health warning. On the other hand, my daughter survived, and now I've given her the entire hitch hiker's guide to the galaxy series, and all of this was on top of a healthy amount of Terry Pratchett, so next she's probably ready for some Tom Robbins.
  • LadyRhianLadyRhian Member Posts: 14,694
    @Kitteh-On-A-Cloud For some reason, your post reminded me of a comic which had a child learning to read from "The Pop-up 'Story of O'."
    @The_Potty_1 Kady Cross's SteamPunk story series is really good as well. The first one was called "The Girl in the Steel Corset", the Second is "The Girl in the Clockwork Necklace" and the latest is "The Girl with the Iron Touch". It's about a young woman named Finley Jane, who seems to have two natures. One is a solidly lower middle class girl who seeks work as a maid, and the second is a more feral self who is stronger than a man with a decidedly dark bent. In the first book we learn that her father was this world's version of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde, and she was conceived when her father was harboring his darker half, so she inherited some of that. But she doesn't know that through most of the first book- she only discovers it when the son of the lady whose house she works in tries to strong-arm her into sex and she punches him so hard, she thinks she's killed him. She runs out into the street and is hit by the carriage of a young lord who has some very unusual talents himself. And with his two closest friends, they take on missions for the Queen of England in the first book, but in the other two books they are drawn away to help friends. As part of helping Finley Jane, they look into her past and discover the truth about her, and Griffin, the young lord, helps her to begin integrating her two halves into a whole. But only begin, and even by the end of the third book, she isn't there yet.
  • The_Potty_1The_Potty_1 Member Posts: 436
    @LadyRhian apologies for railroading your thread, I'll stop. I'd offer to take this to it's own thread. Except there's nothing much left to say, I expect a certain amount of agreeing to disagree is about to be required.

    The Kady Cross books look just up my daughter's street, and I'll probably give them a go too. I don't suppose you have any suggestions for my son? He's 12, so 3 years younger than her, and only reads stuff by about 2 authors. Actually I got him to read Ender's game, but that's sort of a once-off, the rest of the series is probably beyond him. Perhaps I should try him on some non-fiction.
  • LadyRhianLadyRhian Member Posts: 14,694
    @The_Potty_1 have you tried the Brian Jacques Redwall books- epic fantasy adventures starring talking animals. First one Chronologically is "Lord Brocktree", then "Martin the Warrior", then "Mossflower". If he takes to them there will be a whole swathe of books to read. And his subconscious will ring with cries of "Eulalia!" The books revolve around an abbey of peaceful creatures who are often menaced by evil beasts (other animals, like Sea Rats and various "vicious" animals), and are defended by their hero Martin the Warrior, who has since passed on, but whose spirit protects the Abbey still. It's really good and amazing, and perfectly suitable for adults as well.

    Otherwise, has he seen the "Rise of the Guardians" movie? Because there is a book series based on that by Wlliam Joyce, the same man who created "Rolie Polie Ollie" for Disney. The book series is about the origins of the various guardians and how they met and includes the Man of the Moon (at least in the fifth book, which will be forthcoming) and a girl named Katherine who (it is never stated outright, but based on an illustration from one of the Kid's books I have read (about the Sandman and the Man in the Moon, Tsar Lunar) is going to be Mother Goose. We meet Nicholas St. North (Santa), E. Aster Bunnymund (The Easter Bunny), Toothiana (Queen of the Tooth Fairy Armies) and Sanderson Mansnoozie, aka the Sandman and they keep watch over the children of Earth, keeping them safe from the machinations of Pitch, once General Pitchinoir, leader of the armies of the Golden Age against the Dream Pirates, but now turned and possessed by them, having become the Boogeyman. His daughter is Mother Earth (and she's more neutral than good, but still…). Great series.
  • Chaotic_GoodChaotic_Good Member Posts: 255
    I was so inclined I fell over.
  • Kitteh_On_A_CloudKitteh_On_A_Cloud Member Posts: 1,629
    @LadyRhian: I'm afraid I don't get your reference? I'm sorry I started ranting, but I can't help it knowing garbage like Twilight is read by thousands of young girls all over the world, all of them swooning over it without any realisation of how wrong those books depict relationships... Again, my apologies, but it makes the storywriter in me boil with anger.
  • DeathKnightDeathKnight Member Posts: 93
    edited December 2013
    Qbert said:

    i liked the witcher but it became a little too easy as the game went on. i did not play on hard difficulty though, which i understand is a whole different game.

    I liked the fact that there was no good or bad, just various shades of grey.

    want to try out witcher 2 and the trailer posted earlier for witcher 3 looks awesome.

    About the sex, i was amazed that women threw themselves all over a man who was a scarred albino with crazy eyes and frankly pretty ugly.

    he was a badass monster killer and was one of a kind - perhaps that was the reason?

    Well, actually, sometimes there was good (letting thaler live) or bad (side with the order). But those instances were pretty rare.

    You haven't tried 2 already? You are going to be amazed and thrilled the very second you start trying it. But it's a totally different game, both in play/feel and everything else, including style.

    About sex, that is nothing, especially when compared to real life situations. You cannot imagine what ugly dudes are "graced" with beauties, or old men. Geralt is like a top model compared to people like them, even if still a fantasy figure only. And as the working lady ingame says: "do not worry, women prefer ugly bastards than groomed dandies, dear, and you are ugly pretty mighty!"...

    Badass monster slayer roughs it up pretty well. For many reasons. Not the sex. I myself preferred the alcohol, and the looong philosophy sessions over it with zoltan and dandelion going. Especially the latter...
  • LadyRhianLadyRhian Member Posts: 14,694
    @Kitteh_On_A-Cloud I have been trying to remember what the name of the comic was, but it was about a kid who was raised on S&M, including, as a child the Pop-up version of "The Story of O" (a rather famous S&M text). It was just an amusing mental image.
  • QbertQbert Member Posts: 195
    edited December 2013

    Well, actually, sometimes there was good (letting thaler live) or bad (side with the order). But those instances were pretty rare.

    You haven't tried 2 already? You are going to be amazed and thrilled the very second you start trying it. But it's a totally different game, both in play/feel and everything else, including style.

    About sex, that is nothing, especially when compared to real life situations. You cannot imagine what ugly dudes are "graced" with beauties, or old men. Geralt is like a top model compared to people like them, even if still a fantasy figure only. And as the working lady ingame says: "do not worry, women prefer ugly bastards than groomed dandies, dear, and you are ugly pretty mighty!"...

    Badass monster slayer roughs it up pretty well. For many reasons. Not the sex. I myself preferred the alcohol, and the looong philosophy sessions over it with zoltan and dandelion going. Especially the latter...

    Hmm no im on a mac and the requirements for that game are ridiculous on a mac. finally got 1 running with some tweaking, only crashed alot during act 2.

    I wish i knew women beauties who liked regular not rich dudes like you do. Maybe not in the US? At least i have the not a groomed dandy thing working for me.

    the alcohol was a nice touch. there are a lot of little nice flavor touches in the Witcher.

  • Kitteh_On_A_CloudKitteh_On_A_Cloud Member Posts: 1,629
    @Qbert: Everyone's got the same chances at finding the right partner. Just take care of yourself (women like fresh 'n clean men), get out there and don't be shy, be yourself. Not all women fall for overly handsome muscular men. At least to me, I don't consider looks to be that important. I value personality, trustworthiness, reliability, and especially sense of humour a lot more!
  • CrevsDaakCrevsDaak Member Posts: 7,155
    edited December 2013

    @Qbert: Everyone's got the same chances at finding the right partner. Just take care of yourself (women like fresh 'n clean men), get out there and don't be shy, be yourself. Not all women fall for overly handsome muscular men. At least to me, I don't consider looks to be that important. I value personality, trustworthiness, reliability, and especially sense of humour a lot more!

    That's good, since there is nothing I hate more than society and it prefixes on us!
    Also, I can't understand why women like men with muscles? It must be society again!

    I'm inclined to think age restrictions don't really apply to books. Read anything you want, by anyone you like, as soon as it appeals to you. The worst that happens is you stop reading it. Most parents should be delighted you're reading at all.

    And I'm inclined to disagree. Not all books should just be allowed for kids to read at any given time. I think for example that the Twilight books give girls a very bad image of the woman and how relationships should be like. Of course I will not be able to prohibit my future daughter from reading what I consider to be crap, but at least I can strongly discourage it and discuss the book with her after she's read it to make her critical of what she's reading. I also don't think 14-year old girls have no business reading 50 shades of grey. You have no idea how easy it is for young girls to be influenced by what they're reading. I once asked my 14-year old sister what she thought about Edward Cullen leaving Bella all on her own in a dangerous forest because 'he was too dangerous for her' and know what she said? That it's romantic. Yeah...No.
    Ahh, society, the only thing under the lowest of the Hells, what good memories it brings? None, just suffering, pain, agony and destruction. They blame the US for the nuke un Japan, but nobody says that Cuba discovered the cure for cancer. Still the same, one man lives, two men's life were lost. This might sound empty, but it is the true behind the lies, since lies are lies, they don't even exist at all, so we cannot find the truth behind them, because there is also no truth. I wonder why mankind is so afflicted by their own death? We will all die one day, and if you don't get why, I will give you a tip: Entropy.
    Just it is as plain, cold and empty as it sounds, it marks the negative part of the existence, I ever wonder why do we live, what propose we have? No propose, nothing at all, we can just see what we know to see, if I see something you do not, you will think I am mad, while I think that you haven't learnt to see what I was looking at, because there's nothing to look at.
    Also, romantic thingies started around XIII (or XIIV), after the end of the Middle Age, but our false needs come right from the start: Why do we need to live, if we are going to die? What is the point of life, where there is death? Nowadays, no man or woman could handle to live alone, they will still have that need for useless things, even for life, even if that person learns to think in a different way, its the human nature, nothing can change, the nature of a man.
    A very good game worth playing is Planescape Torment, it makes you think about this, many times, you are both the End and the Beginning, you are Everything, but if you are everything, which thing was your origin? Nothing, if you are something, you are nothing at the same time, who many people know who you are? Do you really know your real name or you are carrying the lie you parents told you? I wonder, if existence itself is denied to use, what would happen? Nothing, again and again, nothing, because we DO exist, in a way... But how? Why do I feel things others do not? Why do I wonder these thing others do not? Why I am myself and not him? What can change the nature of a man? How you can still mortal with you immortality gone? Who are you, if not a shadow of your existence? You have to complete it before it becomes impossible, you must close the circle now, for once and for your own good. And about movies/books not recommended for underage, I think this is very stupid, mainly, because we don't even know why that is bad for our children, think about Blade Runner, a nice film, great blockbuster, but it cultural value is lot higher, think of how replicants are, how they think and they behave, they *are* better than us, and they also have feelings, just we can't look at them, because we can't find what we are looking for, because sense is the most contradictories thing ever, you know it exists, but not why, the word sense makes no sense, ironic, no? No too much, since you cannot understand of what I am talking about. You don't even know why you live, you are the product of the desire of others? Or you are nothing at all? Sense is not made, but given. You can find this nonsense, while somebody else can, how is that you might wonder? That's nature, the nature of all the things, nothing. As I know nobody appreciates this, since they find me mad and nonsense speaking, I won't regret of writing these, but I won't write anymore. What Roy Batty says in Blade Runner says the same, and no one, ever understood what I think it means, because the one that gives the sense is the one that don't made meant that. And now the famous phrase, think of it like I said, we see things, but we can't look at them, your wisdom is low, and you don't even know why?

    "I've... seen things you people wouldn't believe... Attack ships on fire off the shoulder of Orion. I watched c-beams glitter in the dark near the Tannhäuser Gate. All those... moments... will be lost in time, like tears... in... rain. Time... to die..."
    Post edited by CrevsDaak on
  • NonnahswriterNonnahswriter Member Posts: 2,520
    @CrevsDaak Upon scanning your wall of text and reading the last quote, Xzar's voice popped into my mind.

    "I've seen dragons with feet like rabbits! Tis true, I swear!"
  • O_BruceO_Bruce Member Posts: 2,790

    @Qbert: Everyone's got the same chances at finding the right partner. Just take care of yourself (women like fresh 'n clean men), get out there and don't be shy, be yourself.

    Lol, I would say.
  • CrevsDaakCrevsDaak Member Posts: 7,155
    @Nonnahswriter Xzar's soundset is amazing, I started BG2:SoA with a new PC before yesterday, and gave him that voice XD It rocks! :P
  • Kitteh_On_A_CloudKitteh_On_A_Cloud Member Posts: 1,629
    @CrevsDaak: I think you should check that christmas hat... It might be cursed! :p
    @ZelgadisGW: Maybe you'd encounter a nice girl/guy too if you weren't so cynical all the time. -_-
  • O_BruceO_Bruce Member Posts: 2,790
    I did. There are two problems, thought. First, girls doesn't care for a nice men. Second, advice to just being yourself when just being yourself doesn't work is a bad kind of advice.

    And, I'm cinical because I'm living in most absurd european country there is.
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