The (unfortunate, inexplicable) death of Khalid

Hey guys,
Given the general feelings of hostility/rage/murderous apathy towards Jaheira's other half, I thought I might start a thread about creative ways that people have used that have resulted in the death of the mighty warrior Khalid...
My personal favourite was to send Khalid on a naked midnight tombstone-reading mission in Nashkel
Given the general feelings of hostility/rage/murderous apathy towards Jaheira's other half, I thought I might start a thread about creative ways that people have used that have resulted in the death of the mighty warrior Khalid...
My personal favourite was to send Khalid on a naked midnight tombstone-reading mission in Nashkel
I found khalid very useful as a human shield, too bad I didnt have enough money to resurrect him
Oh brave sir Khalid, sir Khalid, sir Khalid, Garick will sing tales of your infortune !
Or tried to feed Ankhegs to impress Jaheria.
Or tried to steal Boo from Minsc.
Or making stupid jokes about Kagain's beard.
Another time, he got a kiss from a superb creature near the coastline. He couldn't resist. Was she a siren or a succubus ? Khalid never knew, for his soul departed beautifully with her lips while Jaheira started to insult him.
He saw some slimes in Nashkel's mine, and thought it was some yummy pudding. It did taste bitter. Xan enthusiastically commented that the group seemed doomed to fail.
And... that's all Garrick have to tell as far as my plays are concerned
No, really. I always liked him better then Jaheira. He might be less useful, but given a bow and assorted archer staff turns him into a capable enough foe-piercing machine. One which isn't that annoying.
edit: stupid autocorrect
Much love to Khalid, much hate to Jaheira
i would never think to do that. does it really work lol
Well damn.
Now the angkhegs will have to starve.
oh and he is useless....
and a coward
I have accidentely killed him off a few times though ;-)