Or we can just pretend he's not there, that the body in Irenicus dungeon is a hallucination from the torture, and that Jaheira in the party is a bad dream that you can wake up from when you exit the dungeon o/
He distracted those nasty spiders while the rest of us stepped back and began chugging the last of the antidote and healing potions. Such a brave brave man.
Any evil party knows that Khalid can`t be murdered or he`ll be spared the terrible fate that is waiting for him in Amn.
Murd... errr... allowing him to have an accident before the end of Baldur`s Gate I is clearly a Lawful Good act that only heroes would take, sparing a good friend from days of endless suffering.
I didn't mind Khalid so much, the idea of a cowardly fighter was kinda fun. Although I play a Paladin often, and so he didn't tend to run off too much. It also meant a romance was off the table with Jaheria as it always felt weird running around Amn with her, but not Khalid!
I like Khalid, he's an interesting character imho. He's actually a fairly formidable tank what with his sword profs. The wild card that he might turn yellow and flee adds to the fun. I typically don't break up that NPC pair. That said, I often won't use them after completing the Nashkel mines quest, so that I can use a variety of other NPCs.
@Lemeris I actually liked him better than the somewhat... abrasive Jaheira. Who can forget her "tired" quote? "I've seen just about enough waking hours, slave driver!"
Oh yeah this works with any of the pairs. If you abandon/disband one of a npc pair while they are split off in a different zone/room they can't reach the party to initiate the dialogue/script to quit because they aren't smart enough (their autonomous AI that is) to take the transitions on their own initiative.
However if you forgot you left someone in one of those places and you enter it, they will immediately be waiting at the transition point and initiate the party egress dialogue/script. I do not remember if they will take their friend with them if their buddy is sitting in another zone however.
@Eiler - I never did it on purpose, but I left Dynaheir at the edge of the Gnoll stronghold. She was way behind, for she was injured and gnoll pop-ups kept happening. We transistioned and she wasn't there. I almost leapt for joy!
Dynahier is the one i never liked for some reasons, but i didn't care much for the specilized mages. maybe i just need more experience with them. But khalid was alawys one of my fav's.
But, if i wanted to kill him, and since i always play a mage, i would just try out one of my spells/scrolls. Hey khalid, let me see if this flesh to stone spell works. You've got 10 seconds to say no.
Dynahier is the one i never liked for some reasons, but i didn't care much for the specilized mages. maybe i just need more experience with them. But khalid was alawys one of my fav's.
But, if i wanted to kill him, and since i always play a mage, i would just try out one of my spells/scrolls. Hey khalid, let me see if this flesh to stone spell works. You've got 10 seconds to say no.
15 isn't a terrible stat. You guys are spoiled. Try having a 12 or 13 as a wizard. Do some thinking outside the box and be creative with your spells or abilities.
Of course, that's tabletop. In a CRPG, stats are pretty important because you don't have the options you would around a table.
I really like Khalid. The only character I can't stand in any of the games is Aerie, Jaheira being an annoyance in the first game. Whoops I forgot Cernd.
I have to admit: I never (let him be) killed, although I would always curse his running away and crappy stats. I always reckoned that since they were (long) friends of Gorion I was somewhat obliged to take them along. Additionally, since I only used a divine caster for healing, Jaheira was useful enough.
15 isn't a terrible stat. You guys are spoiled. Try having a 12 or 13 as a wizard. Do some thinking outside the box and be creative with your spells or abilities.
Of course, that's tabletop. In a CRPG, stats are pretty important because you don't have the options you would around a table.
Yeah, I started to play tabletop recently and 15 is more than acceptable, it seems. Although, as I understand some people find his personality annoying, not his stats
"KHALID...go kill Aec'letec...WITH YOUR FISTS!" "KHALID...go fight those Basilisks...WITH A BUTTER KNIFE!" "KHALID...we disarmed that fireball trap...honest!"
I can just imagine Khalid and Jaheira being part of some sitcom show, where Khalid is the ever-bumbling husband and Jaheira is the ever-disapproving wife. One episode Khalid goes up on the roof to replace the shingles, but he ends up causing the whole house to collapse, and there's Jaheira with her hands on her hips, tapping her foot disapprovingly before going, "Khaliiiiiiiiiid!" Or in another episode, Jaheira goes on a business trip and tells Khalid to water her houseplants, but of course he forgets and they end up dying. And when Jaheira gets back?
Murd... errr... allowing him to have an accident before the end of Baldur`s Gate I is clearly a Lawful Good act that only heroes would take, sparing a good friend from days of endless suffering.
Actually he is one of the best archers in the game .
However if you forgot you left someone in one of those places and you enter it, they will immediately be waiting at the transition point and initiate the party egress dialogue/script. I do not remember if they will take their friend with them if their buddy is sitting in another zone however.
But, if i wanted to kill him, and since i always play a mage, i would just try out one of my spells/scrolls. Hey khalid, let me see if this flesh to stone spell works. You've got 10 seconds to say no.
Khalid: 'W-w-wh-what? O-of c-c-course N-N-N-N-N' *STONED*
Of course, that's tabletop. In a CRPG, stats are pretty important because you don't have the options you would around a table.
I have to admit: I never (let him be) killed, although I would always curse his running away and crappy stats. I always reckoned that since they were (long) friends of Gorion I was somewhat obliged to take them along. Additionally, since I only used a divine caster for healing, Jaheira was useful enough.
Yeah, I started to play tabletop recently and 15 is more than acceptable, it seems. Although, as I understand some people find his personality annoying, not his stats
Never tried to make him an archer, I will try that next time.
"KHALID...go fight those Basilisks...WITH A BUTTER KNIFE!"
"KHALID...we disarmed that fireball trap...honest!"
I can just imagine Khalid and Jaheira being part of some sitcom show, where Khalid is the ever-bumbling husband and Jaheira is the ever-disapproving wife. One episode Khalid goes up on the roof to replace the shingles, but he ends up causing the whole house to collapse, and there's Jaheira with her hands on her hips, tapping her foot disapprovingly before going, "Khaliiiiiiiiiid!" Or in another episode, Jaheira goes on a business trip and tells Khalid to water her houseplants, but of course he forgets and they end up dying. And when Jaheira gets back?