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Icewind Dale 2 is such a struggle

DaelricDaelric Member Posts: 266
This has to be by far the hardest of the Infinity engine games. It's the only one I've never beaten, I think I just lose interest because almost every battle is multiple reloads. I have a well balanced party, I know what I'm doing, the game makes it so difficult though. You almost have to rest after every map area, but I'm determined to make it through. Does anyone else agree with me here?


  • elminsterelminster Member, Developer Posts: 16,317
    edited June 2013
    Its tougher up to a point and then I think it gets easier for a bit. Its a pretty long game though either way and tougher than BG2.

    Yep, that answer was just as cryptic and generalised as its sounds :)
  • DJKajuruDJKajuru Member Posts: 3,300
    I agree that in IWD2 you can't just "kick the door" and cut everything on sight, at least when your low/mid level.

    Some tactics that I've learned playing it were to scout a lot , always have my rogue and ranger use stealth and attack from a different angle, make good use of Illusion and charm/hold spells , and buy feats that boost my saves, specially Will.

  • francofranco Member Posts: 507
    I'm sure it's not this bad, but the final impression I walked away with from the game is that some of the encounters are like training courses to qualify as Sherlock Holmes, and if you don't identify and then complete something by a certain time, or find a solution to the problem, you're screwed in that encounter. Otherwise it was fun. I'd much rather play a more open game where there is maybe more than one way to solve a problem. I've vowed to go back and complete it someday, but I've recently been occupied with BG.
  • MoomintrollMoomintroll Member Posts: 1,498
    I too, found it very hard. I guess it is a game with less viable options for victory. That means it's harder, but also less fun. As a player who likes to do things for the sake of them, at any rate.
  • Sick_BoySick_Boy Member Posts: 20
    I'm playing IWD2 for the 1st time and I dont find it harder than my first BG2 run. I am not liking this game as much as BG series mainly because of the ridiculous amount of monsters you encounter in every area. I also miss more exploration, better sidequests, and party-interactions. But I have to say that this game has got the most beautiful graphics of every IE game and 3rd Edition rules are welcome.
  • Twilight_FoxTwilight_Fox Member Posts: 448
    IWD2 can become very easy after some time when your party use the right spells (Stun/meat shield/big fat damage), for example :

    Low lvl: Charm, Sleep, Power Word: Sleep, Dire Charm, Snilloc's Snowball Swarm, Web
    Mid lvl: Chromatic Orb, hold person, Fireball, Skull Trap, Summon Monster, Ice Storm
    High lvl: Chromatic Orb, hold person, Fireball, Skull Trap, Dominate Person, Animate Dead

    I usually have 2 sorcerers and most of my fight are a total domination with; Chromatic Orb and hold person + Dominate Person and Animate Dead + Fireball and Skull Trap. The tactic is simple; Stun/meat shield/big fat damage. And of course your warriors and archers are there to hack and slash and snipe to drop down the enemies faster.
  • Twilight_FoxTwilight_Fox Member Posts: 448
    Oh and of course there are a lot of other powerful/handy mage spells, cleric spells and druids spells so every fight is different. But when the party have rested recently, nothing can face you.
  • MoomintrollMoomintroll Member Posts: 1,498
    I had it in my head that enchantment spells never ever worked in IWD2, must be mis-remembering that. I remember playing through IWD and using web and entangle almost every fight, such a boring grind.
  • Twilight_FoxTwilight_Fox Member Posts: 448
    I rarely use web, except at low lvl. Chromatic Orb, hold person, Dominate Person and Animate Dead work just fine.
  • ajwzajwz Member Posts: 4,122
    After the initial sections it does become a lot easier.
    Personally, I think the wardrums section is probably the hardest challenge in all the infinity engine games.
  • MortiannaMortianna Member Posts: 1,356
    ajwz said:

    After the initial sections it does become a lot easier.
    Personally, I think the wardrums section is probably the hardest challenge in all the infinity engine games.

    Agree x10. I've never reloaded an encounter in a game as many times as I did for the Goblin Fortress Exterior. I still remember the frustration, especially those times when I came so close to winning! After I finally figured it out, the rest of the game seemed rather mild in comparison.
  • Twilight_FoxTwilight_Fox Member Posts: 448
    The Jezebel part also, if you are not enough fast at the end. In IWD1-2 we got ambushed many time, sometime that pretty hard.
  • DaelricDaelric Member Posts: 266
    ajwz said:

    After the initial sections it does become a lot easier.
    Personally, I think the wardrums section is probably the hardest challenge in all the infinity engine games.

    Granted the exterior of the goblin fortress with the drums is hard, i find the warrens right after to be the hardest. That's where I'm currently stuck right now, I know I've beaten it before but I'm just tired of 15 reloads and getting frustrated.
  • MoomintrollMoomintroll Member Posts: 1,498
    If memory serves (and apparently it doesn't) summons are more useful tanks than your tanky characters in this game.
  • DJKajuruDJKajuru Member Posts: 3,300
    Daelric said:

    ajwz said:

    After the initial sections it does become a lot easier.
    Personally, I think the wardrums section is probably the hardest challenge in all the infinity engine games.

    Granted the exterior of the goblin fortress with the drums is hard, i find the warrens right after to be the hardest. That's where I'm currently stuck right now, I know I've beaten it before but I'm just tired of 15 reloads and getting frustrated.
    It is quite the challenge, basically I finish that part by using a lot of stealth and ambushing spellcasters.
  • SapphireIce101SapphireIce101 Member Posts: 866
    I'm at the War drums part on my IWD2 HoF Minimal Reload Challenge, and its...bad. Everything hits harder, but I guess I'm fine with it. I've never played either IWD games in HoF mode, so I knew to expect a challenge.
  • KaltzorKaltzor Member Posts: 1,050
    edited June 2013
    IWD2 is nice in that it informs you quite early on if your party and/or tactics are not good enough.

    Though it does do so with a few TPKs.
  • DrugarDrugar Member Posts: 1,566
    In a summer of unemployment, I played the game four times in a row. Once good (paladin, ranger, cleric, druid, rogue, wizard), one evil (Drow sorcerer, cleric of Bane, barbarian, tiefling monk, rogue and duergar fighter). Both worked just fine. Then I started experimenting.

    First, an all-dwarf, all-fighter/barbarian party (with one Cleric of Tempus). They tore through the first part of the game and (considering the killcounts of my earlier barbarian and paladin) I expected them to rip the rest of the game to pieces. However, around the Ice Temple they started to break up and the later game was a nightmare, with only 1 Cleric's worth of buffs, they quickly fell short.

    After that, a party with 3 Wizards, 2 Sorcerers and one Cleric of Mystra. The start of the game (especially the goblin fortress) was very problematic but as levels increased, defenses became stronger and spells greater in number, they laid waste to many things, only struggling vs 'boss' monsters that simply had a lot of HP, couldn't be stunned/held/rooted and hit like a truck.

    All four games were very awesome though. IWD2 doesn't have the plot of Baldur's Gate or Planescape (or hell, even IWD1) but as a combat game, I rank it as one of the best since you can really change the entire gameplay by changing your party.
  • KaltzorKaltzor Member Posts: 1,050
    edited June 2013
    I wonder how the game would treat a group of Drow, Druegar and Svirfneblin... Level Adjustment and some Light Blindness\Sensitivity might not exactly make life easy.
  • DJKajuruDJKajuru Member Posts: 3,300
    Kaltzor said:

    I wonder how the game would treat a group of Drow, Druegar and Svirfneblin... Level Adjustment and some Light Blindness\Sensitivity might not exactly make life easy.

    It wouldn't , but I remember the game manual warning us about having a party of six svirfneblin!
  • KaltzorKaltzor Member Posts: 1,050
    Well, the only problem with 6 Svirfneblin is the level adjustment of +3... Would probably take too long to get to level 3 to remain a viable party.
  • TJ_HookerTJ_Hooker Member Posts: 2,438
    Actually, the problem of leveling slowly with Level Adjusted races is somewhat self-correcting. The amount of xp you get from killing an enemy is proportional to the difference between your level and theirs (I believe your level is calculated as the average level of all the characters in your party). Because the game only takes into consideration your actual level, not your Effective Character Level, you will be at a lower level than you normally would, so you will often gain more xp than you normally would for killing an enemy.
  • PhototoxinPhototoxin Member Posts: 23
    It's quite linear, and the long and boring start section is really off putting. There's also not a lot of roleplay/character choices although some of the sub-classes and cleric selections do give interesting options.
  • HeroicSpurHeroicSpur Member Posts: 907
    I'm really surprised by some of the impressions of the IWD2 here. I always thought IWD2 went in the right direction, by making IWD more like BG, with a greater range of options (not enough though) and more puzzles (the final dungeon is really like something out of BG2 in terms of interaction and non-combat resolution). Yet, it's evident from other threads in the forum that IWD is held in extremely high regard, and you can't really get more linear than that (although Trials of the Luremasters and Heart of Winter were excellent story-wise).

    Back on topic, the game is pretty tricky to start with, but it does become really easy towards the end. The key is Wail of the Banshee, which annhilates whole enemy groups (make sure you've got a necromancer to make it really deadly!).

    The biggest issue difficulty wise is the ridiculous system of level contingent xp rewards. Later in the game I remember fighting extremely difficult battles, and getting precisely 0xp from them, because the game considered my party xp too high compared to the enemy.

  • deltagodeltago Member Posts: 7,811
    Daelric said:

    ajwz said:

    After the initial sections it does become a lot easier.
    Personally, I think the wardrums section is probably the hardest challenge in all the infinity engine games.

    Granted the exterior of the goblin fortress with the drums is hard, i find the warrens right after to be the hardest. That's where I'm currently stuck right now, I know I've beaten it before but I'm just tired of 15 reloads and getting frustrated.
    You can stealth right through that part without killing a soul. You get bonus xp if you do it this way too, however not as much as you would get by slaughtering everything, but it is an option.
  • DKnightDKnight Member Posts: 307
    Icewind Dale 2 is a terrible game. I replayed the beginning sections at least 5 times giving the game second chances. The game is just way too hard and tedious for rpg that I use as leisure. Once you get past the 1st chapter, I just quit the game. The funny thing is that its not even a great story either. Compared to the other games its crap. Neverwinter nights has the best roleplaying with the stat system and 3rd edition but a terrible terrible story.

    Baldurs Gate 1 and 2 have the best all around. Planescape is good too and I might replay the game in future. Will need to see how Icewind Dale 1 turns out. I have yet to finish it but I doubt its as much of an abortion as IWD2.
  • gesellegeselle Member Posts: 325
    iwd 2 is not a terrible game, it has some tedious parts (ice fortress and the forest), but the story is great, as well as many encounters, both combat and noncombat. I wish they had implemented some joinable npcs, though...

    Best party i played with consists of 6 clerics of bane. 4 of them multiclassed into warrior or barbarian at different stages. Self heal, sanctuary, massive summons, massive buffs to strength etc. and massive disable spells, like command, fear etc which are incredibly hard to resist. The bonus you gain in kuldahar is handy, too. Only thing that is missing is haste, but beside that, this party great to play through the regular game and heart of fury.
  • SionIVSionIV Member Posts: 2,689
    I really enjoy icewind dale 2. Some highlights for me are

    1.) The start and all the possible choises you can complete the quests on. Do you want to kill the guys at the tavern, or recruit them and then they actually fight with you against the goblings.

    Do you want to steal the magical shield? Blackmail the trade merchant?

    Did you ever pickpocket the sleeping soldier to find out about the doppelganger?

    When you're at the priest or myrkul talking to the dead goblings, if you're a drow you can understand what they say.

    I love the small errands you can run and do in town, all to improve the defenses when the goblings attack.

    2.) Shangard (?) Bridge was awesome. The whole feeling of walking up the frozen mountain, saving the villagers and getting back the moonblade from the trolls. Then you actually get to the bridge and you see a huge bugbear that talk with the mage and then walk away, now a big battle over the bridge where you have to stop the ogres from destroying the beams.

    3.) The enemies are so wonderful in this game. The way the two half dragons talk and their voices, the way their plans work and how devious they are. Also the huge bugbear that i was incredible frightened to fight against, almost like firekraag in BG2.

    4.) The background maps and drawings. This is something both IWD and IWD2 has done right even to some point better than BG2. The last dungeon with the monks and getting back to kuldahar.

    But as much as i love this game, there is one place i hate more than anything else in any of the Infinite games. That bloody annoying ice castle. It's annoying and the puzzles aren't interesting and then it's buggy as hell and the frost golem respawn, the only nice thing about that place was the rogue breaking out and ambushing that guard.

    It really is a great game, once you get past that incredible annoying ice castle.
  • KaltzorKaltzor Member Posts: 1,050
    SionIV said:

    When you're at the priest or myrkul talking to the dead goblings, if you're a drow you can understand what they say.

    With all the reactions NPCs have at a Drow, I think the game actually expects you to have one in your party.
  • DJKajuruDJKajuru Member Posts: 3,300
    I have lots of fun playing IW2 , even the custom parties are fun to play!
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