What is your idea of a vacation?
I'm actually leaving on a vacation shortly. Given that its the summer in the northern hemisphere at least I just thought it would be interesting for people to share their favourite places to vacation. Personally for me its going fishing (which is what I'm off to do!).
Family vacation is going out and enjoying the weather, eating an icecream and taking to a fun park or something like that. Last time we went to Italy and had a great time.
Father vacation is having a good drink and sit an evening infront of the computer, relaxing and playing a couple of hours a game that i enjoy, single player. No stress.
[Edited] : Do you ever catch anything? I got two friends who love fishing but they never get anything. I'll never understand the logic behind their happiness, it's probably the social part and the alcohol
Not that I don't want to visit some places on earth, but I always prefer realistic. Most likely I won't ever wisit them.
Sleeping on a meadow under the stars (or some trees) or being invited into complete strangers' houses for dinner and/or spending the night. Restores a bit of your faith in humanity, actually.
As for the places I enjoyed doing that the most, I'd say Montenegro (all of the Balkans, really, but Montenegro is the most beautiful of the ex-Jugoslavia countries IMO), Turkey and Georgia.
This may be a sentimentality not shared by those from the continent...
Actually catching a wet, smelly fish would rather ruin the experience!
But if it were completely up to me I'd go for a far, long overseas trip.
My fondest memories are a 2 month trip in Indonesia when i was 21 and a 1.5 month trip through the US when i was 24. Good times.
@Son_of_Imoen Try to visit Maastricht if you get the chance. As a fellow dutchman being unimpressed by the bulk of our cities, I found it a fresh breath on a cultural, historical and culinary level.