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Baldur's Gate II Tweak Pack v12 Available for Download

CamDawgCamDawg Member, Developer Posts: 3,440
The BG2 Tweak Pack is a WeiDU compilation of fixes, cosmetic changes, and tweaks. Some of these were fan requests, others are needed fixes, and others simply make dealing with the more irritating aspects of the game engine easier. Each component can be installed separately so the player can pick and choose only which ones they wish to install. Version 12 introduces the Two-Handed Axes and Sensible Entrance Point tweaks as well as some bug fixes. v12 changelog:
  • Added two new components: Two-Handed Axes and Sensible Entrance Points
  • Unlimited Jewelry and Gem Stacks now alters the Nashkel shopkeep to take the Winter Wolf pelts one at a time instead of the whole stack (only applies to Tutu/BGT/BGEE games)
  • Shapeshifter Rebalancing will now add the new druid-available spells to joinable NPC spellbooks, precluding the wait for a level-up for them to become available
  • Alter Weapon Proficiency System: Rebalanced Weapon Proficiencies
    should now be a lot more dynamic and (hopefully) work in other languages. This should also solve the bug of ninja-tos not getting their descriptions updated on BGEE.
  • Fixed a bug where two High Watcher Oisigs could spawn in the Multiple Strongholds: No Restrictions component
  • Various components now better account for new BGEE 2da files
  • Cespenar and Cromwell now account for the alternate items in the various two-handed weapon components and the P&P protection items
  • Exotic Item Component now adds Power Word: Sleep again


  • GriegGrieg Member Posts: 507
    edited August 2013
    Hi I have found out pretty important error related to the polish version (there is problem with the implementation of the texts with polish fonts coded in ANSI)
    I have translated some missing strings and properly coded (UTF with no BOM) made very little testing but at least there is no CTD with some unidentified items
    Post edited by Grieg on
  • DrugarDrugar Member Posts: 1,566
    Excellent, I'm adding it to the 'To be installed' list when I boot up BG:EE again (which is when the following patch and NPC Project are released).
  • MessiMessi Member Posts: 738
    Thanks for the all the great mods you have programmed and are keeping updated!
  • HelvenHelven Member Posts: 16
    Chances are very high that by the time anyone gets around to replying to this I will have already installed this and found out for myself but incase not or incase another poor soul new to modding comes with the same question ....

    When using this for BGEE, will it auto-skip installing the items associated specifically with BG2 such as the "Improved Athkatlin City Guard"?

    I am assuming that this is not an issue regardless as all of you guys and gals that make and convert these mods are a hell of a lot smarter nerds than me! And I mean that in a good, loving way, one nerd to another!

    Seriously, you folks do AMAZING work and make games a lot more fun and much more User friendly. I personally think that the devs should be asking you guys what content should be included in the games, cuz you guys definitely have your finger on the gaming communities pulse!

  • AstroBryGuyAstroBryGuy Member Posts: 3,437
    @Helven - Yes. BG2 Tweaks detects which game you are running (BG2, BGTuTu, BGT, BGEE) and will skip components that are not appropriate for your game (e.g., Athkatlan City Guard for BGTuTu or BGEE)
  • HelvenHelven Member Posts: 16
    Cool thanks. I tend to not thouroughly read through things before asking questions. If I had looked at the Read Me closer I would have seen that! LOL

    Thanks for the answer back!
  • AstroBryGuyAstroBryGuy Member Posts: 3,437
    A note about the "Neutral Characters Make Happy Comments at Mid-Range Reputation" (Happy Neutrals) and BG1:EE. I don't know if this would be considered a bug or just a "quirk" of BG2 Tweaks + BG1:EE.

    The Happy Neutrals component sets the happiness score for neutral NPCs to 80 for reps 7-12. The default BG:EE HAPPY.2DA has neutral NPCs be "neutral" for scores from 6-15, but then "happy" (i.e., 80+) for rep > 16.

    So, the combination of this component and BG1:EE is to make neutral NPCs happiness go like this:

    Rep < 6: unhappy/angry/break
    Rep 6: neutral
    Rep 7-12: happy
    Rep 13-15: neutral
    Rep >15: happy

    Again, not necessarily a bug, but it makes the happiness reactions of neutral NPCs odd. One possible solution would be to make neutral NPCs "neutral" at reps > 15 in BG1:EE.

    BG2:EE has neutral NPCs "happy" at reps 13-15, so the Happy Neutrals component of BG2 Tweaks just creates an extended "happy" range for neutrals of 7-15.
  • vigovilingarvigovilingar Member Posts: 64
    Hi, I have strange problem, but I'm not sure that it is caused by tweaks pack. When I am clicking on descriptions of some armors the game breaks down. I also use SCS mod, so maybe the problem is there. I use polish version of BG2 tweaks pack. Does anybody have the same bug?
  • ZanalinaZanalina Member Posts: 23
    It's definitely tweaks causing the issue and has been since patch 1.2. I believe it's either the bags of holding and shapeshifter tweaks that are causing the the descriptions to go wonky. Uninstall those elements and you should be ok.
  • AsthnerAsthner Member Posts: 83
    I had this issue (and a similar one: crashes on adding certain proficiency points during a level up). The components at fault were:

    Armor crashes:
    Allow Stealth and Thieving Abilities in Heavy Armor per P&P
    Allow Arcane Spellcasting in Armor

    Proficiency adding crashes:
    Alter Weapon Proficiency System

    I toyed a bit with un/re-installing components and managed to narrow the problem down to these three.
  • vigovilingarvigovilingar Member Posts: 64
    thank you, it really helped, problem seems to be solved
  • AsthnerAsthner Member Posts: 83
    edited January 2014
    … and I found some problem that has something to do with BGTweaks, but I can’t pinpoint the actual module at fault. At this moment I only have a handful of mods installed (TeamBG’s shopkeepers; Lvl40 ruleset+HLA-s; WandCase) and the issue occurs only when I install Tweaks.

    Namely, Baeloth crashes. I can reproduce it in several flavours: the cutscene plays, I accept the drow into my party, game hangs (I have to kill the process manually) two seconds later. If I manage to pause the game, it won’t crash… until I unpause it, then I get the usual two seconds. I can even sneak in a quicksave there. If I load it, I can spend a bit more time with Baeloth in my party, maybe some 20 seconds, before the game remembers it was supposed to crash.

    Not fun. Help? ;p

    Eidt: Now THIS is bizarre. But first, some backstory.

    When I encountered Baeloth, and found that the game was crashing on him, I ended up uninstalling aTweaks, SCS and finally BG2TweakPack. The last one did the trick and the crash disappeared. But I wouldn’t be myself if I didn’t try to find the actual component responsible for the bug.

    So, I installed BG2TweakPack again, with Baeloth in the party. Crash, after 15 seconds or so. Ok, that was to be expected. Uninstall, re-install, this time component-by-component. Finally, I managed to pinpoint the one which was causing the trouble.

    Make Khalid a Fighter-Mage

    Whaaaaa…? Mind you, my party atm consists of me (a dwarven defender), Imoen, Jaheira, Khalid, Xzar and Baeloth. Most of the components in the Joinable NPC Tweaks section shouldn’t have any significant effect for me anyway, especially the Khalid one. But still, having this component active makes the game with Baeloth in the party crash. Uninstalling it and leaving the rest active kills the game.

    I’m baffled, but there you have it. The results of my search.

    Now, to try reinstalling SCS and aTweaks…
    Post edited by Asthner on
  • vigovilingarvigovilingar Member Posts: 64
    Have you met problems in High Hedge?
    When I try to buy good archmage's robe the game crashes again. :/
  • AsthnerAsthner Member Posts: 83
    edited February 2014
    @vigovilingar I had problems in the High Hedge in that the game crashed when I was scrolling the shop’s item list down. Afair the culprit was the Ioun stone, which had a buggy translation (Polish) involving some unsupported characters. Several shops gave me this crash, and one or two unidentified items upon identification. DLTCEP and manually editing the faulty strings solved those issues.
    Hope this helps. Perhaps the Robe is mistranslated in a similar way in your language. You may test whether it’s a shop problem, or an item problem by summoning the item. Try activating the console and using the C:CreateItem('CLCK15') command. ;)
  • ThelsThels Member Posts: 1,422
    edited September 2014
    The Exotic Item Pack replaces Krumm's club with the Katana +2. In vanilla BG, this was no issue, as it's simply a regular club being replaced, of which you can find plenty of others.

    However, in BGEE, Krumm's club is a Club +1, the only one of it's kind, and the only magical club you can find before heading into the Cloakwood.

    Now, the Tsu-O-Shi fits Krumm very well, so I wouldn't recommend moving it, but perhaps the Club +1 could be placed elsewhere for BGEE (or any version for that matter, as magical clubs are very rare)?

    It would make Jaheira quite a bit more useful, as clubs and the Staff Mace are the only onehanded melee weapons she's proficient with, and the Club +1 is the only magical version that can be found early on in the game.
    Post edited by Thels on
  • kaguanakaguana Member Posts: 1,328
    edited September 2014
    Is it possible to move the bag of holding to a place earlier in the game in BG:EE ? because it being in BG city is kinda really at almost end game and the use of it all tho it helpful still kinda lacking.

    And to add a bag of holding to SoA?
  • ThelsThels Member Posts: 1,422
    I must admit, I CLUAed in a bag of holding for my own run, to save me the hassle of managing equipment:


    I can understand the bag of holding being available relatively lategame, as it indeed removes an aspect of the game that some might deem important.
  • kaguanakaguana Member Posts: 1,328
    @Thels‌ I know some see it as an important aspect of the game but it already in there, and there are all the other bags around so why not to put it in a more useful place then in BG city.

    Another thing I know I can just console one away into the game but the mod already give it so again why shouldn't it be in a useful place in the first place ?
  • ThelsThels Member Posts: 1,422
    There's also weapons, armor and other magical items that aren't available until later in the game. Perhaps Winthrop should sell all the items that can be found in the game at discount prices, just so we can enjoy the item during the entire game?

    I do kinda see what you're getting at, though I personally don't think it's too late in the game to be of any use. Anything dropping in the Catacombs or later is kinda meh to me, but Baldur's Gate is fair game, as long as it's available relatively straight away in Chapter 5.
  • kaguanakaguana Member Posts: 1,328
    I didn't say it useless I just said it will be more useful if it was available earlier in the game.
    Yeah Baldur's gate is a fair game but we are talking about a mod here not the game or the items that are found latter in the game.
  • CamDawgCamDawg Member, Developer Posts: 3,440
    Thanks--that actually changed after I wrote v14, so I need to revisit it.

    @vigovilingar, @Asthner
    Are you guys using a non-English version of the mod? Tweaks currently has a known issue with adding strings to foreign language games, as the translation files need to have their charsets converted before they play nicely with EE. I'm working on getting this fixed for v15. This is also what @Grieg is referring to.
    Thels said:

    The Exotic Item Pack replaces Krumm's club with the cursed Katana +2. In vanilla BG, this was no issue, as it's simply a regular club being replaced, of which you can find plenty of others.

    Shh, don't use the c-word for that katana, as it ruins my powergamer trap. I'll look at moving the club somewhere nearby, though, instead of just nuking it.
    kaguana said:

    Is it possible to move the bag of holding to a place earlier in the game in BG:EE ? because it being in BG city is kinda really at almost end game and the use of it all tho it helpful still kinda lacking.

    While I know it's mainly used by players as a convenience tweak, I try and put a lot of thought into the placement of the bags (and the exotic items) so that they'll be fairly seamless in terms of gameplay. Given that SoA doesn't even make the bags available until the Asylum maze, Sorcerous Sundries seemed like a natural placement. I just can't make a reasonable case for having them available earlier.
  • ThelsThels Member Posts: 1,422
    edited September 2014
    Relocating the Club +1 would be nice. I've been going through my saves of my current playthrough to see how many clubs I've found up to that point:

    1 looted from a chest in FIA.
    1 looted from a chest in Beregost.
    1 taken from Quayle at the Carnival.
    1 looted from Neira, who attacks charname in the Nashkel Inn.

    Checking I can't find any more clubs in the earlier zones (but I'll let you know if I find any). If you want to upgrade an existing club, then Neira seems to be the best option.

    I'll edit my previous post, but you'll have to update the quote. ;)

    Also, all posts from before mine were over half a year old, just so you realize. ;)
  • kaguanakaguana Member Posts: 1,328
    edited September 2014
    CamDawg said:

    kaguana said:

    Is it possible to move the bag of holding to a place earlier in the game in BG:EE ? because it being in BG city is kinda really at almost end game and the use of it all tho it helpful still kinda lacking.

    While I know it's mainly used by players as a convenience tweak, I try and put a lot of thought into the placement of the bags (and the exotic items) so that they'll be fairly seamless in terms of gameplay. Given that SoA doesn't even make the bags available until the Asylum maze, Sorcerous Sundries seemed like a natural placement. I just can't make a reasonable case for having them available earlier.
    I know that you are talking about time line here and that in SoA the bags not available until the maze but if you go to Watcher's Keep you can find on the first floor: Case of plenty +1, Quiver of Plenty +1, Ammo Belt, and I probably miss some stuff so putting the bag of holding at Thalantyr place is logical to me, he is a powerful wizard that have a lot of magical stuff to sell.
  • AsthnerAsthner Member Posts: 83
    @CamDawg‌ Yeah, I was testing the Polish translation of BGEE back then, with mods slapped on top of it. The issues generated by badly encoded strings were fixable though, through the method I described earlier, so I had very little problems. If those issues were caused by BGTweaks and they can be fixed, it would be a convenient development, thx! :)
  • CamDawgCamDawg Member, Developer Posts: 3,440
    Version 15 is out, which should address all of this (except for kaguana's request).
  • kaguanakaguana Member Posts: 1,328
    @CamDawg‌ Thank for the update, still no fun :P hoo well console it is :(
  • kaguanakaguana Member Posts: 1,328
    @CamDawg‌ I update the mod and I notice that the option:

    Make Cloakwood Areas Available Before Completing the Bandit Camp
    This functionality is also available from the BG1 NPC Project.

    Appearing even if I got it install thru the BG1NPC mod, while before it skip it if it was already install, is it intentionally?
  • DanathionDanathion Member Posts: 173
    Can I make a request for the weapon proficiency tweak? Can Ninja-to be moved to Katana/Wakizashi? Although straight bladed the manner of use is the same (according to Wikipedia, anyway). :)
  • WilburWilbur Member Posts: 1,173
    edited December 2014
    Is there a way to install the component Maximum HP Creatures (the bigg) so that every NPC, joinable or not, will have full HP but other creatures remain untouched?

    Edit. Is there a newer thread seeing that the latest version is already v16?
  • geddoegeddoe Member Posts: 27
    Is it possible to install this mod on an android device?
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