I think you're trying too hard to find a weakness in BG1. It has it's flaws like every other game and it is lucky enough to have a sequal that is even better. But back in the days when it got released, it was... perfect. Like that old car you got that doesn't always want to start, it isn't comfortable, it got no CD player but to you it was still perfect for what it was.
You might get a bit of hate here for posting this, but honestly I feel that a lot of the issues you highlight are likely the same issues that other new players of the game are likely to encounter. Us long time BG fans do tend to forget the issues associated in clinging on to a 15+ year old game, even in it's updated form.
Let me ask you this then "SionIV" if someone is new to fantasy what rpg would you recommend him/her to play and start with in 2013?
I would recommend that he start with Fallout 3. Then if he enjoyed the game he would try out the earlier fallouts and that opens up the world to other games that are like fallout (Torment, Arcanum, BG, IWD, NWN). I have had quite alot of friends that first started playing Fallout 1/2 after Fallout 3.
I have to say BG doesn't have anything that has the same pull and charm as Fallout 3 has. The closet thing would be dragon age but that is still so much different than BG2 while fallout 3 has the same world, story and factions as the earlier games.
I tried to make my siblings like rpg's but its impossible almost. My sister doesnt like games anymore, beside NDS3D and Guitar hero. And my brother didnt give Dragon Age a chance (he doesnt like magic and stuff), but he did play through Fallout 3 and New Vegas over his ps3... I can see on his trophies Oh and my siblings are in their 20's like me and we rarely see each other, so.
But I do remember how my sister loved Zelda, so maybe there is still hope - and my brother did like Final Fantasy 7 and 8, but "grow up" he doesnt wanna play any new final fantasy.
I tried to make my siblings like rpg's but its impossible almost. My sister doesnt like games anymore, beside NDS3D and Guitar hero. And my brother didnt give Dragon Age a chance (he doesnt like magic and stuff), but he did play through Fallout 3 and New Vegas over his ps3... I can see on his trophies Oh and my siblings are in their 20's like me and we rarely see each other, so.
Fallout 3 introduces people to RPG through a first person shooter which most people are comfortable with and it isn't hard to get into how you shoot someone in the face. The world is fantastic, rich, alive and the NPC's you meet are memorable.
It doesn't have the same tactical and 2d view as Fallout 1/2 and some fans will say it's the worst thing ever. But the fact is Fallout 3 did more for the earlier games than anyone could ever imagine. It got everyone into a series that was dead (Cult) to the gaming population.
Fallout 3 might not have been like it's prequels, but it was a truly amazing game in its own right.
Fallout 3 on the surface is like a Mad Max, a shooter in a fallen apocalyptic wasteland - but has many rpg elements in it. Character Creation, Leveling, Exploration, Questing etc. Or you can just roam around and be a maniac... like in GTA
bethseda is one of my favorite rpg developers now . I'm very troubled over Bioware... 1. MMORPG KOTOR failed. 2. the ceo's of Bioware for like 15+ years left the company recently. 3. EA bought the company. 4.Dragon Age 2.
bethseda is one of my favorite rpg developers now . I'm very troubled over Bioware... 1. MMORPG KOTOR failed. 2. the ceo's of Bioware for like 15+ years left the company recently. 3. EA bought the company. 4.Dragon Age 2.
I think that they should go more into the direction of dark souls when it comes to Baldur's gate. Stop trying to make a game for everyone and their mother (Dragon age, mass effect) and instead focus on the fans and what they want. It will grow on the rest of the people just like Dark souls did over time, and still hold true to the game series. This dumbing down and putting everything into cinematics with voice overs got to end.
The same thing happens with Final Fantasy. They made a game for everyone and all ages, and now look at FF13. It is the easiest and most boring FF ever made. It holds your hand and lets you reload every fight you fail without you having to save. There is no tactic in that game anymore and they removed the option to control your party. They actually REMOVED your ability to play a full party in FINAL FANTASY, the one thing that actually made the game special to begin with. And god those cutscenes... That game is 10% play and 90% cutscene.
wasn't dark souls a lot more like gothic + diablo3 hardcore? i mean it is not similar to baldur's gate at all
What i ment was that the development team of dark souls didn't go main stream with their game so they could get more money and have everyone play it. They held true to Demon Souls and made a game that would have most gamers tear out their hair after 5 hours of trying to fight the second boss. It's known as one of the hardest and most frustrating games out there on the market right now, but people actually died for several hours and STILL got into the game and enjoyed it.
Dark souls is a perfect example of that you don't have to change a game to make people like it. If they had dumbed down dark souls and made it easier they wouldn't have had nearly the amount of people following it now.
People have asked for an easy mode in Dark souls 2 now for a long time, but the team have put down their hand and told them that "no, there won't be an easy mode in this game" .
Speaking of Final Fantasy, the creator Sakaguchi, who worked on FF1-9 and titles like Chrono Trigger left the company. He made "the last story" on wii, I wish I could try it... it looks great.
But anyway, since Sakaguchi left the whole franchise of FF has gone emo... I might pick up Dark Souls on the steam sale, im def buying Borderlands 2 tomorrow and perhaps Resident Evil 6.
Speaking of Final Fantasy, the creator Sakaguchi, who worked on FF1-9 and titles like Chrono Trigger left the company. He made "the last story" on wii, I wish I could try it... it looks great.
But anyway, since Sakaguchi left the whole franchise of FF has gone emo...
You should try Lost Odyssey, it's what he made after leaving the FF team.
"Lost Odyssey was produced by Hironobu Sakaguchi, the creator of the famed Final Fantasy series. This is his third project outside of Square Enix, following ASH: Archaic Sealed Heat and Blue Dragon."
Yeah, I agree with the OP a bit, but I don't care about most of that because I find the game relaxing. I like the stress free feel of the game, it's not overly driven by a plot--that with many games--dictates everything you do. Even Dragon Age has a sort of a paint by numbers feel to it. There's really no sense of urgency in BG1 until (like the OP pointed out) around 5 -10 hours of game play left, and I like that. It's nice to not give a crap about the imaginary world you're living in! haha
Small corridors are just fine if you're a lone thief scouting ahead for traps and keeping to the shadows, like any good adventurer should know. Besides, why should kobolds and the like make things accommodating?
Here's the weird thing about me, I actually never played BG2 past about 3 hours! I plan on it, I want to do it, I just never really got into it.
EDIT: Money DOES remain a challenge IF you are using items a lot and then selling them and buying them back fully charged. Of course once you buy them back once you're pretty much set with that wand for the rest of the game.
Um... I'm not really sure what's wrong with them? Aside from not being BG1, that is. Not to put a dampener on this, but you've seen the original D&D artwork, right? Even if this was BG1 artwork, I'm not seeing much to complain about.
I wasnt lying, it came in the GOG folder when I bought the game and it said "BG1 ART". Maybe they trademarked certain art for inspiration? ANyway, buy the GOG version - or if anyone got it- and they can testify that im telling the truth.
I wasnt lying, it came in the GOG folder when I bought the game and it said "BG1 ART". Maybe they trademarked certain art for inspiration? ANyway, buy the GOG version - or if anyone got it- and they can testify that im telling the truth.
@raxtoren, never said you were lying. Just that even if it were BG1 art, I'm not really seeing much to complain about. It would still be on par with other D&D artwork.
P.S talking about BG2vsBG1 art... the BG2 paperdolls are just horrid! plus the shields/armor/helmets animations are WAY better in BG1 than in BG2 IMO...
I wasnt lying, it came in the GOG folder when I bought the game and it said "BG1 ART". Maybe they trademarked certain art for inspiration? ANyway, buy the GOG version - or if anyone got it- and they can testify that im telling the truth.
Edit: Found them. The images you were providing come with BG2 from GOG not BG1. If you don't believe me you can download them under "Artworks" on GOG. The zip file (which is titled BG2_Artworks) should be around 30 MB.
Edit: Found them. The images you were providing come with BG2 from GOG not BG1. If you don't believe me you can download them under "Artworks" on GOG. The zip file (which is titled BG2_Artworks) should be around 30 MB.
Can confirm this. It's in BG2_Artworks.zip\Artworks\Paintings. Images are Painting_04, Painting_05, and Painting_11. If nothing else, GOG just got some money out of me from this and I got myself a digital copy that I don't need... Plus artwork. So it's not all a waste.
Edit: Found them. The images you were providing come with BG2 from GOG not BG1. If you don't believe me you can download them under "Artworks" on GOG. The zip file (which is titled BG2_Artworks) should be around 30 MB.
Can confirm this. It's in BG2_Artworks.zip\Artworks\Paintings. Images are Painting_04, Painting_05, and Painting_11. If nothing else, GOG just got some money out of me from this and I got myself a digital copy that I don't need... Plus artwork. So it's not all a waste.
Wait a minute, did you pay for a game just to prove me wrong?
Anyway, i'm glad I paid for my copy because if BGEE2 never gets released I will still do my playthrough I never finished ToB just SoA in the year 2000.
If BGEE2 btw does come out, which I def think it will, then im uninstalling the gog-version.
Wait a minute, did you pay for a game just to prove me wrong?
... No... No. No, of course not. Nooo. Why would you even think that?
Well, sort of.
I liked the artwork (especially the BG2 concept art (I'm rather keen on that Druid Grove concept art, and wish the original had turned out looking closer to it)) and it was only the equivalent of 16 quid.
Wait a minute, did you pay for a game just to prove me wrong?
... No... No. No, of course not. Nooo. Why would you even think that?
Well, sort of.
I liked the artwork (especially the BG2 concept art (I'm rather keen on that Druid Grove concept art, and wish the original had turned out looking closer to it)) and it was only the equivalent of 16 quid.
16 pounds sounds (by GOG standards) kind of expensive for just the one game. Did you buy both then?
The same goes for artwork, ofcourse it's going to be better 2 years later with more money and time spent on it. I would recommend that he start with Fallout 3. Then if he enjoyed the game he would try out the earlier fallouts and that opens up the world to other games that are like fallout (Torment, Arcanum, BG, IWD, NWN). I have had quite alot of friends that first started playing Fallout 1/2 after Fallout 3.
I have to say BG doesn't have anything that has the same pull and charm as Fallout 3 has. The closet thing would be dragon age but that is still so much different than BG2 while fallout 3 has the same world, story and factions as the earlier games.
I tried to make my siblings like rpg's but its impossible almost. My sister doesnt like games anymore, beside NDS3D and Guitar hero. And my brother didnt give Dragon Age a chance (he doesnt like magic and stuff), but he did play through Fallout 3 and New Vegas over his ps3... I can see on his trophies
Oh and my siblings are in their 20's like me and we rarely see each other, so.
But I do remember how my sister loved Zelda, so maybe there is still hope - and my brother did like Final Fantasy 7 and 8, but "grow up" he doesnt wanna play any new final fantasy.
It doesn't have the same tactical and 2d view as Fallout 1/2 and some fans will say it's the worst thing ever. But the fact is Fallout 3 did more for the earlier games than anyone could ever imagine. It got everyone into a series that was dead (Cult) to the gaming population.
Fallout 3 might not have been like it's prequels, but it was a truly amazing game in its own right.
bethseda is one of my favorite rpg developers now
. I'm very troubled over Bioware...
1. MMORPG KOTOR failed.
2. the ceo's of Bioware for like 15+ years left the company recently.
3. EA bought the company.
4.Dragon Age 2.
The same thing happens with Final Fantasy. They made a game for everyone and all ages, and now look at FF13. It is the easiest and most boring FF ever made. It holds your hand and lets you reload every fight you fail without you having to save. There is no tactic in that game anymore and they removed the option to control your party. They actually REMOVED your ability to play a full party in FINAL FANTASY, the one thing that actually made the game special to begin with. And god those cutscenes... That game is 10% play and 90% cutscene.
Dark souls is a perfect example of that you don't have to change a game to make people like it. If they had dumbed down dark souls and made it easier they wouldn't have had nearly the amount of people following it now.
People have asked for an easy mode in Dark souls 2 now for a long time, but the team have put down their hand and told them that "no, there won't be an easy mode in this game" .
But anyway, since Sakaguchi left the whole franchise of FF has gone emo...
I might pick up Dark Souls on the steam sale, im def buying Borderlands 2 tomorrow and perhaps Resident Evil 6.
"Lost Odyssey was produced by Hironobu Sakaguchi, the creator of the famed Final Fantasy series. This is his third project outside of Square Enix, following ASH: Archaic Sealed Heat and Blue Dragon."
Small corridors are just fine if you're a lone thief scouting ahead for traps and keeping to the shadows, like any good adventurer should know. Besides, why should kobolds and the like make things accommodating?
Here's the weird thing about me, I actually never played BG2 past about 3 hours! I plan on it, I want to do it, I just never really got into it.
EDIT: Money DOES remain a challenge IF you are using items a lot and then selling them and buying them back fully charged. Of course once you buy them back once you're pretty much set with that wand for the rest of the game.
Image 1:
Image 2:
Image 3:
I assume this is supposed to be Baldur's Gate, along with the Wyrm's Crossing. But I have no idea.
In fact, there wasn't much in the way of official artwork.
ANyway, buy the GOG version - or if anyone got it- and they can testify that im telling the truth.
P.S talking about BG2vsBG1 art... the BG2 paperdolls are just horrid! plus the shields/armor/helmets animations are WAY better in BG1 than in BG2 IMO...
Anyway, i'm glad I paid for my copy because if BGEE2 never gets released I will still do my playthrough
I never finished ToB just SoA in the year 2000.
If BGEE2 btw does come out, which I def think it will, then im uninstalling the gog-version.
Well, sort of.
I liked the artwork (especially the BG2 concept art (I'm rather keen on that Druid Grove concept art, and wish the original had turned out looking closer to it)) and it was only the equivalent of 16 quid.
Edit: and I'll probably never download the game itself, since I still have the pristine discs.