The Tales of Sima Jin - A Noober's Journey in BG 2 (Blind Let's Play Series) COMPLETED

Hey guys,
This is my first playthrough of BG 2, inspired by the master storyteller, 'Tord' of the Youtube Channel, 'mynameisnotlilly'. As a complete noober to Let's Plays and BG 2, my first few sessions were pretty shaky... cringe-worthy to be honest... but I have retained them for completeness' sake, and I promise that they do improve! lol
By 'improve' I mean that I begin to consistently voice conversations and try to provide some commentary, in addition I bought a microphone at some stage in the Planar Sphere, and more importantly, learnt to clean up the audio and improving video quality in the Underdark (yes, I know... slow learner). So at least for the latter half of SoA and the rest of ToB, I am reasonably happy with the quality of my 'efforts'.
However, as I was playing BG 2 for the first time, and playing blind, I was learning the game as I played, so I never really 'speed up', so it's not the most action-packed affair. I've also done minimal editing (so u avoid watching too much inventory management microgames) for completeness' sake, since I figure you can always skip parts you find boring anyway.
Like Tord, all my gameplay decisions are driven by roleplay choices, as opposed to metagame ones. And I tried to be faithful to my self-imposed restrictions like using scrolls beyond caster level, rest and accepting permanent death.
Anyways enough fluff, more details can be found in the description box below my videos, if anyone is interesting in checking out the learning process of a new player, from the dungeons beneath Waukeen's Promenade to the Throne of Bhaal.
My Youtube Channel:
1) Introducing Jin
2) Gaelen Bayle
3) Slavers
4) D'Arnise Hold
5) Planar Sphere
6) The Guarded Compound
7) A Rumble in the Sewers
8) The Planar Prison
9) Cult of the Unseeing Eye
10) Pit of the Faithless
11) The Lesser of Two Evils
12) Spiders spiders everywhere!
13) Setting Sail for Spellhold
14) Perth the Adept
15) Lost Souls
16) Battle of the Asylum
17) Into the Underdark
18) My First Lich!
19) A Balor Problem
20) The Children of Demogorgon
21) Jin Hates Beholders!
22) The Illithid Master Brain
23) An Unexpected Battle
24) Deirex's Tower
25) Return to the Beholder Lair
26) The Dark Ritual
27) The Shadow Dragon
28) The Red Dragon
29) The Twisted Rune
30) The Sewer Mindflayers
31) The Battle of Crypts
32) The Temple of Rillifane
33) The Black Dragon of Irenicus
34) Irenicus and the Tree of Life
35) The Final Reckoning
36) Throne of Bhaal Intro and Party Progress Review
37) Gromnir Il-Khan
38) Trials of the Portal Maze
39) Demon Wraith
40) A Calamitous Encounter
41) Azamantes and the Flaming Skulls
42) Battle Royale
43) Bonus Demogorgon Battle
44) The Giant's Fall
45) The Drow Bhaalspawn
46) Draconis
47) Abazigal
48) The Villain, the Ravager and the Wedding
49) The Throne of Blood
50) The Godchild's Destiny
51) Credits and Concluding Thoughts
Most Memorable Moments: (Chronological Order)
1) First time I used Lightning... Pretty much never touched Lightning based spells again because:
2) First time I used Fireball... I one-shot the party again. BUT... I was so impressed with the destructive potential of Fireball that I quickly tried to pack Dynaheir's spellbook with as many as I could. I don't think I used Minute Meteors until BG 2.
3) The "I WAS FRAMED!" moment following the death of the Iron Throne leadership. My law abiding Charname allowed himself to be taken in by the Flaming Fists. Following a brief spat with Angelo, he has Imoen executed. "WTF?!"
4) Karoug the cheesy Greater Wolfwere. Crazy regeneration, I didn't have a single silver weapon on me, and had yet to learn of the wonder that is Melf's Minute Meteors. This is the only encounter in the whole saga that forced me to check the internet for specific answers.
5) Aec'Letec: my favourite battle of BG 1. It was challenging for sure, but oh so epic! Especially the first time I killed him, and was about to celebrate, and then ... "oh crap..."
6) Beginning of SoA. "Dynaheir?! NOOOO!!!"... a few minutes later... "Khalid!?! NOOOO!!!"... a bit after that... "Imoen?!!? NOOOOO!!!". Charname was so shaken he turned from Lawful Good to Lawful Neutral.
7) Yoshimo's betrayal. I was caught totally unprepared. Yoshimo carried all the equipment I planned for Imoen. I swore revenge, and was SO pleased when it was achieved.
8) The Battle of Spellhold. Forget Irenicus, who is his jailer mage?! The bastard killed/petrified Jaheira, Aerie, Imoen and Minsc before Jin and Anomen took him down. This meant that I had to face Irenicus with only 2 battered party members still standing... and an army of psychos behind their backs. It was a miracle that didn't end up being a reload and is probably my most memorable battle of the entire saga, mostly because I totally did not expect to pull it off...
9) First encounter with a dragon. "OMG it's HUGE!"... Thankfully it was Adalon.
10) Aerie turned into a vampire! Another "NOOOOO!!!" moment. Tried desperately to Dispel, and avoid having to kill her. Then found the books that offered hope, and reluctantly had Jaheira carry out the act. Was SO relieved to find her body and SO relieved to have her restored.
11) First Demilich encounter. Stumbled into the one in Watcher's Keep, next to the Githyanki camp. Couldn't work out how to hurt it, and by the time Jin used Slayer form to bring it down, Aerie, Imoen, Minsc and Jaheira had been Imprisoned. I had no idea where to find Freedom Scrolls, and would spend the next few sessions trying desperately to find one in Watcher's Keep with a 'B team of Keldorn, Mazzy, Nalia and Valygar'. Eventually, with Keldorn also Imprisoned by Azamantes, I had to give up my 'blind playthrough' principles for the first time and ask for help.
12) Killing Demogorgon. Ok, it didn't technically happen, cos I chose to trap Demogorgon and the treacherous Vigil Knights in the Vault, but I decided to take on Demogorgon for fun. Pulling it off on the third attempt was a great feeling. "I beat Demogorgon, I must be good!" lol
13) Losing Anomen. Not always my favourite companion, but he sure was the strongest. I was starting to wonder if chunking/permanent death didn't happen in BG 2... and then poor Ano got hit by a ranged attack from Abazigal for 125(?!!) damage. Instantly turning him into a charred corpse beyond any healing or resurrection spells. That was a shocking moment for sure, and so close to the end, a sad end for a character who had come so far.
14) Melissan. WHAT. A. BATTLE.
Hmmm… this is already a wall of text, I might as well build it taller!
She sure doesn't give a shit about playing fair! On my first attempt, I stumbled in totally unprepared (I expected to have to battle through some minions before actually facing her in battle.) I confidently threw 4 spellbooks (Jin, Aerie, Imoen and Jaheira) at her in what I thought would be a devastating barrage of magical power. She laughed off Timestop, and somehow survived 4 or 5 Horrid Wiltings and Dragon's Breath. Swords eventually completed the job, but before I could celebrate, I realised to my dismay that this was only the first of 4 battles against Melissan, plus 3 groups of other guardians, AND there was no chance to rest. Having used most of the party's firepower already, they were overwhelmed in the second encounter against Melissan.
Second attempt.
This time, I was well prepared. All the subtle utility spells went out of the spellbooks, and I packed as much firepower and magic penetration as I could, and prepared all the useful scrolls, ammo, potions etc that I've hoarded for the entire game until now.
Stage 1:
Because I tried to conserve spells/resources the first encounter ended up being even more tricky than in the first attempt. Minsc got petrified and somebody else needed to be raised with Rod of Resurrection, but I got past it without using many spells.
Air Elementals:
Handled fairly easily by a stream of Earth Elemental summons from a Staff of Earth that I saved up until now, though Jaheira got level-drained, which cost me an Insect Plague and Deva.
Stage 2:
Once more saving resources meant it took longer than I’d have liked, and Rod of Resurrection was needed for one or two again.
Ice Elementals: chewed through my Earth Elementals like paper, so the party had to get stuck in themselves, resulting in many injuries, but I had plenty of Health Potions, so it wasn’t too bad.
Stage 3:
Melissan unloads all her cheese. She opens with a random attack that knocked my entire party unconscious (nothing I could do about positiong, of course), and disrupting all the spells I was about to throw at her. Then before the party recovered, she Timestopped. T_T
Having just about survived that opening onslaught, she teleports behind the big beam of Bhaalspawn essence (wasting more of my spells and making it hard to see what she’s doing) and then starts to summon an endless stream of Balors and Marileth Demons(!!?!!!?) Each time I take one down, another one is summoned immediately. She repeatedly restores her protections, heals herself at least once and mercilessly strips the party of buffs/protections.
Realising that it was hopeless to try to kill the tide of demons, and having already exhausted way more resources than I planned, including my best summons, I decided to ignore the demons and threw the party forwards to try to take Melissan down in combat. This is when Jaheira was hit with a vorpal weapon. I am not sure if it was Melissan or one of her demons. But after almost 240 hours in my company, from 0 xp to over 5M xp… Jaheira was gone! Permanently. T_T
What followed was a bit of a blur, and I was pretty demoralised, but I guess my plan worked. Two more companions fell in battle (not permanently), but Melissan retreated once more.
Fallen Solar and Co:
My party, battered and exhausted (literally all fatigued already), and (wo)man down, expected to find a third group of elementals, maybe Fire, or Earth… Seeing nightmarish Marileth Demons and a Fallen Solar, as well as an Alu-Fiend, emerge from the third Bhaal essence source was crippling news. Keldorn’s (replacement for the fallen Anomen) Dispel Magic thankfully could take down Marileth protections and somehow the party survived… well, with the help of Rod of Resurrection, again.
Final Stage:
I expected this to be hardest stage, which is why I had saved all my Simulacrums, Horrid Wilting and Spell Triggers until now. I literally had only 4 summons left (including from equipment), mostly Aerial Servants and Skeleton Warriors, having used Devas and Juggernault Golem to survive the third stage. However, with 2 Imoens, Aeries and Jins ready to face Melissan, all hope was not lost!
The warriors, (Keldorn, Jin and Minsc) drank the last of the Strength Potions and Potions of Heroism that I had left, and with a prayer to Helm, the battle was joined. Melissan finally withered in the face of the full force of the party’s righteous fury, laying into her with The Answerer, Gram the Sword of Grief and Pison’s Blade, whilst a barrage of penetration Spell Triggers and Horrid Wilting rained down on her. In the end, the final stage was easier than I expected, but I am certainly not complaining! The whole battle took 2-3 hours, and if I fell at the final hurdle, I was not looking forward to doing it all again from the beginning.
And so Jin stood victorious as Solar explained his options. The power of godhood tempted him sorely. He had experienced the frustration and pain of powerlessness, as he was unable to protect those he cared for the most... Khalid, Dynaheir, Imoen, Aerie etc... He had sworn to become the most powerful being in the realms so that nobody can ever harm Imoen and Aerie again...
But accepting godhood meant leaving them behind, and a continued existence of constant strife, with more experienced, and possibly more powerful deities like Cyric, counted as his enemies. What good is power if obtaining it would rob him of what he was trying to save and protect in the first place? And could he really control the essence of the Lord of Murder? Will such evil power rob him of whatever is left of his compassion, love and innocence? Will he become the very thing he had been fighting to prevent all long... the rise of a new Lord of Murder.
Thus, Jin looked upon Aerie, his beloved, her belly starting to swell with the growth of their baby boy, smiled, and asked Solar to remove the taint of Bhaal from him, and grant him the freedom to live out the rest of his mortal days with Aerie by his side.
Months later, Aerie would give birth to a baby boy, who she agreed to name Anomen, in honour of Jin's former companion, at times rival, and in the end, great friend. Years after that, a baby girl was born, who they named Jaheira, in memory of the fierce warrior-druid who was Jin's mentor, protector and counsel through his darkest hours, and who fought fearlessly by his side until the bitter end.
I wish Imoen and Minsc (and Boo!) also hung around with Charname in the future, but the epilogues clearly states that they didn't.
This is my first playthrough of BG 2, inspired by the master storyteller, 'Tord' of the Youtube Channel, 'mynameisnotlilly'. As a complete noober to Let's Plays and BG 2, my first few sessions were pretty shaky... cringe-worthy to be honest... but I have retained them for completeness' sake, and I promise that they do improve! lol
By 'improve' I mean that I begin to consistently voice conversations and try to provide some commentary, in addition I bought a microphone at some stage in the Planar Sphere, and more importantly, learnt to clean up the audio and improving video quality in the Underdark (yes, I know... slow learner). So at least for the latter half of SoA and the rest of ToB, I am reasonably happy with the quality of my 'efforts'.
However, as I was playing BG 2 for the first time, and playing blind, I was learning the game as I played, so I never really 'speed up', so it's not the most action-packed affair. I've also done minimal editing (so u avoid watching too much inventory management microgames) for completeness' sake, since I figure you can always skip parts you find boring anyway.
Like Tord, all my gameplay decisions are driven by roleplay choices, as opposed to metagame ones. And I tried to be faithful to my self-imposed restrictions like using scrolls beyond caster level, rest and accepting permanent death.
Anyways enough fluff, more details can be found in the description box below my videos, if anyone is interesting in checking out the learning process of a new player, from the dungeons beneath Waukeen's Promenade to the Throne of Bhaal.
My Youtube Channel:
1) Introducing Jin
2) Gaelen Bayle
3) Slavers
4) D'Arnise Hold
5) Planar Sphere
6) The Guarded Compound

7) A Rumble in the Sewers
8) The Planar Prison

9) Cult of the Unseeing Eye
10) Pit of the Faithless
11) The Lesser of Two Evils
12) Spiders spiders everywhere!
13) Setting Sail for Spellhold
14) Perth the Adept
15) Lost Souls
16) Battle of the Asylum
17) Into the Underdark
18) My First Lich!
19) A Balor Problem
20) The Children of Demogorgon
21) Jin Hates Beholders!
22) The Illithid Master Brain
23) An Unexpected Battle
24) Deirex's Tower
25) Return to the Beholder Lair
26) The Dark Ritual
27) The Shadow Dragon
28) The Red Dragon
29) The Twisted Rune
30) The Sewer Mindflayers
31) The Battle of Crypts
32) The Temple of Rillifane
33) The Black Dragon of Irenicus
34) Irenicus and the Tree of Life
35) The Final Reckoning
36) Throne of Bhaal Intro and Party Progress Review
37) Gromnir Il-Khan
38) Trials of the Portal Maze
39) Demon Wraith
40) A Calamitous Encounter
41) Azamantes and the Flaming Skulls
42) Battle Royale
43) Bonus Demogorgon Battle
44) The Giant's Fall
45) The Drow Bhaalspawn
46) Draconis
47) Abazigal
48) The Villain, the Ravager and the Wedding
49) The Throne of Blood
50) The Godchild's Destiny
51) Credits and Concluding Thoughts
Most Memorable Moments: (Chronological Order)
1) First time I used Lightning... Pretty much never touched Lightning based spells again because:
2) First time I used Fireball... I one-shot the party again. BUT... I was so impressed with the destructive potential of Fireball that I quickly tried to pack Dynaheir's spellbook with as many as I could. I don't think I used Minute Meteors until BG 2.
3) The "I WAS FRAMED!" moment following the death of the Iron Throne leadership. My law abiding Charname allowed himself to be taken in by the Flaming Fists. Following a brief spat with Angelo, he has Imoen executed. "WTF?!"
4) Karoug the cheesy Greater Wolfwere. Crazy regeneration, I didn't have a single silver weapon on me, and had yet to learn of the wonder that is Melf's Minute Meteors. This is the only encounter in the whole saga that forced me to check the internet for specific answers.
5) Aec'Letec: my favourite battle of BG 1. It was challenging for sure, but oh so epic! Especially the first time I killed him, and was about to celebrate, and then ... "oh crap..."
6) Beginning of SoA. "Dynaheir?! NOOOO!!!"... a few minutes later... "Khalid!?! NOOOO!!!"... a bit after that... "Imoen?!!? NOOOOO!!!". Charname was so shaken he turned from Lawful Good to Lawful Neutral.
7) Yoshimo's betrayal. I was caught totally unprepared. Yoshimo carried all the equipment I planned for Imoen. I swore revenge, and was SO pleased when it was achieved.
8) The Battle of Spellhold. Forget Irenicus, who is his jailer mage?! The bastard killed/petrified Jaheira, Aerie, Imoen and Minsc before Jin and Anomen took him down. This meant that I had to face Irenicus with only 2 battered party members still standing... and an army of psychos behind their backs. It was a miracle that didn't end up being a reload and is probably my most memorable battle of the entire saga, mostly because I totally did not expect to pull it off...
9) First encounter with a dragon. "OMG it's HUGE!"... Thankfully it was Adalon.
10) Aerie turned into a vampire! Another "NOOOOO!!!" moment. Tried desperately to Dispel, and avoid having to kill her. Then found the books that offered hope, and reluctantly had Jaheira carry out the act. Was SO relieved to find her body and SO relieved to have her restored.
11) First Demilich encounter. Stumbled into the one in Watcher's Keep, next to the Githyanki camp. Couldn't work out how to hurt it, and by the time Jin used Slayer form to bring it down, Aerie, Imoen, Minsc and Jaheira had been Imprisoned. I had no idea where to find Freedom Scrolls, and would spend the next few sessions trying desperately to find one in Watcher's Keep with a 'B team of Keldorn, Mazzy, Nalia and Valygar'. Eventually, with Keldorn also Imprisoned by Azamantes, I had to give up my 'blind playthrough' principles for the first time and ask for help.
12) Killing Demogorgon. Ok, it didn't technically happen, cos I chose to trap Demogorgon and the treacherous Vigil Knights in the Vault, but I decided to take on Demogorgon for fun. Pulling it off on the third attempt was a great feeling. "I beat Demogorgon, I must be good!" lol
13) Losing Anomen. Not always my favourite companion, but he sure was the strongest. I was starting to wonder if chunking/permanent death didn't happen in BG 2... and then poor Ano got hit by a ranged attack from Abazigal for 125(?!!) damage. Instantly turning him into a charred corpse beyond any healing or resurrection spells. That was a shocking moment for sure, and so close to the end, a sad end for a character who had come so far.
14) Melissan. WHAT. A. BATTLE.
Hmmm… this is already a wall of text, I might as well build it taller!
She sure doesn't give a shit about playing fair! On my first attempt, I stumbled in totally unprepared (I expected to have to battle through some minions before actually facing her in battle.) I confidently threw 4 spellbooks (Jin, Aerie, Imoen and Jaheira) at her in what I thought would be a devastating barrage of magical power. She laughed off Timestop, and somehow survived 4 or 5 Horrid Wiltings and Dragon's Breath. Swords eventually completed the job, but before I could celebrate, I realised to my dismay that this was only the first of 4 battles against Melissan, plus 3 groups of other guardians, AND there was no chance to rest. Having used most of the party's firepower already, they were overwhelmed in the second encounter against Melissan.
Second attempt.
This time, I was well prepared. All the subtle utility spells went out of the spellbooks, and I packed as much firepower and magic penetration as I could, and prepared all the useful scrolls, ammo, potions etc that I've hoarded for the entire game until now.
Stage 1:
Because I tried to conserve spells/resources the first encounter ended up being even more tricky than in the first attempt. Minsc got petrified and somebody else needed to be raised with Rod of Resurrection, but I got past it without using many spells.
Air Elementals:
Handled fairly easily by a stream of Earth Elemental summons from a Staff of Earth that I saved up until now, though Jaheira got level-drained, which cost me an Insect Plague and Deva.
Stage 2:
Once more saving resources meant it took longer than I’d have liked, and Rod of Resurrection was needed for one or two again.
Ice Elementals: chewed through my Earth Elementals like paper, so the party had to get stuck in themselves, resulting in many injuries, but I had plenty of Health Potions, so it wasn’t too bad.
Stage 3:
Melissan unloads all her cheese. She opens with a random attack that knocked my entire party unconscious (nothing I could do about positiong, of course), and disrupting all the spells I was about to throw at her. Then before the party recovered, she Timestopped. T_T
Having just about survived that opening onslaught, she teleports behind the big beam of Bhaalspawn essence (wasting more of my spells and making it hard to see what she’s doing) and then starts to summon an endless stream of Balors and Marileth Demons(!!?!!!?) Each time I take one down, another one is summoned immediately. She repeatedly restores her protections, heals herself at least once and mercilessly strips the party of buffs/protections.
Realising that it was hopeless to try to kill the tide of demons, and having already exhausted way more resources than I planned, including my best summons, I decided to ignore the demons and threw the party forwards to try to take Melissan down in combat. This is when Jaheira was hit with a vorpal weapon. I am not sure if it was Melissan or one of her demons. But after almost 240 hours in my company, from 0 xp to over 5M xp… Jaheira was gone! Permanently. T_T
What followed was a bit of a blur, and I was pretty demoralised, but I guess my plan worked. Two more companions fell in battle (not permanently), but Melissan retreated once more.
Fallen Solar and Co:
My party, battered and exhausted (literally all fatigued already), and (wo)man down, expected to find a third group of elementals, maybe Fire, or Earth… Seeing nightmarish Marileth Demons and a Fallen Solar, as well as an Alu-Fiend, emerge from the third Bhaal essence source was crippling news. Keldorn’s (replacement for the fallen Anomen) Dispel Magic thankfully could take down Marileth protections and somehow the party survived… well, with the help of Rod of Resurrection, again.
Final Stage:
I expected this to be hardest stage, which is why I had saved all my Simulacrums, Horrid Wilting and Spell Triggers until now. I literally had only 4 summons left (including from equipment), mostly Aerial Servants and Skeleton Warriors, having used Devas and Juggernault Golem to survive the third stage. However, with 2 Imoens, Aeries and Jins ready to face Melissan, all hope was not lost!
The warriors, (Keldorn, Jin and Minsc) drank the last of the Strength Potions and Potions of Heroism that I had left, and with a prayer to Helm, the battle was joined. Melissan finally withered in the face of the full force of the party’s righteous fury, laying into her with The Answerer, Gram the Sword of Grief and Pison’s Blade, whilst a barrage of penetration Spell Triggers and Horrid Wilting rained down on her. In the end, the final stage was easier than I expected, but I am certainly not complaining! The whole battle took 2-3 hours, and if I fell at the final hurdle, I was not looking forward to doing it all again from the beginning.
And so Jin stood victorious as Solar explained his options. The power of godhood tempted him sorely. He had experienced the frustration and pain of powerlessness, as he was unable to protect those he cared for the most... Khalid, Dynaheir, Imoen, Aerie etc... He had sworn to become the most powerful being in the realms so that nobody can ever harm Imoen and Aerie again...
But accepting godhood meant leaving them behind, and a continued existence of constant strife, with more experienced, and possibly more powerful deities like Cyric, counted as his enemies. What good is power if obtaining it would rob him of what he was trying to save and protect in the first place? And could he really control the essence of the Lord of Murder? Will such evil power rob him of whatever is left of his compassion, love and innocence? Will he become the very thing he had been fighting to prevent all long... the rise of a new Lord of Murder.
Thus, Jin looked upon Aerie, his beloved, her belly starting to swell with the growth of their baby boy, smiled, and asked Solar to remove the taint of Bhaal from him, and grant him the freedom to live out the rest of his mortal days with Aerie by his side.
Months later, Aerie would give birth to a baby boy, who she agreed to name Anomen, in honour of Jin's former companion, at times rival, and in the end, great friend. Years after that, a baby girl was born, who they named Jaheira, in memory of the fierce warrior-druid who was Jin's mentor, protector and counsel through his darkest hours, and who fought fearlessly by his side until the bitter end.
I wish Imoen and Minsc (and Boo!) also hung around with Charname in the future, but the epilogues clearly states that they didn't.
Post edited by Heindrich on
I actually recorded a few hours up to the Copper Coronet, but it dawned on me just how much effort it will take, so I couldn't be sure I'd ever finish it.
Frankly I am just not as creative as 'mynameisnotlilly', my inspiration for doing a Let's Play, and I noticed that my effort at roleplaying diminished as time went by, until it kinda degenerates into a 'let's watch this guy play the game whilst thinking out loud'. lol
I will probably keep recording as I play, it kinda forces me to play more honestly from a RP perspective, but I'm not gonna try too hard to be entertaining, cos the effort was distracting me from just enjoying myself. That said, if there is interest, I guess I'll upload it to youtube anyway.
I totally know what you mean about starting out to play, and it seeming to turn into work. I'm not sure how Tord managed to keep his motivation up for as long as he did. It may have helped that he started to pick up fans.
Oh - one more thing: If you create and post a series, you'll always have it for yourself. If I did the work to create something like that, and I could be proud of it, I'd probably enjoy coming back to it and watching it myself through the years. It would be something you'd created that should last a long time, and would bring back good memories even decades later (assuming YouTube never goes down).
But even if you aren't creative I do believe that many people find the concept of a "blind playthrough" (one done by someone who has never played the game before) quite enjoyable. Something about watching a new player stumble along and figure stuff out as they go must bring back nostalgia or something.
By the way, If you do decide you want this deleted you have to ask a moderator.
Oh yeah, I wouldn't worry too much about your voice. I think my voice sounds kinda weird when recorded, but hey, I'm not jamming this stuff down people's throats, so they can watch or not, and as long as I enjoy recording, I'll do it.
Also these videos take up a huge amount of disk space, so I will probably have to upload everything on to Youtube anyway if I wanna retain a record of my BG 2 adventure, cos I simply don't have enough disk space to hold on the videos otherwise.
1.) Don't talk when there are intros or cut scenes, never do this. It gets really annoying when people do as the cutscenes and intros are some of the reasons we watch playthroughs. You didn't do this and i'm so happy for that.
2.) Pleasent voice. The one thing that sometimes ruins a playthrough is the voice. It's really sad but some people just don't have it in their voice and it gets annoying to listen to. You got a pleasent voice and with a little more experience and confidence it'll be great. I have clicked away so many playthroughs because of the voice but i'm still watching yours.
3.) Talk. This is for the future and so on, you should always talk. It doesn't have to be about the game and you don't have to talk every second, but it gets uncomfortable when there is 2-5 minutes silence. A good hint here is to talk about other games that are like Baldur's gate if you have played them, if you're clearing some slavers you could mention Torment or other games you enjoyed, just keep the contact with the people in your movie.
4.) Ask at the end of the movie if it's something people would like you to pay extra attention to. It might be small things like if you forgot to put a helm on someone or the like, but it's really nice for us that watch to be able to come forward with things and you won't be annoyed. It can be small things like the helm or just the volume is too low, another great one is that people might want you to talk about certain topics. Perhaps what you think about daggers vs longswords and such.
5.) Don't have too short episodes. No one wants to spend 2-3 minutes and then have to switch again and again and aga... you get my point. Try to atleast keep them to 8-9 minutes and more if possible.
I'll come with some other aswell, but you're doing great so far.
[Edited]: The best playthroughs out right now on youtube are of people playing Dark souls. Try to look at a playthrough by Epicnamebro as he probably has the best playthroughs i have ever seen.
6.) Don't skip out on content that you think we might not be interested in. Ask first if we would like to see it or not, those small trips to the shop can be very fun to watch and you running errands, we don't want to only see the main plot and fights.
1) Thanks, I'll try to stick to that. Although if I get shocked by something, I might react lol.
2) Thanks... I suppose most people find their own voice a bit odd once it's recorded. I certainly feel that way, and I've heard others mention it too.
3) Yeah... this might be harder for me. As I said, no previous experience of Let's Plays, and I probably won't be able to think of much to say when I am also trying to not die ingame
4) Ok, I do mention things I am confused or unsure about occasionally, so of course advice/guidance would be welcome.
5) Most of my videos will be 10-15mins, but they aren't recorded 10-15mins at a time, cos I don't wanna have to worry about playing and checking time constantly. So the cut-offs will be a bit arbitary.
6) I am recording everything. Even the pauses when I read a new spell, think about what to do, or manage inventory. My play-style is quite slow, kinda like 'mynameisnotlilly', so it won't be for everyone. But that can't be helped because a lot of the time, I am experiencing new things, and as a noob, I need to stop and think about what to do. The only reason I might cut out stuff is if I get horribly stuck on something and spend a ridiculously long time doing next-to-nothing trying to work it out.
In BG EE the only time that happened was with the Greater Wolfwere, when I initially could not work out why the damned thing seemed to be unkillable, lol.
I'm about to go to bed now, but I'll be watching some TV before I go to sleep, and the TV I watch will be the rest of what you have uploaded.
If we have comments, do you want us to post here in this forum, or on YouTube? It might help you gather an audience if we make our shorter comments under the video pages on YouTube, I think. But I'm not totally sure.
What is your preference?
With regards to where to comment. I have no particular preference. Although it would be nice if others enjoyed observing my trials, blunders and (hopefully) triumphs, I am not desperate for an audience, so I guess people should just comment wherever is convenient and appropriate. I suppose more general comments about my style/gameplay might be better here, specific things about a specific video underneath the video so it'd be easier to refer to it.
If I comment on any of them you should recognize me
And my voice really is as bad as I said it was... I am often mistaken for a girl over the phone...
Seriously though it's good to see somebody else who plays the game as intended and not be worried about kicking the game's ass extra hard.
I don't have the time to watch everything, but I'll check out the interestin fights from time to time.
Keep it up groundlin'
Of course, I record everything for the sake of completeness, and just so if anyone is interested in how or why Jin goes from one place to the next, cos I enjoyed watching Tord make such 'strategic level' decisions, which often have nothing to do with fighting.
Even I skipped chunks of videos where Tord plays the 'inventory management minigame', cos he refused to throw away even a single silver ring, when there were no gem bags in BG Vanilla lol.
Also, you should try speak a bit louder or clearer. It's quite hard to make out what your saying when the music is loud.
Still, good effort for a first playthrough and first attempt at Let's Play.
Thanks for the support!
At the start of my recording, I didn't have a proper microphone (just used in-built mic on my laptop), I eventually start using a proper headset from somewhere in the Planar Sphere onwards, hopefully that will make the audio a bit clearer. I also gotta admit, my amateurishness and inexperience is quite apparent in parts where I kinda trail off as I get tired. As I said, I think I am improving with experience, so hopefully you'll see that if you keep with it.
I've not seen anything about improving the Flail of Ages, but I did actually do something about that... if you check out a recent upload 'Nalia's Gift'.
6) The Guarded Compound
An epic battle against unknown foes in a mysterious compound in the Temple District.
As I'm sure u know by now, it's got nothin to do wiv the Unseeing Eye, and I dont think its a spoiler to tell u it doesnt have much to do with any significant plot line. If u had Nalia with u u'd eventually see a document that refers to the compound as slaver lords associated with the Roenall family.
2. I see a little problem with all those LP on youtubes: How many LP of BG2 with no mods with voice acting is there on youtube? pretty good number i think
3. I am watching only LP of multiplayer like squee913 and veriax LP of IWD1 etc. this was fun with 2 players trying hard not to die horrible death
As for the abundance of Vanilla commentary playthroughs already out there. I am not looking to build a popular Youtube channel, so I'm not concerned about trying to be original, and I am just doing what I enjoy. I am literally working things out as I go, both in terms of playing BG 2, and also learning how to record a LP.
As a total noob, clearly I am not gonna be trying no-reload challenges on insane difficulty with improved enemy AI mods etc.
ps: I will check out ur LP after I finish recording mine. I obviously cannot do so now cos I don't wanna be spoiler'd.
yeah recording for the sake of having recorded is kind of fun but "no-reload challenges on insane difficulty with improved enemy AI mods etc." would be very cool LP to watch
Oh yeah the Lawful vs Chaos thing is just personal preference. I tend to prefer 'Lawful-boring' heroes over flamboyant rebellious anti-heroes.
7) A Rumble in the Sewers
Jin says 'Hi' to what looked like another group of adventurers down in the Temple Sewers. They demand 1,000 gold for safe passage! Jin and co. refuse to be bullied by thugs in the sewers... a messy battle ensues...
8) The Planar Prison
Jin's curiosity gets the party into trouble as they step blindly into a planar portal... and find themselves in a Planar Prison! The desperate struggle to escape begins...