what size will the game be?

For PC's, size doesn't matter, for tablets it does though. Like many tablets, mine has only 8 GB of flash memory, some have even 4 GB or less. And that space BGEE will have to share with other apps and, if one doesn't have external card memory, your pics, videos and documents as well. So, on to the all-important question for the Android-app:
How big will BGEE installed as an app be?
How big will BGEE installed as an app be?
The original game came on about 5CDs I seem to recall so let's say that's about 3GB absolutely tops. I reckon they'll do the same as with a lot of Tegra 2/3 games these days - you download the main app and if you have the extra hardware it downloads an HD content pack or whatever for those who can use it (as done for Dead Trigger for example).
"3G or 4G not required. Going to be on the large side though. Estimate is slightly over 1 Gig in size atm."
- Trent
I don`t think the Android requirements should be that much different.
As you know maximum app size in Google Play is 4Gb. So it is not a problem.
@CameronTofer @TrentOster
"The new compression approach is going quite well. It is looking to fall in line with our under 2GB install size for iPad "
I can't imagine it would be a different size for Android
"To fit it on tablets we've changed the compression. BG is palette-based on PC, we've moved it to PVRTC on the iPad and DXTC on Android."
So safe bet to leave at least 2.5GBs of space open for the future on iPad?
PC version is only 1.8 GB, rather than the predicted 3GB, I wonder where it will sit with this new renderer we've been promised...
source: https://itunes.apple.com/us/app/baldurs-gate-enhanced-edition/id515114051