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Baldur's Gate 2 ENHANCED!? What a tease.

What a joke.

It's the same stupid "enhanced" crap all over again. I watched your fail panoramic camera 3D modeling in the BG2E trailer. The textures were such low resolution that it would look terrible even back in the 90's. What kind of school play budget are you running here? It was so cheesy and bad that I honestly thought you dragged some poor college freshman out of their DeVry University class to animate it for you.

You repackage the exact same boring Black Pits module as "Black Pits 2." No innovation, no originality, time is money, hurry and pump out the same DLC! I'm willing to bet you $10,000 that this is going to be an almost identical adventure right down to the NPCs. I mean are you kidding me with this? It doesn't even make sense from the perspective of the characters in the game world, because Baeloth was defeated, killed, resurrected and weakened considerably, and finally renounced his enterprise after it failed. What, did some other bastard step in and say "oh yeah this gladiator pit looks promising, it'll work for sure this time!"

And again, this game looks terrible in 1080p. The infinity engine wasn't designed to run at high resolutions. I can barely see the characters. I can barely read any of the text on screen. It's too small. What, do you expect us to use a magnifying glass to play this game? It's the same stupid story as that "enhanced" Age of Empires 2 on Steam. I hate games that do this.

At last, we get to conclude the character arcs of our three favorite 2 x 4 styrofoam cutouts: Generic-evil-emo-brute MacGuffin, whiny-emo-annoying-selfish-bratty-elf Princess Peach, and stoic-boring-monotone-alien-monk ObiWan Kenobi. If you have no idea who I'm talking about, don't worry. They didn't leave much of an impact in the first game and I really doubt they will in the second. Not only are these characters horribly written and pointless to the ultimate conclusion of the plot, but they are annoying, annoying, annoying. They don't fit the setting at all and seem like they should belong to a mediocre INDIE videogame instead of a great classic like this. They should have died horribly in the first game just like the NPCs in the novelization.

Let's not forget Overhaul's employee policy: Release all of our games in beta format but label them as v1.0. Make sure to fix as few bugs, glitches, and crashes as possible. Replace the original classic movies with our ugly slideshows. Map out 1-4 screen areas with recycled enemies and just call it "DLC" and "enhanced content". Typos everyone, make more and more typos! He/She, just replace those with a blank space. We wouldn't want to offend anyone, now would we? Break that first quest. Oh shoot yeah, I almost forgot, make sure you guys disable multiplayer at ALL costs. We'll save it for one of our zillions of patches. Get those collectible badges ready!!!

I'm honestly impressed that these guys are still managing to coexist with other game companies in 2013. They've managed to single-handily con almost the entire Baldur's Gate fan base into buying their repackaged harbor trash. I'd really like to know: How did they do it? How did they make it so bad and yet still manage to get away with your money? I mean it's genius; there was almost 0 marketing involved. I guess the world will never know because its likely that even more fans will be duped the second time around.

Let the flames begin!


  • mch202mch202 Member Posts: 1,455

    Let the flames begin!

    Why flames?? its already hot here in September, 32+C degrees is not for my liking - I'll let now my air conditioner begin.

  • MrGuseMrGuse Member Posts: 30
    edited September 2013
    Nerd-rage is an awesome sight to behold. I liked the first EE, but who am I?


    As far as I'm concerned, as long as I can move my saves from my PC to my iPad, BG2EE will be a smashing success.
  • KaltzorKaltzor Member Posts: 1,050
    Well, replacing the movies of BG1 in my opinion made sense... Since the 3D of the original ones did not age well... The BG2 ones still look good though.

    I don't think the new characters are really badly done, it's just Overhaul was not allowed to touch the existing game world to let them properly interact with it so they feel horribly out of place... They can't properly interact with existing characters and places because they weren't allowed to edit existing dialogues.

    And in the end, what exactly was Baldur's Gate Enhanced Edition supposed? In my opinion, all I really wanted was a BG1 with new content, bugfixing and the new stuff BG2 brought (kits and all that)... I think they delivered that. But the new content was not anything amazing due to limitations placed on Overhaul...
  • riyahhassettriyahhassett Member Posts: 59
    What is the Ipad release date?
  • ghostowlghostowl Member Posts: 171
    well he did rage but he did make some valid points...Black Pits 2 is a terrible idea and whoever chose to come up with Black Pits in the first place needs to be sent over to the Sims developers's creativity team
  • LiamEslerLiamEsler Member Posts: 1,859
    I'm just glad we've dealt with pretty much all of your issues up there, @Wraith_Sarevok. I hope you enjoy the game when it comes out. :)
  • Excalibur_2102Excalibur_2102 Member Posts: 351
    this guy again... yay?
  • the_spyderthe_spyder Member Posts: 5,018
    I guess what I don't understand is the purpose of this post. If they hated BG:EE that much, why not just get on with their lives and play something different? No one is holding a gun to their heads and forcing them to pay for BG2:EE.

    And if they really are playing the game for the high end graphics, they are playing the wrong game. Anyone who thought this was all about 1080P was going to be disappointed.

    As for the jape at releasing the game in Beta, I'd be curious to know what games they have played that are without issues. Seems to me that NWN2 had something like 20+ patches. Diablo 2 had several patches before they got it "Right(ish)". KoTor had several patches. Yeah, companies should get it in fit state for consumers, but I don't think that Overhaul is any worse at that than most of the top 10 game developers. So......?

  • O_BruceO_Bruce Member Posts: 2,790

    Diablo 2 had several patches before they got it "Right(ish)".

    What's funnier, there is still bug present in Diablo 2 that existed since the release day. What's more, that bug is making physical-damage based meele Amazon not viable. Talk about game balance. Let's buff Paladin instead!
  • [Deleted User][Deleted User] Posts: 0
    edited September 2013
    The user and all related content has been deleted.
  • the_spyderthe_spyder Member Posts: 5,018

    Diablo 2 had several patches before they got it "Right(ish)".

    What's funnier, there is still bug present in Diablo 2 that existed since the release day. What's more, that bug is making physical-damage based meele Amazon not viable. Talk about game balance. Let's buff Paladin instead!
    NWN2 still has issues a plenty unresolved. And yeah, so does Diablo. So does Halo. So does Star Craft 2. Crysis. Dishonored. Assassin's Creed. Splinter Cell. Arkham Asylem. All of them have bugs in the coding. Heck, Bejewelled has issues. I can't think of a single game I have played where you couldn't go to their site and see a whole list of bugs and issues.

    I am a programmer by trade. i don't code on the order of what these guys do, but I understand basics and how a single segment of code can throw the whole thing off. And how it can be quite a task to track down that missing comma or bad join in code that is only a few thousand lines long. When you are talking millions of lines and modules written by different groups, I don't blame them for making things as close as possible to right in the whole 80/20 (although probably closer to 99.9/1) methodology. So I give them credit for the work they did. I recognize all of the bug fixes that they put in. And I appreciate the new content.

    Was it perfect? No. Was it worlds better at launch than some titles I could mention? Yes. are they still at fixing things? yes. And I have high hopes for continued fixes and for BG2:EE.

  • SCARY_WIZARDSCARY_WIZARD Member Posts: 1,438
  • The user and all related content has been deleted.
  • LuigirulesLuigirules Member Posts: 419
    This whole thing just makes me wonder how much of a troll you have to be before you get banned.
  • AndrewRogueAndrewRogue Member Posts: 72
    You seem a little enraged, my brother.
  • albinocobraalbinocobra Member Posts: 56
    edited September 2013
    Kaeloree said:

    the majority of whom are modders and from the community.

    And this is why I'll support this game no matter what. I've got so many quality hours of fun through the work of the modding community FOR FREE in the past, I feel obliged to buy your product simply to repay at least a small part of that.

    I really hope you guys can integrate as much of your free work into BG2EE since that would really add an extra level of quality to this product.

  • ScotGaymerScotGaymer Member Posts: 526
    I preordered BGEE and I honestly just didn't get the problems people had with it.

    After how devestatingly bad Mass Effect 3 was, and how all round terrible the triple A line up of games released last year was, BGEE was like a salve for my gaming wounds.

    I found that a lot of the criticisms were people who just had unrealistic expectations and then got all pissy because those expectations weren't met. Was I upset that Beamdog/Overhaul got so restricted by WotC/Atari when remaking the game? Yes. But is it their fault? No. Did I enjoy the final product, and do I enjoy it going forward? Absolutely.

    I actually tweeted Trent Oster upon completing my first BGEE playthough saying that i'd forgotten what it was like to play a genuinely good, real RPG since it's been so long since I played one that wasn't actually an Action game with RPG elements. And I did that because it was genuinely what I felt.

    I understand the restrictions that Overhaul are labouring under because hey I actually pay fricking attention, and I accept them. I judge based on what I see, not on what I think should be. And thus I am quite excited for it. And am probably going to preorder very soon also.

    I mean honestly. It's more fricking Baldur's Gate made compatible with modern gaming systems. How in gods name can anyone complain about that?
  • elminsterelminster Member, Developer Posts: 16,317
    edited September 2013
    jankiel said:

    6/10 on the Saemon Havarian troll scale.

    To be fair its impossible to best Saemon Havarian on that scale. The higher the score you are aiming for, the higher the demand required and it goes up exponentially :D
  • elminsterelminster Member, Developer Posts: 16,317
    edited September 2013
    Kaeloree said:

    There is literally no accusation or criticism that can be levelled at us we have not already levelled at ourselves.

    Challenge accepted.

    I find that BGEE is too convenient to play and I request you reverted to a format where I would have to install my own patches in just the right order as to not to mess up the game. Also, since I'm on a mac, added inconvenience like needing a wrapper (or some other kind of software) to play the game would just improve my overall experience.

    I like loading screens that really just in the way of actually playing the game. So if you could put those back in that would be great.

    I dislike how the manuals and in-game descriptions are far more accurate now. I demand a manual and in-game descriptions that get many basic things wrong like the numbers of rounds spells last, their casting time, their range, and other spell effects.

    Finally, I like how random NPC's used to have random characteristics (weird alignments, classes, or races). Like how Destus Gern (a human) was labelled mechanically as a Kobold.

  • MonkLoverMonkLover Member Posts: 24
    jankiel said:

    6/10 on the Saemon Havarian troll scale.

    I hate how a guy can't get his opinion out without being labeled a troll. That term is used around so liberally it's become meaningless. BTW, how is anything he said considered abusive?

  • SharGuidesMyHandSharGuidesMyHand Member Posts: 2,586
    Why are people here actually feeding this botched troll attempt?? This clown criticizes the devs for failing to add new content, while simultaneously criticizes them for adding new content. Screw him.
  • PurudayaPurudaya Member Posts: 816
    MonkLover said:

    jankiel said:

    6/10 on the Saemon Havarian troll scale.

    I hate how a guy can't get his opinion out without being labeled a troll. That term is used around so liberally it's become meaningless. BTW, how is anything he said considered abusive?

    I don't agree with all the abuse labels he got, but this was definitely some blatant trolling. The term is overused, sure, but not meaningless.
  • blackchimesblackchimes Member Posts: 323

    What a joke. *things*

    You do realize that most of these complaints are specific to BG games themselves, not EE as such, right?

    I think you should try playing different games.
  • AutequiAutequi Member Posts: 403
    MonkLover said:

    BTW, how is anything he said considered abusive?

    Insulting language? check
    Harsh attacks? check
    ...that are based on opinion rather than fact? double check
    Libel? check

    I don't think he's trolling, though. Seems more like venting, however unfortunately expressed.
  • CoryNewbCoryNewb Member Posts: 1,330
    On the internet, everyone's opinion matters, right?
  • BattlehamsterBattlehamster Member Posts: 298
    MonkLover said:

    I hate how a guy can't get his opinion out without being labeled a troll. That term is used around so liberally it's become meaningless. BTW, how is anything he said considered abusive?

    There is having a valid opinion...and then there is being indignant over something that hasn't even been completed yet. If we gave credence to every anger-fueled criticism which is devoid of content itself, we would still be living in caves and scared of lightning. Its a 3 paragraph rant filled with more anger fueled criticisms then actual points. But I do believe we can safely say he was trolling as ever since the flames became widespread, he disappeared.

    Scared of fire = Clearly a troll.
  • elminsterelminster Member, Developer Posts: 16,317

    It's the same stupid story as that "enhanced" Age of Empires 2 on Steam.

    Actually thanks to Steamworks Age of Empires 2 has easily installable high texture mods that make the game (at least the steam version) look better than ever.
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