Build my character for me... Please!

Hi All,
Since getting back into BG thanks to EE, I have only managed to complete the game once, as an Elf Archer. For whatever reason i find it nearly impossible to be 100% happy (even 80% would be nice) with a character, and my mind is always reeling with possibilities and what if's.
What i would like to do, is play a crowd sourced character, and if you could respond with one aspect of the character each, from Gender all the way down to name, until i have a full character. And obviously for abilities and spells (if applicable) take 1 each.
I don't care how wacky or weak or overpowered they end up.
Thanks in anticipation!
Since getting back into BG thanks to EE, I have only managed to complete the game once, as an Elf Archer. For whatever reason i find it nearly impossible to be 100% happy (even 80% would be nice) with a character, and my mind is always reeling with possibilities and what if's.
What i would like to do, is play a crowd sourced character, and if you could respond with one aspect of the character each, from Gender all the way down to name, until i have a full character. And obviously for abilities and spells (if applicable) take 1 each.
I don't care how wacky or weak or overpowered they end up.
Thanks in anticipation!
Class: Bard
This is what you want to do. Take a fighter/beserker on a solo run. If things go well, you will hit level 7 right around the time you enter Baldur's Gate. Dual class to theif, then go to the theives guild in Baldur's Gate and do the wquest line It's and awesome coincidence. You wont regret it.
Bard: Blade Kit.
Man, I have this same problem. I can NEVER settle on one character.
I'll add go chaotic neutral alignment. That seems to fit a bard to me.
Then when you hit lvl 8 as a thief you'll get your fighter skills back making your character more formidable in combat again. Now if you want to be fancy about it and exploit being able to use your weapon pips in a more gamey way, don't do your levels until you have 70,000 or more xp. Then do your level and you can use the pips you got to grand master your long sword and from there on you can focus on scimitar (you'll want at least 3 pips in it for the +3 to hit but I like going to full grand master to get extra damage too). In BG1EE you'll be devastating with Varscona and Rashad's Talon.
Now when you go in to BG2EE you'll be a bad ass melee with thief skills that will continue to grow while Imoen's remain stagnant (and she's away for a bit in the early game)... You'll want to grab Belm (+1 apr scimitar) for your ohand ASAP. Now you can decimate SoA and play through till ToB where you'll get Use Any Item which opens up your gear opportunities tremendously. You'll wanna grab the Scarlet Ninja-to from Joluv before you transition into ToB to replace Belm for your ohand once you have Use Any Item.
The reason I suggest this type of character is it constantly has things to "look forward to" so it keeps the character interesting and growing in neat ways while you play. You have regular "carrots" to entice you to keep going to see if you live up to the potential of the character. From there on its just finding the best gear to maximize and finish the story.
Specific gear to look forward to includes: Helm of Balduran, Grandmaster Armor +6 (which lets you use your thief skills without restriction and works as boots of speed letting you use different boots), Scarlet Ninja-to, Tzu-Zan's Bracers, Amulet of the Master Harper, and more.
I personally went with Angurvadal +5 (longsword) for my main hand since it gives 22 str while equipped letting me use a different belt and give the girdle of fire giant strength to another character. You could also go with Crom Faeyr instead for 25 str and get it much sooner than upgraded Angurvadal though you'll give up the component items to make it. Another alternative would be the Flail of Ages for a MH and use the girdle for the str boost. It's really up to you.
I personally enjoy having a "plan" for my character. Various goal posts to reach make the character interesting which motivates me to keep going with the story. The same tactic might work for you too!
Race: Half-Elf.
Chaotic Neutral
Bard: Blade Kit
Please keep on topic guys. He asked for a specific thing. Please add on to what we have, one aspect at a time.
Weapon Proficiency; +Mace
Dexterity: 12
Constitution: 6
Like, Wisdom: 6th Place.
Chaotic Neutral
Bard: Blade Kit
Name: Splendiferous Nightjar. Known as Splendy to her friends.
Mace +
I'm adding the second weapon prof: Darts +
Chaotic Neutral
Bard: Blade Kit
Name: Splendiferous Nightjar. Known as Splendy to her friends.
Mace +
Darts +
DEX: 16
Chaotic Neutral
Bard: Blade Kit
Name: Splendiferous Nightjar. Known as Splendy to her friends.
Mace +
Darts +
DEX: 16
INT: 14
Str: 17
Splendiferous "Splendy" Nightjar
Bard: Blade
Chaotic Neutral
STR: you guys can choose either 5 or 17 (both have been suggested)
DEX: 16
CON: 6 (oh dear, I'm feeling quite I'll)
INT : 14
Still need WIS and CHA
profs: mace + darts
Major and blue minor looks great for a bard
I do have one concern though, Hit Points/LEVEL: -1 (obviously due to my weak stomach!)
Will my max hp decrease each level until I curl up and die?