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Your BG2 EE Party



  • BasillicumBasillicum Member, Translator (NDA) Posts: 400
    edited September 2013
    I have way too many saves ongoing, so I'm not sure which I'll complete in time for BG2:EE. But anyway, these are the ones that are most likely...

    PC: Neutral Evil Half-Orc Fighter/Cleric
    Hexxat (?)

    If Dorn was human, I'd definitely try out dualling him to Thief (again, IF Blackguard/Thief existed). Kinda like Shar-Teel in BG1.

    PC: Neutral Good Stalker

    PC: Lawful Good Cleric/Ranger
    Anomen (possibly)

    PC: Chaotic Neutral Fighter/Thief
    - Don't know yet. I want chaotically unstable characters.

    Obviously many of my setups are dominated by certain "themes", and I like it that way. :)
    Post edited by Basillicum on
  • CoryNewbCoryNewb Member Posts: 1,330
    Very nice parties. I don't know if I will finish my evil playthrough in starts tomorrow.
  • SchneidendSchneidend Member Posts: 3,190
    rdarken said:

    How did the sexuality conversation end up in this thread, too? lol I actually thought Zevran was poorly written. If you were nice to him, it turned into flirtation. And he was hyper-sexualized. I thought they did a much better job of that archetype with Isabella. I did really enjoy the Anders male/male romance, even though the end of it was pretty sad...

    And not every gay guy calls each other by female epithets or gets "campy." I would never be with a guy who did that regularly. I am not a girl and I am not interested in a relationship with a girl and I am turned off by "campy" guys.

    Not sure how you found Zevran hyper-sexualized, yet not Isabela.

    It was easy to be nice to Zevran without flirting. Keeping him from flirting, however, is obviously not possible.
  • BasillicumBasillicum Member, Translator (NDA) Posts: 400
    CoryNewb said:

    Very nice parties. I don't know if I will finish my evil playthrough in starts tomorrow.

    Ah, yes, school..

    I'm so old. :/
  • CoryNewbCoryNewb Member Posts: 1,330
    Its my masters online. I am old too, mortgage, family, 40+ hours work. All that jazz.
  • FrozenCellsFrozenCells Member Posts: 385
    I'll continue from my completed BG:EE game so:

    PC TN Sorcerer
    Yoshimo or Hexxat
  • rdarkenrdarken Member Posts: 660

    rdarken said:

    How did the sexuality conversation end up in this thread, too? lol I actually thought Zevran was poorly written. If you were nice to him, it turned into flirtation. And he was hyper-sexualized. I thought they did a much better job of that archetype with Isabella. I did really enjoy the Anders male/male romance, even though the end of it was pretty sad...

    And not every gay guy calls each other by female epithets or gets "campy." I would never be with a guy who did that regularly. I am not a girl and I am not interested in a relationship with a girl and I am turned off by "campy" guys.

    Not sure how you found Zevran hyper-sexualized, yet not Isabela.

    It was easy to be nice to Zevran without flirting. Keeping him from flirting, however, is obviously not possible.
    Sorry, maybe I wasn't clear: I found Isabella hyper-sexualized, too. I just found her a much more likable character. I felt as though she had more going for her than just being a "whore" (as Aveline would say), she had a deeper story, more conflict. Zevran was like "lol tried to kill you wanna bang?"
  • rexregrexreg Member Posts: 292
    PC: Cleric/M-U multi-class (CN)
    Neera (romance)
    Edwin...unless there will be problems having Neera & Edwin in the same party
    Anomen (aka the CN tank)
    Jan (thief)
    Valygar (probably)

    ...& no Imoen...she gets to stay in Spellhold...ha!
  • neleotheszeneleothesze Member Posts: 231
    I'll try a mixed group for as long as the characters don't kill each-other. Somehow reputation never seems to become an issue... :D ..but
    The main party now stands at:
    PC - Cleric/Illusionist (CG)
    Rasaad - Sun Soul Monk (LG)
    Keldorn - Inquisitor (LG)
    Hexxat - Thief (*E)
    Dorn - Blackguard (NE)
    Random cast before Sarevok - Fighter (CE)

    If Dorn, Hexxat and Rasaad don't learn to ..share:
    PC - Dwarven Defender (NG)
    Aerie - Cleric/Mage (LG)
    Imoen - Thief/Mage (NG) (shadowkeepering any stupid 15/30/(random low amount) points in MS/HiS towards OL/FT or PP if they couldn't leave her a straight thief :p)
    Rasaad (LG)
    Keldorn (LG)
    PC - Blade (NE)
    Viconia - Cleric (NE)
    Dorn (NE)
    Hexxat (*E)
    Jan - Mage/Thief (CN)
    Sarevok (CE)
  • SchneidendSchneidend Member Posts: 3,190
    rdarken said:

    Sorry, maybe I wasn't clear: I found Isabella hyper-sexualized, too. I just found her a much more likable character. I felt as though she had more going for her than just being a "whore" (as Aveline would say), she had a deeper story, more conflict. Zevran was like "lol tried to kill you wanna bang?"

    I found Zevran refreshing because he's this guy who in virtually any other story would have been presented as a total badass, but when he first joins your party is quite inept, woefully unlucky, and has never actually killed a target on purpose. He's also totally unapologetic about everything, including killing because it's his job, part of his culture, and he's not even that great at it. You find out that his "lol tried to kill you" was in no way a genuine threat to you, because even by that early point the Grey Warden is a certifiable killing machine and Zevran is not. Also, my Grey Warden was a little on the Lawful Evil side, so when my favorite companion Morrigan started to suggest Zevran should stick around because my Grey Warden might need an assassin to eliminate opponents of the rebuilt Grey Wardens and of the future King Alistair's rule, that was a dynamic that I could not help but love. Plans within plans, and all that.
  • CoM_SolaufeinCoM_Solaufein Member Posts: 2,607
    edited September 2013
    Nalia (replaced by Imoen)
    (Whomever I want in the party at this time, except Cernd and Haer. Can't stand them.)
    BG2EE will be like my normal BG2 party.
    Post edited by CoM_Solaufein on
  • ShapiroKeatsDarkMageShapiroKeatsDarkMage Member Posts: 2,428
    edited September 2013
    Good Party:

    LG Female Elf Cavalier Charname:the hero.
    Rasaad and Jaheira:the lancers
    Minsc:the big guy
    Yoshimo, Nalia: smart guys
    Imoen:the chick
    Keldorn:sixth ranger

    Neutral party

    CN Male human barbarian Charname:the antihero
    Dorn-Il Khan:the lancer
    Minsc:the big guy,
    Jaheira:the smart girl
    Neera:the chick
    Hexxat:Sixth Ranger

    Evil party:

    LE Female human sorceress Charname:big bad
    Dorn-il Khan:the dragon
    Korgan Bloodaxe:the brute
    Viconia:evil genius and dark chick
    Hexxat:sixth ranger
    Post edited by ShapiroKeatsDarkMage on
  • BasillicumBasillicum Member, Translator (NDA) Posts: 400
    edited September 2013

    I'll try a mixed group for as long as the characters don't kill each-other. Somehow reputation never seems to become an issue... :D ..but
    The main party now stands at:
    PC - Cleric/Illusionist (CG)
    Rasaad - Sun Soul Monk (LG)
    Keldorn - Inquisitor (LG)
    Hexxat - Thief (*E)
    Dorn - Blackguard (NE)
    Random cast before Sarevok - Fighter (CE)

    Oh my. If Keldorn and Dorn (haha, Kel-Dorn) don't come to blows I'll have to conclude that Overhaul hasn't been thorough enough in implementing their new NPC. :P
  • neleotheszeneleothesze Member Posts: 231
    @Basilicum I know. :D I'm holding my fingers crossed for some explosive action. I hope that's the case with Dorn and Keldorn and Dorn and Anomen (for whatever little time he will be in my party) and Minsc and Mazzy.
  • DarkDoggDarkDogg Member Posts: 598
    Hmm I'll definately try out all the imported NPCs and the new thief.
    But there's a dilemma. I want to play with a blackguard to see what stuff he has on his high level. In other way I want to try the dragon Disciple (I know that the kit is weaker than the vanilla class, but... hey!)
    Viconia or Jaheira.

    Or if I import my last BGEE cleric\ranger Charname, then in TOB the 6th member will be Sarevok.

    If I decide to play with an evil Sorcerer (DD kit) - then I'll try out a full option EVIl party! YAY!

    BUT! But if the new thief will be neutral alignet - I won't buy the game :-(
    Go to hell! I was dreaming about Hexxat wearing the human flesh armor :-)
  • BasillicumBasillicum Member, Translator (NDA) Posts: 400
    DarkDogg said:

    Go to hell! I was dreaming about Hexxat wearing the human flesh armor :-)

    That's a great idea. I've never even thought of using that one. This is so happening in my evil party this year!
  • CoryNewbCoryNewb Member Posts: 1,330
    I'm changing my mind and going to stick close to my BG1 playthrough.

    Char name - fighter imported

    Then I will round out my good party with a caster and probably another face smasher. Rasaad is sticking out in my mind right now.
  • CoM_SolaufeinCoM_Solaufein Member Posts: 2,607
    A female Ed Gein.

    DarkDogg said:

    Go to hell! I was dreaming about Hexxat wearing the human flesh armor :-)

    That's a great idea. I've never even thought of using that one. This is so happening in my evil party this year!
  • DarkDoggDarkDogg Member Posts: 598
    edited September 2013
    SEXCAT... oughhh.. I mean HEXXAT:
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  • ChinookUTChinookUT Member Posts: 32
    Neutral party:

    Male Cleric/Mage PC imported from BG:EE
    Neera romance

    Good party:

    Female Archer PC
    Rasaad romance

    Evil party:

    Male Fighter PC (kit, if any, TBD)
    Hexxat romance
  • TurinTurin Member Posts: 42
    Kensai/Mage charname
  • EudaemoniumEudaemonium Member Posts: 3,199
    DarkDogg said:

    SEXCAT... oughhh.. I mean HEXXAT:
    Image and video hosting by TinyPic

    Dat human flesh armour...
  • ZarakinthishZarakinthish Member Posts: 214
    Given how much more story characters have in BG2, it is always a tough choice for me. My best guess right now for a good party the first time through is half-elf F/T, Minsc (possibly replaced by Sarevok later), Jaheira, Imoen (Nalia subbed in before Spellhold), Neera, and Aerie. I imagine there is going to be one hell of a cat fight with three romance options in the party.
  • I've decided on:

    PC Kensai->Druid

    I don't take Jan in my group nearly often enough, and I want to see how (badly) he gets along with the new folks. Kensai->Druid to add some divine spellcasting and because a True Neutral defender of nature type made the party the most plausible to me.

    Following that I have a final save with an Evil Cleric/Thief that I'll import for a full evil party, i.e. Dorn, Korgan, Edwin, Viconia, Sarevok, with possibly subbing out Korgan for Hexxat depending on her alignment and how well I like her after my first run.
  • JediMindTrixJediMindTrix Member Posts: 305

    It'll probably look like...
    Yoshimo ----> Imoen
    Korgan ------> Sarevok
    Viconia -----> Yum

    and I will be the LG Inquisitor who redeems them all :)
  • BasillicumBasillicum Member, Translator (NDA) Posts: 400
    DarkDogg said:

    SEXCAT... oughhh.. I mean HEXXAT:
    Image and video hosting by TinyPic

    This is kinda weird, but I wonder if someone would be able to make this look like Viconia.
  • CoryNewbCoryNewb Member Posts: 1,330
    Kaigen said:

    PC Kensai->Druid

    That is really sounding like my party for my bad guy. But I will substitute Jan and rasaad for viconia and korgan. My current play through is my chaotic evil assassin and I really like dorn and neera, my plan is to go to pelvdale and get viconia next.
  • BelgarathMTHBelgarathMTH Member Posts: 5,653
    I see a lot of people planning to put Dorn, Neera, and Rasaad together in a party. I'm tempted to try that, just for getting the most play out of whatever new material the devs write.

    But, won't that end badly? It seems to me that Dorn and Rasaad are an especially bad mix - I wouldn't be surprised if they were a new pair that are going to be programmed to have a fight to the death if carried in the same party for too long.
  • But, won't that end badly? It seems to me that Dorn and Rasaad are an especially bad mix - I wouldn't be surprised if they were a new pair that are going to be programmed to have a fight to the death if carried in the same party for too long.

    Personally, I'm looking forward to finding out. If they fight each other, I can always sub in someone else and see the rest of the new NPC material later.
  • CoryNewbCoryNewb Member Posts: 1,330
    edited September 2013
    That is why I'm thinking of having hexxat, dorn, and neera in my bad guy party, and rasaad in my good guy party. My plan is to actually do an MP play through in the next 6 weeks and play with rasaad for the first time. Haven't done any of his side quests yet.
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