How to clear quick spell slots

Is there a way to empty quick spell slots? Once you put spells there they stay and you can only change them, I think. But I want them to be empty. (I found they cause a lag on my modded Ipad game)
If memory serves, if you are polymorphed to an animal, quick spell slots are emptied (as you can't cast spells) but polymorph other spell in bg:ee is perma death and to wait for a wild surge to happen is silly. Hmm was there a cloak that allows the wearer to turn into wolf or was it a mod item?
If memory serves, if you are polymorphed to an animal, quick spell slots are emptied (as you can't cast spells) but polymorph other spell in bg:ee is perma death and to wait for a wild surge to happen is silly. Hmm was there a cloak that allows the wearer to turn into wolf or was it a mod item?
You can right-click the icons, I think...that should remove or allow you to reconfigure them, not sure.
Hmm I guess that cloak is the way to go. Turning into an animal will empty quick spell slots, right? Not just gray them out.
EDIT:I think I can use the polymorph self spell too! Is it available in Sorcerous Sundries?
Yes, you can buy Polymorph Self scrolls in Sorcerous Sundries.