Name my son! (Warning, may include maths)
My wife has a parasite which has an appendage. We hope she will be recovered from this infestation in late January. At that point we will presumably be deemed responsible for its' welfare. Part of that will likely include giving it a handle by which it can be addressed. So far we like x Aneurin Nelson Taylor.
Please solve for x.
Please solve for x.
Post edited by pixie359 on
Yes, perhaps too silly, but I couldn't resist. Your sardonic tone made me think you might enjoy something offbeat.
(Sorry, I don't have any serious suggestion)
Ugh, must stop and get more coffee.
It would be cool to create a recursive one... like e.g., if your last name begins with an E, Sante (that's a proper -albeit not very common- name in Italian, don't know how strange it sounds to you).
Taylor Taylor.
Taylor Taylor.
*Finishes drink, jumps out of window, disappears into the night*
(No, I'm kidding, don't do that... your son would hate us!)
How about...
Lord Reaver Wrath of the Forsaken Warlords of the Punishing Hammer of Death
Has a certain ring to it...
Terror Taylor of the Middle Middens?
Tarnesh Nelson Taylor (will get a complex he is going to get killed everytime he meets friends outsice a pub... Although TNT goes great when leaving your name at the arcades... Showed my age their...)
Terrible Traffic Taylor?
Dad Let Strangers Choose my name Taylor?
Sorry if my flippancy seemed crude or offensive, it wasn't meant to be. If anything, it was a sign that I was happy for people to play around with the idea, which they have with great results.
anyway i would suggest KNUT or ALEXANDER. just because i like those names