The name game.

Judging by the comments on the boards, Hexxat doesn't appear to be a particularly popular choice for the name of the new female thief NPC (and yes, I do realise I am making some pretty big assumptions here and in fact her name may not be Hexxat, she may not be a thief and she quite possibly isn't female).
Anyway, here's a challenge, if you were going to name a new female thief for BG2 what name would you choose?
Anyway, here's a challenge, if you were going to name a new female thief for BG2 what name would you choose?
Thrade Ma'Fessanellarewien ' T ' Shanalith
I suck at names and use random name generators alot...
Thexxa, Texxah, Xethxa, Haxxet (lol), Texhax, Hextax, The Axx, and my personal favorite, X.X. Heat.
@etagloc -- HeXXXat?
Tecate. Every time you say her name you have to take a drink =p
Just kidding, I don't like Hexxat or anything similar. Judy? Large Marge? I don't know but Hexxat is terrible terrible with a double x for emphasis.
But for posterity, I would have named her... Actually, I have no idea. Maybe Jane. XP
Personally, I am hoping so just so she can get with the grand racial diversity of the Evil party, which has a half-orc, human, elf, and dwarf at the present.