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Phase III: Quest Testing (721 / 721)

DeeDee Member Posts: 10,447
edited October 2013 in The Road to v1.2

Phase III: Quest Testing

For the final stage of Phase III, we are directing our focus to testing quests. In this phase, we will be testing each and every quest in the entire game to make sure that it works.

We've created a form here*, which we will be using to track our progress. Once we have confirmed that every quest works, we will open access to the Beta to all Beamdog customers and move on to Phase IV testing.

If you'd like to participate, open up the link and mark any test you've completed successfully as "Works"; any test that you were unable to complete, mark as "Does Not Work".

If you have anything to add, use the Comments field.

Phase III Progress: 721 / 721

*Special thanks to the folks over at Dudleyville for creating a handy printable checklist to start from.
Post edited by Dee on


  • DeeDee Member Posts: 10,447
    edited October 2013

    If you want to sign up for the Beta:

    I'm provisioning people on a daily basis for access to the beta on a first-come, first-served basis. If you'd like to be considered for the next round of provisions, send me an email ( ) with a subject line of "BETA ACCESS" (all caps) and the following form, filled out with your information:
    Please add me to the list for Phase III testing. My beamdog email address is:

    I have purchased the game directly through Beamdog for [Windows or Mac].
    If you do not give me your Beamdog email address, or if you have not purchased the game through the Beamdog website, you will not get access to the beta.

    I can't guarantee that everyone who emails me will be added immediately, but if you're interested in getting involved, that's the information I need to put you on the list.
    Post edited by Dee on
  • AendaeronBluescaleAendaeronBluescale Member Posts: 335
    edited October 2013
    Question: I am currently through a playthrough. Can I leave entries where I am not sure as blank? I don't want to start over just to check whether it works or not.
  • DeeDee Member Posts: 10,447
    Yes, absolutely. If you're not sure (either because you don't remember or for any other reason), just leave it blank.
  • VortakaVortaka Member Posts: 173
    @Dee: I submitted (I know I'm not that far however). But I can tell you that, in ANY game of ANY versions (beta or non beta), in all quests I ever did, it NEVER bugged (lucky or not, it never did!)... No quests (I did) ever gave me a problem whatsoever... I'll continue my tests when I have the time... I don't think I'll be able to get up to Baldur's Gate (and beyond (so the island and werewolves and such)) but if there's ever a quest that doesn't work, you'll be the first to know! :)
  • FlashburnFlashburn Member Posts: 1,847
    edited October 2013
    Killing Laryssa as Brage approaches the party will cause him to go hostile and fight instead of initiating dialogue, and then go berserk due to wielding the cursed sword.

    It's possible to kill Laryssa and save Brage if she dies immediately before Brage traps the player in a dialogue box, meaning he has to be within touch range of a party member when that happens. There are no glitches from doing this, but I wanted to let you know just in case.
  • SasayakiSasayaki Member Posts: 137
    @Dee, according to the walkthrough linked in the checklist, it says:

    "Enter the Candlekeep Inn AR2616. Talk to Firebead Elvenhair. He asks you to collect a scroll from Tethtoril. Return the scroll to Firebead. Alternatively you could keep it. If you talk to Firebead 30 times he will give you some gold."

    I talked to him over 50 times and he gave me no gold. Has this been removed? Did you want me to mark it as complete or not?
  • MessiMessi Member Posts: 738
    I can do an area, send the form, do another area, send the form again, etc. right?
  • That was removed in a previous patch.

    Are you sure? I've been doing that trick at the start of every playthrough, including one I started in the beta. You just have to talk to him exactly 30 times and then wait for it to trigger (he doesn't say anything different and it takes a few seconds after the dialogue ends for it to happen).
  • notkingnotking Member Posts: 134
    I have already sent my email:

    Please add me to the list for Phase III testing.
    My beamdog email address is:

    I have purchased the game directly through Beamdog for Windows 7 64bit Simplified Chinese Edition.
  • leeowensoasleeowensoas Member Posts: 81
    The gold from Firebead still works for me every time, including in the latest Beta build. You just have to talk to him exactly 30 times (INCLUDING the first conversation when he gives you the quest) and then just wait patiently for about 15 seconds. The delay is deceptively long, and it's easy to get impatient and miss out.
  • BasillicumBasillicum Member, Translator (NDA) Posts: 400
    edited October 2013
    One thing that I've noticed on every playthrough of BG:EE, regardless of version, which I haven't bothered mentioning before because it's nitpicking: not all of Reevor's rats are immediately visible when you enter his building, which means that not all of them attack you when you enter. Because of this it's easy to overlook one rat that's hidden behind the storage pile in the middle of the room.

    But hey, it might be intended to make the quest extra challenging.

    In vanilla I think all of the rats were able to charge you right away.

    EDIT: Never mind. I'm told it's always been like this.
    Post edited by Basillicum on
  • BasillicumBasillicum Member, Translator (NDA) Posts: 400
    @Dee Should we mark a quest as "Does Not Work" if there is something wrong with its journal entry, or still keep journal bugs separate?
  • SedSed Member Posts: 790
    In the form, I think two quests are bundled together

    "Town Crier spoken to Marl pacified"
  • SasayakiSasayaki Member Posts: 137
    @Sed, was going to post the same thing. I'll note in my comments that both were done.
  • SasayakiSasayaki Member Posts: 137
    Um, I hit enter accidentally and submitted. I'll just hit back and try again, when I've done more, shall I?
  • SedSed Member Posts: 790
    Same thing on
    "Ankheg armour made Smithy raided"
  • BelegCuthalionBelegCuthalion Member, Mobile Tester Posts: 454
    Would it be useful to have an additional check for the journal entries for each quest?
    like [x] Journal entries work as expected
  • SasayakiSasayaki Member Posts: 137
    "Daer'Ragh killed Minsc recruited" is also the same. I've ticked it when I've done both.
  • SedSed Member Posts: 790
    I'm getting an error message (Bad form 400) when trying to send it in. Is required to answer all of them?

    Since there isn't a "N/A" answer, I chose not to answer the ones I didn't do.
  • elminsterelminster Member, Developer Posts: 16,317

    One thing that I've noticed on every playthrough of BG:EE, regardless of version, which I haven't bothered mentioning before because it's nitpicking: not all of Reevor's rats are immediately visible when you enter his building, which means that not all of them attack you when you enter. Because of this it's easy to overlook one rat that's hidden behind the storage pile in the middle of the room.

    But hey, it might be intended to make the quest extra challenging.

    In vanilla I think all of the rats were able to charge you right away.

    That rat was always back there even in vanilla.
  • NeurologicalNeurological Member Posts: 48
    Sed said:

    I'm getting an error message (Bad form 400) when trying to send it in. Is required to answer all of them?

    Since there isn't a "N/A" answer, I chose not to answer the ones I didn't do.

    I get the same error with all answered so I guess is a problem on the page.

  • SasayakiSasayaki Member Posts: 137
    Furret's false Gem of True Seeing in the Ulcaster Ruins isn't mentioned on the walkthrough but I did it anyway, and it worked fine.
  • NeurologicalNeurological Member Posts: 48
    edited October 2013
    Since I can't submit anything from that page duo to a 404 error, here the comments I would have sent:

    -The Landrin quest at the Friendly Arm Inn work in half, I guess she is supposed to take the wine bottle too, but she don't get it and journal entry stays as in progress quest.

    -Aldeth at the cloackwood forest won't talk to you if you have lower charisma which is as intended, but if you later speak to him with a character with better charisma still deny to talk to you. For this one I'm not sure it was intended.

    -On the Melicamp quest when you encounter the scared guy that says to hear a chicken talk, even if you complete the Melicamp quest the entry of the scared guy remain in the journal as quest in progress, intended?

    -At the Gnoll stronghold Dynheir won't appear immediatly when cleared the fog of war and standing next to her, but it takes 2 seconds before she appear. (Maybe this one is nitpicking)

    -Journal entries not going to quest done: Durlag's Tower, The Mysterious island, Troubles In The Region, Landrin's Possessions, Reevor's Storehouse.

    EDIT: Another one I forgot.

    -On Rasaad quest, I had one Sommer not spawning at the Blade & Stars, I did read the scroll left by the monks, then sold it (it can be sold), I tried to rebuy it just in case I needed that in my inventory to make him appear, but nothing. On my second playtrough with Rasaad worked, I didn't sell the scroll and went straight for Sommer after the monks attack.
  • ifupaulineifupauline Member Posts: 405
    Sound's good, that's one hell of a long road to the next patch though :)
  • VortakaVortaka Member Posts: 173
    @Neurological: For the Landrin quest, did you talk to 3 times? Each time, one "item" will be used... So, the spider, the bottle and the other one (forgot which). For me, that quest worked perfectly since vanilla BG1, 1998...

    Melicamp: Yeah, that's a journal entry that's not working as expected! :)

    Dynheir: Doesn't appear immidiately since 1998! :)
  • NeurologicalNeurological Member Posts: 48
    Yeah I talked to Landrin 3 times, even more. For Dynaheir I'm nitpicking I hated that in 1998 too, spending hours trying to figure out where the hell she was.
  • SasayakiSasayaki Member Posts: 137
    Rassad cannot be hasted; is this a bug or not?
  • SasayakiSasayaki Member Posts: 137
    "Bowl collected Brun's son returned" is another two quests in one. I'll tag it when I've done both.
  • SasayakiSasayaki Member Posts: 137
    Okay, time for sleep now. But I'm well into Baldur's Gate, so should have a chunk of those quests done tomorrow.
  • JaceJace Member Posts: 193
    I killed Nemphre and Arkion and got their unique jewelry. Ordunilian in the Sorcerous Sundries doesn't acknowledge them. Dudleyville suggests that I should get a cloak as a reward. Should I have talked to Ordunilian first before killing them?
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