Do you want BG3 to use the new 5th edition rules?

Since it seems like the 5th edition is going to be a mix of 4E rules and 2E rules, do you want BG3 to use 5th Edition? Also, do you want secret quest from book series like Myth Drannor, or even Cormanthor time jump before when the city first changed its name?
Lastly, how many classes do you want, every class they can cram, even Drow, Aasimar, or even Half-Dragon Kin(just a thought since I saw a cool on in IWD 2)?
Lastly, how many classes do you want, every class they can cram, even Drow, Aasimar, or even Half-Dragon Kin(just a thought since I saw a cool on in IWD 2)?
3e/PF would be 'okay' though not great. (NWN and IWD2 are fine, but they lack the magic of BG, BG2, and IWD.)
BG to me is AD&D. Anything else seems inappropriate. If 5e has enough AD&D flavour, however, I might be able to live with that.
I think i rather have 2nd or 5th edition. I hope it is much more restrictive than 3rd and 4th. Id like the rules to be restrictive about classes races, etc. I dont like the ¨anybody can be anything¨ concept. I doubt wizards will listen to me though.
Myth drannor (abandoned and full of high lvl monsters) before being taken sounds like AWESOME! Anybody know how to dispel Elven High Magic permanent Ilusions (wink wink) ?
I'd like the game to use 3.x or Pathfinder rules, and if not those then 2e. Will they? No. They will use whatever current ruleset DnD is using when the game comes out.
Another tangent- was anyone else thinking 4e was practically begging for a classic SRPG implementation? It seems tailor made for that sort of thing.
Boring classes with static level up bonuses, nothing that allows you to make your character unique at all, etc. Just like 2e.
With the plethora of hybrid and multiclasses available it would let people play whatever kind of character they wanted and make them at least relatively useful. Also, they could fix the bad math that 4e had for attack and defenses, and likely balance out the static modifiers to damage to ensure different playstyles could be utilized.
Personally I wouldn't like 5th edition though as it probably continues where 4th edition left off with the entire IP having been trashed just because someone felt like hitting the reset button.
2nd edition would be nice to see, but it just doesn't seem like Hasbro will allow it. I don't see why it's so inconceivable to sell an old product if there is sufficient demand.
However dwarves, elves and other races were seen as being fundamentally different to humans and lacking the unique human flexibility. So a dwarf is simply too inflexible in his mental approach to be able to become a wizard.
An alternative approach, which you seem to favour, is to assume that other races think the same way as humans but just have different physical characteristics. So a dwarf just becomes essentially a shorter, tougher human.
There's no way to say that one approach is right and the other is wrong. After all, it's not as if any of us has ever met a dwarf to find out what they are really like. Personally I prefer the 2ED approach - but probably in large part due to my being more familiar with it.
Sten put it best in Dragon Age, I think, when he said that "People are not simple. They cannot be summarized for easy reference in the manner of: 'The elves are a lithe, pointy eared people who excel at poverty.'"
I never "adored" 2nd Edition, but it's passable, although kind of bland imo.
Nothing tops 3.5 for me, but it's impossible.
I don't have the greatest opinion of 4th Edition.
If something is to be used, better be Next, if i had to choose between 4th and Next.