Because both activities require concentration. How are you going to spot a trap on that tile in the brightly lit center of the room if your character is hugging the shadows along the wall?
I agree that this would be nice to have. It's what I imagine a scout should be doing anyway. Look for traps, look for monsters, try not to be too noisy.
You have about 6-10 seconds of invisibility when you switch over. It is enough time to detect a trap and walk away from it to rehide if an enemy is around. You also have these 6 seconds after disabling a trap to run away from a monsters view to rehide a second time.
Although it has been many many years since I played vanilla BG1, I am almost positive that I was able to stealth around searching for traps on my FMT when I was doing a solo playthrough.
Perhaps I am just forgetting the micromanaging of clicking stealth button every 6 seconds.
Although it has been many many years since I played vanilla BG1, I am almost positive that I was able to stealth around searching for traps on my FMT when I was doing a solo playthrough.
Perhaps I am just forgetting the micromanaging of clicking stealth button every 6 seconds.
Its possible you might have cast Invisibility with your mage side, which allows you to detect and disarm traps undetected with impunity.
Invisibility is also not broken by disarming traps, so 1 cast of invisbility (which lasts for ages) is enough to clear an entire map of traps while marking the position of all enemies on your map. You just need your thief's AI set to off or passive so they don't attack and become visible.
search for traps
mage -> cast invisibility on thief
Perhaps I am just forgetting the micromanaging of clicking stealth button every 6 seconds.